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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hello Ladies,

Hope you had/have a Happy Passover/Happy Easter! I found some very useful information for those who do the BBT charts. I am new to that and I didn't understand how they work and what info I get and found this article doing some research on the subject.

For ovulation detection, BBT charts may not be the greatest indicator for some women apparently. I do check for the presence of CM and it's texture. It's more accurate and it indicates a day or two in advance when I will ovulate. A dip in temperature can indicate when when we ovulated but temps can be influenced by so many things unfortunately. What I do like about the charts is that it can indicate a hormonal problem.

So far using the ovulation monitor I am getting the Low (fertility) message. Today is CD 8 of 26/27. I have sticky cm for two consecutive days.

In regards to everyone else I will read your updates and get back to you. The device I use makes it difficult to look at what everybody says and type my personal message. And, there are so many ladies on the thread.

Search www . white lotus clinic . ca / basal - body - temperature - chart

7 years ago

The witch arrived this morning after a 40 day cycle! I never have been that late before! So strange. Defo going to invest in opks this month and properly ttc #1 and hopefully next month will be my lucky month.

To anyone who is still in the running good luck! But for those who like me who have had a visit from AF we will have to go through it all again next month.

7 years ago

@GinSue - so sorry the witch caught up to you...I will be using OPK's for the first time this cycle...GOOD LUCK!!!

7 years ago

Oh great to know Smartbaby! Maybe we can compare notes when the time comes. Best of luck nect time round

7 years ago

Hi ladies. So my bf and I had a whoops this month & I believe i was about to ovulate. I cannot say that I have really had any symptoms really. I have 27-28 day cycles. But every month I have HORRIBLE intense cramping during my period to the point where I do not think it is normal. & I usually almost always have PMS symptoms 1 week prior to starting.... this month no symptoms. Besides waking up with a headache about 2 days ago. Any ideas??

7 years ago

Ah ladies so sorry the witch got you!! I hate that for you especially with all those amazing symptoms Ginsue and lyssajade

Jackievictoria- hi there! the fact that you're off from your norm must mean something! eeeeekkkkk!!! So exciting for you!! What cycle day are you now?

Hope everyone had a nice Easter!!!

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7 years ago

Friendc2: Did AF finally show up?

LyssaJade: That totally stinks that you're out this cycle too. I really hope you get pregnant soon.

Melluann: Any updates? How are things going?

GinSue: Has your body adjusted to being off the pill yet? I hope you're not getting awful headaches. I had terrible ones when I started and stopped taking BC. When do you ovulate this cycle? What ovulation test do you use?

Smartbaby: My cycle is VERY similar to yours. I am usually 27-27 but sometimes between 24 - 29. SOrry that AF show up. What kind of OPK do you use?

MummyTummy: How's it going?

Akj976: How are things with you? What cycle day or DPO are you at today?

Rocio.jim: The cramps are normal to pregnancy I had cramps for a while actually. Try not to worry. How's baby's progress?

Rubix_cubes6: How are things with you?

Miracle80: That stinks that AF showed up! I hope that egg gets fertilized and implanted next cycle!

Jackievictoria713: Hi and welcome to the thread. My periods and the days preceding it are very similar to yours. Unfortunately, there is no definitive symptom of pregnancy as the symptoms can be indicators of AF showing up. I don't know if you already have kids but you may have one symptom that makes you know for sure that you are pregnant but for most each pregnancy varies between women and each pregnancy is usually different. It could be pregnancy, weather, stress...etc. What DPO are you?

My Update: Today is day 10 out of an average 26 or 27 cycle. I bought the Clearblue Fertility Monitor before CD 1 and put in my period until bleeding stopped. As of CD 6 the machine has requested that I test each day. From CD 6-9 it said LOW chance for pregnancy. Finally, today, CD 10 it said HIGH chance for pregnancy. While I know I have not ovulated yet because the monitor DID NOT SAY PEAK BDing tonight anyway to have sperm ready just in case. Going to be a BUSY week, hehehe.

Wishing all the hopefuls 2018 babies!!! Don't give up! Stay positive, strong, and determined! Babies are coming our way! Our statistics for carrying a baby are increasing as we keep trying. Our miracles will happen. I don't know when or how but THEY WILL.

7 years ago

@Mummum2 - yes, our cycles sound the same...I just got Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation Test for this cycle. Starting to test on CD7 per their recommendation.

I was looking into the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, but the cost gave me pause. Let me know how you like it. I have some internet cheapies on the way, but they won't be here till the end of the month. So that is probably what I will be using next time around if I am not luck in April/May.

So it sound like you will be getting a "Peak" reading of luck!!!

7 years ago

Hi mumum2! I don't think I had any awful headaches but my hormones are all over the place! Anyone else like that?

I am just going to pick up some generic dip sticks for ovulation as I am unsure if I have ovulated and I am also unsure how to actually predict ovulation with my cycles being so inconsistent. As far as I have read up I think it is around CD 12-16 am I right? If someone could help me out and maybe explain when ovulation occurs generally-I know its different for everyone.

7 years ago

Mummum2- thanks sweetie! I hope the same for you!! My cycle is also similar to yours and Smartbaby's.... I usually have a 26-29 day cycle... this last time it was 27.
I bought the Clearblue Advanced Digital Ovulation test that detects the estrogen hormone with a blinking smiley and then it's solid after it detects the LH hormone. I had 5 blinking smileys this last time!!

I hadn't heard about the Clear blue Fertility Monitor and I just researched it and it looks like it too detects the estrogen hormone before the LH so they're both pretty similar... this one is pricey though.. geez.. can't they make it a little more affordable?
I guess you just buy it once though and you have it forever, you only just need to keep buying the sticks....

Can't wait to see what happens with you! Wishing you all the best of luck!

Smartbaby- Like I just told Mummum2 I used the Advanced Ovulation test this past cycle and it gave me 5 days of blinking smiley faces... haha... I thought that was crazy!! I think it worked well though because I noticed plenty of eggwhite cm right around when it said I'll ovulate. It just didn't work out this time.. I hope it works out before I run out of the test strips!!! :)
Good luck to you and can't wait to hear all about your experience with it and how you like it. What CD are you now?

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7 years ago

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