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May 2018 Babies

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I didn't see a group for May 2018 babies; so figured I'd jump in a start one!
Let's chat and support each other during this cycle.
I'm currently CD#2; this would be my 2nd cycle of TTC after a 2nd trimester loss in April.

Here's to lots and lots of and for all of us!

And lots and lots of BFP's!!!

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762 Replies • 6 years ago



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Replies (sorted by informative)

51 - 60 of 762 Replies | Last Page

Hey everyone.
Joining this board. We are TTC number 2. It took
Us 16 months to concieve my son. So I am excited
And dreading this journey again. I am going to try a couple
Cycles not using clomid. See how it goes. This month we only dtd
Once a couple days ago and I think today is my O. I will try and get hubby
To dtd one more time but this month might be a busy already.
I went through a lot ttc my son so I hope I can awnser some
Questions if needed and be a support to you all.

Me:30 DH:37 TTC since sep 2017 TTC #2 BFP dec 2017( femera 1st round) - chemical pg User Image

6 years ago

Dragonfly, hang in there. I'm in a funk too - basically not working again today and I'm annoyed about it. Good for you that you quit, I just keep thinking I'll officially quit if/when we get pregnant My husband and I argue about it too much, but he dips so much I don't understand the judginess. Bet it would help a whole lot with my fertility.

I wish people would figure their own shit out sometimes too. I am a middle child but I play the role of the oldest. Guilt tripping is what they're best at.

Here's a pick-me-up if you want it:
Thought it was so cute and funny.

Hey Holly!

6 years ago

@Holly860. Welcome aboard. I hope your journey of conceiving #2 won't take you as long. If you are Ovulating today, I would definately try to get hubby to get one last BD in just to make sure the sperm meets the egg.

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6 years ago

@mrsbutler. I will take a look at it when I get back from lunch. What's sad is that I am turning 33 in September and she is in her early or late 40's.

Smoking is hard to quit as I quit so many times when I went on Champix/Zyban and then I would revert back as my ex husband still smoked around me. Finally quit on Canada Day . I honestly don't mind the smell. You will quit when your body is ready to quit and who knows, it may help with fertility but I am not sure.

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6 years ago

Wishing this day was over as I am having a rough time trying to stay focused on the task at hand and it doesn't seem to be helping, plust the constant yawning and I am so tired I'm trying not to fall asleep and I feel like I got a good decent sleep. Any suggestions through this tww?

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, maybe take a walk? Do you work an office/desk job?

I keep getting error messages too! Sooooooo annoying. Like in the middle of typing..

6 years ago

@mrsbutler. Yea, I work at the hospital in an office setting. I just got back from a 15 min walk around the hospital; very refreshing. During my walk I felt a bit of lower type AF cramps and I really don't want to excert myself in case this is it and I get a BFP. That sucks that you are halfway during typing and the error comes up. I am almost wondering if maybe the error comes up when someone is trying to send a message in. What type of error do you get? I get a 503 Error.

After a few minutes of rest I am feeling a tightness or cramp on my left side not far from the hip bone and if I get a stomach cramp its under the rib cage like you get after eating and you are working out or whatever. Here I go with symptom spotting.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, symptom spotting is the most fun part of it! Although I think I got kind of burnt out the last couple of cycles. Are you having like an ovary sensation or do you think it could be implantation?!

I took screenshots of what was happening when I was trying to reply on my phone. Sorry for the delayed answer, I got tired of trying to figure out how to "Add Image Tag" via phone so just decided to wait until I got home to my laptop.

This is a strange thing that happens on my phone when I'm typing a reply. I know my phone doesn't have viruses lol...
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And this is that error 503 guru meditation thing I get a lot even on my laptop
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I guess I didn't realize you can't add links/HTML when I sent that link of the video. If you look up the Holderness Family on youtube they have some hilarious music videos.

6 years ago

@mrsbutler. Hmm that's strange you get that on your phone. I'm using my phone now. I was able to highlight the link and copy it to my web browser. The pain is felt near the belly button area. I don't remember having implantation pains with my last pregnancy so I would have no idea what they would feel like. Have been feeling a bit bloated and have a rough time going to the bathroom. Had the runs a few days prior for a couple days.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, that doesn't sound very comfortable. You could take some probitoics maybe. Pains near the belly button huh...wonder why. It doesn't sound like you're the only one to have experienced that as an early pregnancy symptom

Finally getting strong, localized cramps in my right ovary so I guess I'll be O'ing on that side this cycle.

6 years ago

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