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CD1...again. Anyone in the same boat wanna be cycle buddies?

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Hey lovely ladies,

So the witch has come, again (hate her ). So I'm back to CD1 TTC#1. Last few months I've only been using CP to judge Ovulation but this month I'm going to use OPK's (I literally just bought a bunch on ebay) and I'm going to try eating Pinapple core for the 5 days after Ovulation - which seems like forever away right now so I would love someone to wait with.

Are any of you ladies in the same boat? I would just love to have some friends to wait with. I was part of a lovely group of girls last cycle and they all got their BFP's - I must bring luck, luck of the Irish .

Hate being back at CD1 but hopefully April will be a great month for us all

TTC#1 MC <img src=

146 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hello again ladies!

So I tested again after work this evening after work, and I uploaded the pictures so you can take a look - this is the closest I've gotten to a + this entire cycle! I'm hoping so hard I get that smiley/dark line tomorrow morning or afternoon. We will definitely be for the next few days!

Em, as for the progesterone issue, I'm not super positive. I've considered this myself. What I do know is that progesterone has more to do with being able to carry the bean into the second trimester (which is when the placenta takes over hormone production so your body doesn't have to as much), but it doesn't have a whole lot to do with actual conception. We've had no problem conceiving so far, just carrying, which is why I'm a little worried about my levels too. Best thing I can suggest is going to the doc and do some blood work to check levels and go from there.

Shelly, those sound like fantastic symptoms! So jealous of both your charts - timing and temps look fantastic for the two of you!

Yay for the weekend! Maybe we will try to come up with some fun/romantic plans and just try to relax and enjoy ourselves while trying to catch the egg .

I hope your weekends are as lovely as you ladies are! I'll check back in if anything exciting happens .


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago


Did you get a +OPK? Really hoping that you did!

Shelly, any symptoms?

AFM, my boobs are sore since 2dpo, and I know it isn't HCG but... why the hell are they so sore already? Never had this, but that said when I was pregnant last time I had NO breast pain and that was a sign for me because I normally get sore boobs a week before AF, but this is 2 weeks before. Weird. Maybe my body is telling me I'm out already?other than that, few cramps nothing major.

Hope ye're both having fab weekend.

Emily x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies!

YAY!!! This morning, CD24, I FINALLY got my + OPK!!!! Holy cow I thought I was out this cycle and it was just never going to happen! I'm wondering if it would have been positive yesterday, but I was WAY too hydrated to get an accurate test reading so I gave up haha. Soooooo freaking relieved.... Very ready for the TWW so I can be in (almost) the same boat as you ladies and symptom spotting!

Em, that's very interesting that your boobs are so sore this early...I'm wondering if maybe it's a good sign? If I can remember correctly, I think the second time I was pregnant my boobs were sore during almost the entire TWW - and it was the achy kind of sore, whereas normally (when not pregnant) I get sharp pains in my armpits instead lol. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, but I'm leaning more toward that being a positive sign.

AFM, I'm actually finding my nipples are NOT sore now that I'm close to ovulated, when that's almost always been the case for me. They weren't sore last cycle either, so I'm wondering if my last pregnancy/early miscarriage has changed my ovulation symptoms? Weird.

Anywhoo, I hope you ladies are having a fantastic weekend!! DH and I will be like there's no tomorrow till that temp spike . I'll keep you ladies posted if you do the same! Keeping my for both of you!


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Good morning ladies!

Tested again this morning and got an even stronger positive OPK result (barely any dye left for the control line haha) along with a small temp dip this AM. I'm thinking the big O will happen sometime today, we we will again tonight for good measure .

How was everyone's weekend? Not sure if I'm ready to be back at work, but you gotta pay the bills somehow, right?

On a slightly side note, I've become extremely hooked on a TV series called "Call the Midwife" that's on Netflix. VERY well-done show based in the '50's about a group of young midwives in a really poor part of the UK. There are only 3 seasons, and of course I've flown through them so I'm almost done (and very sad), but I thought maybe you ladies might be interested! Check it out when you get a chance and let me know what you think.

I hope your weekends were wonderful, and I can't wait to hear about any new symptoms you two are experiencing!


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Afternoon ladies

It's a bank holiday here in Ireland so I've no work today either YAY.

Hope you both had a fab weekend, I didn't get up to much as DH is studying for exams so I spent a lot of time with my parents.

Shelly, any new symptoms? And implantation pains etc?

Meg, SO glad to hear all that positive OPK news You'll only be 5 days behind me, that's nothing really :) I'm feeling very positive about this cycle for you, that egg definitely made sure it was ready!! Thanks for the TV show suggestion, I'll check it out tonight, sounds like something I'd enjoy.

AFM no news on the symptoms front really, few cramps but nothing major, CP medium hard closed. Nothing exciting as of yet but bbs are still very sore and I now have a brown dot in the middle of my right nip, it's not raised or anything.... have no idea what it is. It's too early for me to be having any real symptoms still so.... I'll have to sit tight.

Hope you are both well ladies.
Emily x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Hello Ladies!

Meg I am so stinkin' excited that you O'ed! I KNEW your day was going to come and that it was just a matter of time! Those swimmers will be sitting there ready to meet the egg when she shows up today !! Hope you had a fun weekend with your DH!

Emily, I think those sore bbs are definitely a strong sign! If you've never had that symptom before - I would find it REALLY encouraging because maybe this time around it means a sticky bean! Every pregnancy is different. That dark spot sounds curious - keep an eye on it and let us know? Hope your DH's exams go well and that he passes them with flying colors .

