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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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Hello everyone,

I'm so sorry I have been away for so long. Roller coaster of morning sicknesses/colds and working. My husband has started working again and I'm very busy with my toddler while teaching. But we are hanging there. For now I cannot respond to 1-1 as I'm still catching on all the news but I'm keeping my toes and fingers crossed. Before I saw bfp , I had an anxiety/ panic attack the night before. It was a meltdown due to COVID and realizing that my family might not survived, when I say my family, I mean my large family, back home where I'm from and here. And I had a mini cold. I think I felt warmer too but I don t think I was temping that cycle. I think bb seahorse is growing well. I will be 11w4days tomorrow. My next appt will be on June 3rd. And We will get to say rest of family and friends at the end of the month. Praying for everyone to hang in there.

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4 years ago

Lalou- Life gets to us and I've had breakdowns from this covid garbage as well. I've had to homeschool my 2 oldest boys. So I totally get it.
I think this afternoon my body is gearing up for implantation. I've experienced sharp pains while walking in my left side followed by twinges and constipation. Nausea is also on the rise.

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4 years ago

@Hberry. Sounds promising for implantation. Stick baby stick. How many DPOs are you again?

AFM. 10DPO and AF is due on the weekend sometime. Some more burning sentation at the bottom of my throat. Even my breasts are very achy, even under the armpit area. Some weird poking feelings near the ovaries and what almoat feels like a knot near my belly button. I took one of my old (expired- trying to use them up) HCG strips and tested when I got home from work on maybe an hour hold. It was negative but thought I saw a hint of something. I did it to humor myself knowing that the tests could give you a false positive or a false negative and not to trust them. Still planning on waiting till AF but so hard. Bite the bullet or wait it out? Thoughts anyone?

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4 years ago

Dragonfly- test with FMU tomorrow!! I’m dying to know!!

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4 years ago

@Kahlan. What if it is negative? I don't know if my nerves/anxiety can handle a BFN. My temps have been just above the coverline and normally tapers off before AF. Why couldn't we get a light that goes off saying that your egg has been fertilzed and to wait the arribmval of the possible implantation lol.

Oh, I forgot to mention that I have been getting a lot of gurgles in my stomach. I remember my doctor said when I was further along that it was the baby kicking. My DD wants a baby sister. Not sure if she means it or not lol.

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4 years ago • Edited

11DPO and my temp is still leveling at 98.1. Woke up 45 min before my alarm so I tempt (98.1) then tempt at alarm (98.2). I was too scared to test this morning only becauae I was lacking a few symptoms: frequent urination, hightened sense of smell and the notorious yellow cm that I got with my last pregnancy. Not sure if those have to be present or not. Not sure why it's so hard as my last pregnancy I started testing at 8DPO. Sigh....

Good luck to anyone who is brave enough to test soon and to those ovulating soon.

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4 years ago

dragonfly- I know right. A better way of telling us would be great.
Kahlan- what were your results? Hoping positive for sure!
AFM It's cd17 and 5dpo. Woke up with lots of pulling and pinching pains. It's still continuing on my right side and not my left this time. Also feeling somewhat dizzy.

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4 years ago

Cd20 today- I think I ovulated yesterday putting me at 1dpo. I could ovulate today though because my OPK’s were still positive yesterday, but I’m pretty sure I did yesterday. Didn’t BD yesterday, so I’m hoping to get one more in tonight. I did manage to bd all 3 days before o day, though, so I think I’m still in pretty good shape!

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4 years ago

@Kahlan. I definately think you got your bases covered. Good luck BDing tonight.

@Hberry. Hoping that's implantation happening for you. Good luck and keeping my fingers crossed.

AFM. I feel like AF is going to start today as I am having some minor cramping but my boobs are still a bit sore. Symptoms from this cycle and previous are so close that it's hard to tell at this point.

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4 years ago

Kahlan- I've got my fingers crossed for you!
Dragonfly- I have a feeling it is and judging by other articles I've read dizziness and sharp pains are signs of implantation.
Doing laundry is becoming more of an exercise then a chore. Just going up and down the basement stairs is a hassle. I'm so winded already and only after 1 load

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4 years ago • Edited

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