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Fingers Crossed for January 2015 babies!

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Hello ladies!

I didn't see a new January board so I created one. If there is one already created, feel free to post the link in a comment.

I'm 27 and my DH is 28. We have been married for three and a half years and are trying for our first baby. This cycle will mark 2 years for us ttc. We went through 6 unsuccessful rounds of clomid and have suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and an early miscarriage. His semen analysis came out perfectly and all of my bloodwork and ultrasounds have come out normally. My doctor thinks it might be a blood clotting issue, but unfortunately my insurance won't cover the tests I need to test for that until I have 3 DOCUMENTED losses. Only 2 of my losses have been documented. So, I'm just taking a low dose aspirin and hoping for the best. Getting that BFP is a great feeling, but it's pointless if I can't STAY pregnant.

In addition to taking a low dose aspirin, I'm also taking a prenatal vitamin and evening primrose oil. I'm also going to give immune suppression control another shot this cycle, which goes something like this:

Starting at 3 DPO:
Morning: 1 Claritin and 1 Pepcid
Evening: 1 Benadryl and 1 Pepcid

I haven't been charting for several months now, but if I don't get pregnant this cycle, I'm going to start again next cycle. I have not had much luck with OPKs, but I may give them another shot too.

So, what about you ladies? Is this your first baby you are trying for? What have you tried? I love to hear everyone's stories!

Fingers crossed and baby dust for January 2015 babies!

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

97 Replies • 10 years ago



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IUI tomorrow afternoon eek cant wait!!!!

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

OMG! That's so exciting! You have to tell us all about it once you get back! and I'll be ing for you!

10 years ago

i definitely will thank you soo much!
how are you feeling btw

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

I'm doing alright. All in all, I feel better than some: the most I am is tired and hungry right now. I'll be ing for you! and

10 years ago

Hi Ladies!!! Sorry I have been MIA! Crazy busy these past few days.

Mother's Day wasn't a great day for me. My baby brother is an insensitive prick. My brother leaves the kids with me while he goes inside the house for a bit. He is the father of a 3 year old and his GF's daughter is 4. He is having relationship issues and might be splitting up with his GF whom is also the Mother of his son. However she isn't very stable so there is a good chance he would win custody over his son. Anyhow, my parents patio has this low brick wall for decor/sitting. The kids started climbing up on it and walking around it. I originally told them I didn't think it was a good idea to be climbing up on the wall but they said they were fine and I had the impression that they had done it before. They seemed fine and I was right there with them the whole time. Anyhow, my brother comes out and tells them to get down and says I have bad parenting. Hearing that just hurt. I mean they were fine and I was right there with them. I texted my DH about it because I needed to vent but I didn't want to talk about it because I knew if I started talking about it I was going to have an emotional breakdown. You don't tell someone who is trying to have a baby that you have bad parenting. If anything just say you don't feel comfortable with them climbing up on the wall. Anyway, my DH thinks he is just tired and frustrated and taking it out on me. I am sure he's right. So of course all this happens early on which makes me uncomfortable the rest of the day and evening and all I really wanted to do was go home. But I sucked it up for my mom's sake, got a chance to hold the baby and watched my nephew open his gifts. When I finally got into my car to go home I started to think about what he said and of course the thought that maybe I do have bad parenting popped in and started thinking that that is why God hasn't granted me the chance to have a baby. I mean shit who in their right mind lets a 3 & 4 year old climb a short brick wall that is pretty wide and walk it? Even if I am standing right there with them. Even my mom says that's what kids do they climb things that they know and feel they can climb. I have this forum and another forum I write in on FF and the ladies in that forum made me feel better and so did my DH by saying that they too would have let the kids climb the wall. Anyway they also said that it sounds like my brother is just being a jerk. Well, he is a jerk. For some reason the stuff he says always upsets me. Still hoping that my chance will come and that God will see me as being worthy enough. Just wish my brother didn't make me feel like I wasn't.

After a couple days though I do feel much better. I think it was just that I woke up on Mother's day feeling sad and it just added to it.

