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BYOB: We Need Some BFPs!!

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Hi ladies!

Well, it's that time again! Lets kick things off the same as usual, with an update...

My name is Joy
I am 28, and dh is 29
we've been together almost 10yrs
Got married and bought a house together in 2009
From Canada
I'm currently a housewife, but hope to soon be a stay at home mom
I got pg back in the summer of 2010 then m/c'd at 8 weeks
We ttc for 8 cycles after the m/c, (10 months)
We have a nursery room all set up waiting for baby
I got my BFP on June 30th 2011
Went for an u/s b/c of spotting on Aug 12 2011 @ 10 weeks
Baby only measured 8 weeks with no heartbeat
M/c began Aug 18th
Since then I have been rushed to the hospital 3 times for excessive bleeding (once via ambulance cause I passed out)
I have had 2 emergency D&C's, 2 Folley Ballooons, 3 blood transfusions of 2 bags each, & a Hysteroscopey. (Not to be confused with a "HysterECTAMY")
I FINALLY got my 1st af on Nov 17th
I couldnt ttc the last 2 cycles, but we are hoping to be back at it this cycle!
I am currently on cd11
Right now I am taking my prenatal vitamin, my iron suppliment, and am chartting my bbt. I plan on using opks this weekend (hoping dh will be home in time for O) and when we bd we will use preseed!

Wow thats getting to be a loooooong into!!

This is the best group out there - these ladies are all amazing!! They are my online bffs and I love them all! Dont know what I would do without you ladies!!

Hope everyone had a great Monday!!!

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264 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thanks so much for the welcome! Kitten and quirkmom, thanks for your support-it feels good already just knowing that there are other women who truly understand what I'm going through. Maybe we'll all get our BFP's together!

Kat, your daughter is adorable!

12 years ago

Talless - ! It's about time we get a BFP to get things going! Hopefully your baby dust spreads to all of us.

Welcome to the new gals! This is the best group of ladies around!

Well, AF is on her way. Migraines and all fun fun fun. Gonna start Vitex as soon as I have red flow and hopefully I ovulate :)

No energy to reply to everyone sorry!!

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12 years ago

Hi ladies,
Joy- Thanks, I have been reading back and this really does look like a great thread . Thats ok about the long cycle I am actually a bit confused at the moment with it all. I am cd28 and I had partial ferning yesterday morning and then full ferning by the afternoon but I never got a +opk. I had an almost + 2 days ago so maybe my cycles are getting shorter on their own either that or my body tried to but may not have. My temps are not really helping me either as they are going up but not a big enough shift for O. I read that you are not having the best cycle for temps either. Oh well lets see how it goes

Hannah- Well I am glad that I stopped using the Maca then as that is all I need is a longer cycle There are just some real inconsiderate people out there arent there! That is good news from the Dr I would be just as emotional about to hear that good news. Good luck with the next step.

Jenn- Thats all good, thanks for thinking of me anyway Thought it was worth a try to see if someone had any ideas. You are right this looks like a great place to vent and meet some great people.

Kat- Its great to see a CTP success story on here cheering us on.

Cris- Thanks am glad to be here. Sorry to hear the is on her way but you sound like you are prepared .

There was so many post to catch up on so to anyone else who welcomed all us newbies, thanks I am very happy I have found this thread

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12 years ago

Hey ladies! If you don't mind I'd like to join you gals. I've been reading byob for a while now and thought I'd jump in.

Congrats talless!

I'm Jil. I'm 24. The boyfriend is 28. We've been trying since November 2011. We had one bfp then a miscarriage soon after in January. Today I'm 9dpo. AF is due tomorrow. I've got flu like symptoms and mild cramping. Hoping it's not AF gearing up.

Good luck ladies. Fx'd for you all!

me: 27 bf: 38 | JAN 2012 - | MAY 2014 - | JUNE 2014 - | JULY 2014 - | AUG 2014 - | SEPT 2014 - User Image

12 years ago

Hi ladies!

sorry I have been mia for a while... I am usually on here so much but the past few days have been so busy! I have been reading all your replies tho!

Jill - Welcome to the thread!! Good luck, I hope af doesn show for you!

caren - FX that your cycles are getting shorter on their own!

cris - boo to af... has she shown up today?

hoping - honestly I keep my spirits up by chatting with these ladies... it helps a lot to have like-minding people who are going through silimar stuff. to you!

