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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hi, Onemorebaby (could use that name myself ) and everyone, I am cheating a little bit as I'm not 40 till September but it's sooo round the corner... And since a shocking loss in January of what was a super surprise pregnancy, I've been actively trying for my last bean and wow... turns out it's not as easy anymore...
It's good to know there are so many of you lovely ladies not giving up! to all of us!

9 years ago

Hello ladies,

I'm late to this forum but would like to join and share if that's ok?

Onemorebaby - I'm so sorry for your recent cp. I will keep my fingers crossed for you for next time.

I am 44 - 45 in August - 2 kids (12 and 8) but have been with my new husband for 4 years and have been trying unsuccessfully to conceive. At the start I had a similar experience to you in that I had 4 early BFPs that didn't stick.

I've pretty much done everything - followed my temps/CM/fertile period religiously, been to the doc's and been told that there's nothing really wrong with me and my husband apart from the fact we are old (er)!.

Now I'm not deliberately trying to get pregnant because I couldn't deal with the monthly trauma of it all - but we're not trying to not get pregnant if you see what I mean. We can't afford fertility treatment - so really we're leaving it up to fate - what will be will be.

This month though I am CD19 (6dpo I think) and my nipples are really sore and painful. Not my breasts - just my nipples... so? Probably perimenopause

Anyway - would love to share this time with other ladies in the same boat. Wondering if I am too old to have a baby but not yet done with it - getting broody every time I see my friends' babies but then working out I'll be 62 by the time a new baby would be off to uni!!


9 years ago

Wow! It's nice to hear about so many women in their 40's (or close to ;)) who are ttc. Welcome to the club everyone.
Mrsaayon and Karamyl - Super and to you both! That's such great news!
Baby Bean - you're right, it's not easy anymore. I had my first and only son at 38 years. Now that I'm 45 it's a lot more work unfortunately.
Don't give up hope ladies. Sounds like there are still success stories out there. I pray that we all have and in our near futures. Personally, I'm on day 28 and 16dpo... AF was supposed to arrive yesterday and my cycles are like clockwork. I took a pregnancy test on 13dpo and received a . We shall see if I took my test too early or if dreaded AF arrives. I may be a little late due to all the stress of this. Who knows?

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9 years ago

Awwww I hope you get a bfp!!! This is the most exciting result you'll get from sitting in a bathroom..lolol..Hope everything works out for you and everyone on here, I really do. And thank you!

9 years ago

Hello. I'm 40. I have 3 children from a previous marriage. 23,19,12. My new husband is 42, no children. So this is our first month TTC. I'm on my 8 DPO. Only off BCP for a month. I'm not having any symptoms but I didn't with my other babies. Doctor said we could get lucky and conceive quickly or it could take awhile. No stress at this point. We understand and if it happens we will be thrilled. If not , well I do have a grand baby. :)

9 years ago

Blessedmom1. After I had my Iud removed in feb of last year a month later I conceived. It was the first pregnancy after almost 15 years so almost 2 months later we lost it. It was sad but I think it was a way of preparing my body. I'm 5 weeks now and this pregnancy feels awesome and I'm very positive about it. I wasnt then.
Anyways after my loss it took over a year to conceive again. And boy we tried .. It gets a little harder at our age but deffenatly imposible. Tell you what I think really helpped on ttc. I started taking folic acid and seriously a mon th later I got my bfp.. best of luck and I really hope a new bby cones your way sooooooooooon!!!!ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???ð???

9 years ago

BabyAngel, all fingers crossed for you, keep us posted!
Blessed, I have 3 too, 2 from previous marriage, one from my current relationship, and I also had no symptoms with them at all... But wondering if it's because they were all flukes so I never paid attention?
I'm only on 4 DPO and feel nothing apart from some cramping at nights... Also, my BBT is rather crawling and didn't have an obvious spike so I'm really confused...

I wouldn't find it all half as stressful if my partner was as ehmm vigorous in bed as he was when our 5 year old happened And he's only a 38 year old spring chicken, calls me cougar!! haha
Don't get me wrong, he wants this baby not less than me, if not more, but it all seems a bit like hard work to keep up with the schedule now that's it's no longer an everyday(night) thing... And I only managed to get him to take some vitamins this cycle, well he took about 8, telling himself it will help him with his gym workout as, men...
How about you, ladies? Are your Other Halves fully cooperating?

9 years ago

Blessedmom1 - no stress is a good thing!! Keep it up! Hope you are able to conceive quickly!

Baby Bean - I know what you mean about your BBT. You want a real head scratcher just look at mine. (I finally updated my countdown page..LOL) I seem to be all over the place, but am following directions I swear. Hubby is fully cooperating. He's so excited he was doing research online about increasing his sperm count and everything. He's now eating healthier and taking a multivitamin also. I read a post on here where one lady would just wear miniskirts at ovulation time instead of telling him that it was time. I thought that was great. Hey, whatever works!! My best piece of advice here is to try and keep it fun. Be creative. It's hard sometimes with all our focus on ttc, but really the best thing we can do is to relax.

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9 years ago

Hey babybean, yes you're cheating as you're still a spring chicken but you're welcome to the post lol, I know it's harder as we get older but honestly you'll get there, just keep trying your best and enjoying every second of that fertile week . Try to make it as fun as possible, I know it's difficult but from what I've read and heard about men it becomes a bit too much when you only want to make love during the fertile time, they feel like they're being used...buggers .
though and please keep us updated!

Thank you Dawniem for your kind words, it's a pleasure to have you join us as that's why I started the post, for us to all share our stories and get help in different ways from each other. I will also keep my fingers crossed for you and all the ladies out there. I think after all the tests have been done and all is well, it's just a matter of waiting, hoping and praying for that good egg, that one good chance to make our dreams come true. Good luck this cycle though, will be waiting for your announcement!

I agree with you BabyAngelG, trying to relax is very important, oh and the mini skirts do work a treat

Blessedmom1, you have loads of years ahead of you so I'm pretty sure you'll have one more and it's great that you have a relaxed approach towards it.

I'm doing my best to stay relaxed and I am for the most part, I will keep trying till it can no longer be possible. Everytime I see a pregnant lady, I'm truly happy for her but sad for me that I can't get to keep my babies, I've lost 5 in a row now and it disheartens me when I really focus on it but I won't let it stop me from pursuing what I know I want with all my heart so watch this space ladies! I pray for and 's and lot's of to us all. X

9 years ago • Post starter

thanks onemorebaby

I was feeling quite disheartened about there being two ladies in my daughter's class who are now pregnant.. until I found out that one of them is 44 and conceived naturally! So it can happen - that lifted my spirits no end.

The sore nipples continue and also feeling very very tired and spaced out - can't quite get my brain and my act together. This could be because I am hypothyroid - having a blood test this morning to make sure I am on the right dose of thyroxine.

Also, last time I had sore nipples only (not sore breasts) was when I was pregnant ... and then I went on Dr Google this week and found out it's also a symptom of menopause

Anyway - yes of course I have tested (twice!) even though it's only 8dpo - I never learn. And of course, BFN.

Good luck to all the ladies on this forum - it's so good to be able to have a group of women in the same boat... I'll keep my fingers crossed for some BFP news from everyone xx

9 years ago

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