Today I had my 2nd physical before the surgery. The doctor was so nice. She came in and said "we will make this super quick since you were just in here" and she even added that I will be charged the minimum amount that she can allow. That made DH and I very happy to hear that. Then we found out what the emergency was that my doctor had. This is when I felt terrible for feeling so upset over the cancellation...turns out my doctors wife had passed away suddenly. She was having an operation her self (not sure what for) and had a stroke on the table. OMG! I feel so bad for him. I guess he returns either this coming week or the week of my surgery. If he cancels this time at least now I will understand better. He didn't seem like the type of Doctor that would cancel unless he had to. But now I know why. Before I was just upset because it got postponed but felt good that he didn't want anybody else to do it. He makes me feel like he is one of those, "if you want it done right then you have to do it yourself" types....I am very much like that too! LOL! Just pray he is in his right mind when it comes time. My DH says the board wouldn't let him back if he wasn't. So that made me feel better too. So sad though that he has had to go through that. I do pray that I end up pregnant so my surgery is one less thing he needs to do upon his return.

claudiamarie23: I am so happy to see you got your Smiley and was it today you went in for your IUI? Please let us know how it goes! So excited for you! I really hope it takes.

Prinder: OMG! I have noticed that I too have been tired and hungry. The hungry part isn't really a good thing on my part to lose some weight as well. I have a feeling mine is due to allergies and the weather though. But it's for other reasons. We had some horrendous storms last night and today it's one of those dreary rainy days. Wish I was home with my DH on his day off to just cuddle and

Well, ladies, I hope you have a great afternoon!

Sorry for the venting up above.

User Image Me:38 DH:40 TTC #1 since March 2013 Been seeing Fertility Doc since Nov 2013 Please check out my page and you will see a whole list of things we have been doing for this whole TTC journey. 1 Fur child (cat)...named Kit 2 step kids... Boy: 13 Girl: 12

10 years ago

claudiamarie: how did the iui go? I hope it went well. Im excited to hear about your bfp when the time comes. :)

afm: I tested today. BFN. but its still wayyyy to early. So I asked my bf to bring on a frer and ill test thursday before I leave. Im wondering if maybe my hcg doesnt show up in my urine. Not because i've gotten a bfn but because last time I was pregnant I didnt get a positive HPT. I had to go for bloodwork. I have an appointment with my GP on the 24th. Ill get blood work done then.

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

10 years ago

Oh Lolo I'm sorry you had such bad Mother's Day but I so think your brother was just taking out his frustration on you. Don't ever think you're not worthy enough for a child. All in due time :)

The procedure was quick me easy. I feel relaxed and happy. A bit crampy but ok. Thank you ladies so much. I'm so happy to have this forum and all of you

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

claudiamarie: yay! glad you feel okay! whats the process like? Do they have to go into your cervix?

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

10 years ago

@Lolo OMG, what a schitehead. Look, you advised them against it, but at the end of the day the responsibility is their parents, not you. You did the RESPONSIBLE thing by keeping an eye on them anyway. Where was he at the time? He didn't have to leave them outside - he could have had them come in with him. If you weren't there, they would have been climbing on the wall anyway and who would he have had to blame? Himself, the insensitive douchenozzle who can't seem to comprehend that supervised playing is the exact opposite of what an irresponsible parent does and your brother can frankly kiss my eyeballs.

You were doing absolutely all of the right things. It was a short wall, with a wide ledge, and you were right there with them the whole time, watching. How is that ledge any different than the things kids run and swing on in a playground? Not much, and the fact is, a lot of that stuff tends to be quite high and kids are very often just fine. Don't question your judgement on this one, because you're using good logic. Your brother, on the other hand, needs a new brain because his has been contaminated with stupid.

My heart goes out to your doctor; it must be very hard for him right now. Send him our love, okay?

If it is any consolation, every time my mother tried to diet and loose weight, she would end up pregnant, too. and !

@claudiamarie I'm so glad that the procedure went well. that you get results soon!

10 years ago

@snowwhite yes maam, thru my cervix into my uterus and release the spermies :) it was all of 2 minutes! not uncomfortable, and just a bit of crampy thru the day but nothing unbearable

User Image [bfp

10 years ago

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