Jenn - Glad you managed to get some well timed bd-ing in!! for our twin bfps!!

Emma - Yay for O-ing on Valentine's!! That sounds like it's meant to be!!

Jan - Welcome! Your user name used to be "jany" (and then 2 #'s right? Is this the same person? If so welcome back! You have been missed! Whats new?

Kat - Thanks for stopping in to say hi! We miss you over here! Gemma is looking beautiful!!

bug - I hate when people assume that that because you're going for an u/s you must be pregnant... not everyone is that lucky!!

MrsRogers - Good luck!!

AFM - FF and CTP agree on my O day for once... surprising since my bbt was f-ed up today and the day before yesterday... oh well! I am officially 3dpo

Company coming over soon so gotta cut this short! Hope I didnt miss anyone!! Love u all!


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12 years ago • Post starter

Joy - Yay for being in the TWW!! Hopefully it's the only one you'll go through!!
AF is looking like she's on her way. Still very light. I thought she would be stronger by now though...

I've been feeling exhausted the past couple days. I have very bizarre dreams too so I toss and turn a lot. I have a date with my husband on Saturday. We're sitting on the couch, watching movies and eating junkfood in our pj's! I can't wait!!!!

to anyone testing this weekend!!

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12 years ago

Hello all! Hope you don't mind if I jump into the mix here!

My name is Robyn, 26 DH is 38. Been TTC since last May.

My DH is a paraplegic so TTC has been a little difficult, well, more than the usual difficulty!

I am now 7 dpo and have had what I hope to be implantation symptoms 2 days ago. Have had zero signs of it in my other BFN cycles!

Hoping this is the month! Ordered some HPTs online that detect 20ml of HCG, the most sensitive out there, so hopefully I'll get those tomorrow and they'll also help with my obsessing! And very cheap (65 cents a piece) so I wont feel bad about testing every day, haha! Because I know I will!

12 years ago

Hello ladies!

Rogers: This is my personal cocktail:
Vitex - not during AF
EPO - Af to O
Raspberry leaf tea - Af to O
Folic Acid w/ Prenatal
Vit B6
Progesterone cream during LP
Preseed (haven't gotten to use it yet)

Emma: Hope you get a Valentines bfp! You'll remember that Valentines Day forever! :-)

Hoping 4 a miracle: Welcome! I hope we can help encourage you and keep your spirits up!

Jil, Robyn, Jan: Welcome!

Kat: your dd is adorable! Congrats! I remember you from some of these threads including from CMP! (I was LMP Momma). Thanks for the encouragement!

Cris: Sorry about AF! Arg. Hope she behaves herself and this is the last one you see for a LONG time!

Jenn: Hope your arm heals quickly!

Caren: Xf's for a shorter cycle!

Joy: Yay for the 2ww! Hopefully this is it!

AFM: well bad news for me. Af showed today. She's way too early. I'm only 6 dpo. So that means I have a LP defect. I had this trouble before I was pg and it took a few months to correct. So I guess I can't ttc until I get at least a 10 day LP because my lining won't be thick enough for my lil' bean to implant. :-( Hopefully with Vitex, Progesterone cream & B6 this will get correct soon! If anyone has any other tips for lengthening their LP, please share! Although it seems most of you ladies have the opposite problem!



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12 years ago

Hi ladies,
Welcome Robyn and Jil

Nicole - Sorry to hear about AF arriving so early Looks like none of us are having much luck with cycle lengths at the moment but I hope it gets sorted out for you soon.

Cris - Your symptoms are sounding good and hope you get good news soon Your date sounds very relaxing, enjoy!

Joy - Glad to hear you bbt is getting back on track

AFM - Well it looks like my body has done it to me again! I had all the right symptoms for O and then my temp drops again today and I and back to waiting again I should have known it was just going to be a false alarm as I did not get a big temp shift but I am always hopeful. Oh well maybe next week... or the week after!

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12 years ago

Hi ladies!

caren - Sorry O seems to be eluding you

Nicole - Thanks sweetie! So sorry af showed so early I hope your lp fixes itself soon!!

Robyn - Welcome! Keeping my your signs really were implantation symptoms!

Cris -Thanks hun!! I am sorry the witch showed... hopefully it will stay light and she will take it easy on you this cycle!

AFM - I am off to bed!


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12 years ago • Post starter

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