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4DPO, looking for a buddy

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4 DPO, hoping for a May Baby.
Anyone want to do the TWW together?

80 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hello again ladies

So I'm now 7dpo and more than ever I'm moody and irritable and cranky, emotional beyond belief and my unknown dbf is unaware of why his cheeky remarks rub me raw more than make me giggle anywho as for my symptoms I have been nauseas, exhausted, crampy, pressure in my lower tummy (more on my left side) extreme thirst (BIG TIME)twinges, moodiness, sticky cm, increased appetite, and I was the one who always forgot to eat this TWW is killing me! And thanks mrsfroomie, hoping for for you!!!!

11 years ago

I have been quite anxious since last night.
I feel asleep at 9 and woke up with cramps at 10:30. It felt like AF was coming on. I also was bloated and had a tummy ache. So I didn't know what was really hurting and why. I thought for sure it would go to the bathroom and see blood. But nothing.
I felt asleep eventually and woke up this morning Crampy again.
I feel better now but such strong cramping has left me nervous.
Just can't wait for some numbers in Wednesday.
Be well.

11 years ago • Post starter

Mrsfroomie I think all those symptoms can be pregnancy related so hopefully there's nothing to worry about! I've been feeling a little crampy, but mostly I've just had this weird pressure in my stomach. When do you go back to the doc?

Hey el any updates???

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11 years ago

I haven't been to the doctor yet. she said based on my bloodtest results on wednesday she will decide when she should see me. She doesn't want me to make the effort to come and see her for an ultrasound if I wont see anything worthwhile.
El, What's going on?
Charlotte, are you super tired. I am so spent by 6pm.

11 years ago • Post starter

It's hard to say if I'm really more tired than usual because we were on vacation for a week until yesterday. I napped constantly and slept in every morning, all we did was relax so I don't know how I'll feel when I'm back to my normal schedule. I guess going back to work tomorrow will be the true test!

The thing I'm having the hardest time with is trying to be happy but not overly excited. I feel like it is so fragile right now and I'm terrified something will happen. for a healthy pregnancy!

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11 years ago

Well ladies, the showed up yesterday. Onto the next month. I have a call in to my Dr to change up some things this cycle - we'll see if it helps.
Mrsfroomie - that all is well and you get good news on wednesday!!!
to the rest of you still waiting to test!!!!
And a to those who have already gotten their !!!

11 years ago

Sorry JandB.
I really really hope this next moth will be your BFP month.
I'll be watching out for your BFP.

11 years ago • Post starter

Well I've got my first ultrasound scheduled! October 4th we'll get our first peek at our little bean! We should hear a heartbeat at that point, right? I hope so!

How is everyone else doing?

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11 years ago

That's exciting Charlotte.
With my other two I saw heartbeat at about 6w2d so you should see one when you go.
I have been having this weird thing (TMI, sorry )that after I make #2 I get AF like cramps for about 10 minutes. It's bizarre. I don't remember that happening before.

11 years ago • Post starter

Been waking up very early. I try to go back to sleep but I can't.
Charlotte, when will you tell people? 13 week? after heartbeat?

11 years ago • Post starter

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