AFM - this weekend was incredibly busy but a good one . I was painting on a ladder for the better part of it and had a really hard time keeping my balance (which isn't normal for me) and had to sit on top of the ladder for two days to get done. So since Saturday I've been light-headed/dizzy. Vivid dreams Friday/Saturday/Sunday - to the point where my DH went to wake me up I told him "Not now! I'm trying to call 911 to report this fire!" when in fact, I was just dreaming . TMI - but gassy when I wake up and before I go to bed. Could definitely be food related or I'm just noticing it more because I'm looking for something. CM is a lot and white/sticky - CP is High, Hard and Closed.

I'm hoping this week goes by super fast so I have less time to fixate on everything! I want the weekend to be here so I'm not holding my breath anymore. The Kindara app says I'll probably start AF the 9-11 so that's when we'll know (hopefully for sure)!

Hope you lovely ladies are having a wonderful Monday and I'm super excited to see how the week progresses!

Lot's of X's


User Image

9 years ago

Hey friends

I'm like a streak of depression here this morning, not only is it raining, but my temps are slowly but surely declining, already I think I'm out already. Sorry for not being upbeat this morning, but I'm just so... disappointed. I can't believe that I'm almost CERTAIN I'm out already. CP is med, hard, closed, and my temps are slowly dropping off, and in reality sore bbs = AF for me. bah. Why is this not working for us

Meg, I hope you're loving being 1dpo today yay you're officially in the TWW :) No matter what they say, it's better than waiting to O. So... YAY delighted for you!!

Shelly, anything new with you, you're 8dpo today? Exciting times, I'm so excited about this month for you, vivid dreams are a super strong sign of a BFP!! I'm so sure that this is your month.

Let me know how you ladies are. Sorry for starting the day off on a bad note like this but I have nowhere else to vent.

Emily x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies,

Emily I saw your post this morning around 6 a.m. and I just want to give you a BIG hug and tell you everything will be alright . I researched (can't stay away from the Googler) it this morning and here's the good news I found:

1) Your temp could of dipped due to implantation! You won't know till tomorrow if your temp goes back up but this could be a good sign! This is your first time charting so there's no data to compare yet. However, you're temping to learn more, the more you learn about your body the better informed you'll be as to what to look for.

2) You're still in the "good temp" zone. After digging around, temps that are in the range of 97.70 - 98.30 are in the green and show promising signs! It's not over till the AF witch shows her face. So cheer up buttercup cuz I'm rooting for you !

Meg I'm so happy for you that you've entered the TWW! I have a girlfriend who ALWAYS O'd late late late in her cycle and she's now carrying a little boy due next month. So there's ALWAYS good news to look for!

AFM this morning I woke up late (tired from staying up WAY too late with DH last night) and I feel the pre-AF cramps again. No spotting or anything else. Just feel like tar in general, like I'm going to start with those dull achey cramps.So I will keep you lovely ladies posted, two and a half more days till testing!

I adore you both so keep your chin up and "just keep swimming!"

Lot's of hugs,


User Image

9 years ago

Good morning my lovely ladies .

It sounds like the crappy weather is bringing everyone down today - I'm right there with you! So apparently I have NOT yet entered the TWW... took my temp this morning and there was a MASSIVE drop (lowest it's been, in fact) to 97.54. OPKs are still blazingly positive, but I'm hoping the temp drop today means O is extremely close, so I'll try to stay as positive as possible . it happens in the next 12 hours or so - we've been like litttle bunny rabbits so I have high hopes for our odds this cycle! . One thing I HAVE noticed that's very unusual for me this cycle (compared to all the other ones in the past 11 months lol) is that I have now had 3 solid days of peak OPKs. Normally I only get one full day of positives, then half a day. VERY strange. It doesn't really look like it's letting up yet either, considering how dark the test line was again this morning. I have a theory though... I'm wondering if maybe my body is releasing more than 1 egg?? I have no idea whether or not twins (or multiples) run in my family as I've never met or had contact with my biological father, but now I'm wondering if it's a possibility... . What do you ladies think??

Em, I wouldn't worry terribly about your temp dropping a smidge - Shelly is right about implantation and all that. As long as it stays in that "green zone" you're still in the running! Just wait and see what kind of temp tomorrow brings, I have a feeling everything will work out . If nothing else, you will have gained LOTS of knowledge about charting and what your body has to go through . That will be super helpful for future cycles! I think you're still golden though, so try not to lose hope!

Shelly, I know feeling like crap isn't how you'd like to spend your days, but I have a strong feeling that's a really good sign! My second pregnancy I was SUPER tired and kinda groggy all day long. And your temps still look really good . To be honest, I couldn't really tell the difference between my early pregnancy cramping and regular AF cramps, so I wouldn't read too much into those . Could just be your body ramping up to do some serious expanding in the next few months!

I completely share Shelly's sentiment - I adore both you ladies as well! You've been so helpful and supportive and FUN to bounce ideas off of, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Thanks so much and hope you're both having a fantastic Tuesday!


2/4/2015 12/6/2014 User Image

9 years ago

Hello ladies,

Meg, oooh that is a strong possibility, I would LOVE if you were pregnant with twins, oh the excitement!! 3 days of blazing positives must mean something, right? hehe. I love how positive you are Meg, you really do give me a reality check that sometimes I let this control my emotions too much.

Shelly, thank you for such an encouraging message you got me through work today! :) I really appreciate it. I'm so excited about your symptoms, they're really strong!! You've totally got this cycle. Anything new since this today? How vivid are your dreams? tell all

AFM, I did a silly silly thing haha.... I POAS... I know, WTH was I thinking? I got an evap I think, just to make me question even more, karma. I put the photos up but without my user name but if you go to the HPT images and filter to 6dpo, mine is the most recent. So far split reviews. Why oh why do I do this to myself

Thank you ladies for being such a massive support, I appreciate you an incredible amount.

Em x

TTC#1 MC <img src=

9 years ago • Post starter

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