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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning Ladies!! Just wanted to check in and see how everthing is going for you guys.

Zuberi- How have you been feeling? Hope everything is going great.

Traci- Wanted to check in with you and see how you are doing. Was wondering if you have ovulated yet. Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

Afm- According to my chart on here they had my ovulation on CD20 which would put me at 2DPO. I've also been charting on a site called ovufriend and it has my ovulation at CD18. My last two cycles though on both sites had me O on the same day. So that's confused me a little. My +OPK was on CD19. So I'm more inclined to go with the CD20 ovulation date. So not alot going on with me except I had some cramping this morning (only on left side), it only lasted about 10 minutes and then was gone, but it was very intense. So I'm afraid that's a sign that AF is coming around the corner. Cause it's too soon for implantation cramps. Yesterday my face was flushed all evening. The girls at work thought it was cute. Of course they all know I'm TTC. I've been very gassy since yesterday evening. And every since I woke up this morning I've been very irritable (usually only happens 1st day of AF lol.) There is this older lady that works the desk for us and helps people and she can be bit aggravating sometimes but I'm the one person who can usually deal with her irritating attitude (she's super nosy lol). But this morning even I want to choke her lol. So I guess that's about it for me at the moment I'm sure I'll be adding more in the next few days to come lol.

Miss you guys. Hope to chat with you soon.

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Hey Guys.

Scarlet: Sounds like ovulation pain to me. You can still get them after the actual day of ovulation. Don't let the old lady get to you
She is just old and probably needs to be nosy so she can feel like she has a life. Lol.

AFM: Things are not going to good. My numbers are not dooubling. And they said I might have a blighten ovum. I have an appointment this am. So I will know more after that. So I will keep you guys updated.

Have a great day!

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Afternoon Ladies!

Zuberi- So sorry to hear your levels haven't been doubling. I'm praying that everything turns out well at your doctor's appointment. Please keep us posted.

Traci- Haven't heard from you in a while. Hope everything is going good with you. Please keep us updated on how the natural remedies are working for you.

Afm- I'm 4dpo and have had AF like cramps since 2dpo. They only happen in the morning and only last about 10-15 minutes. They are on my left side and this morning they radiated across to my belly button, to my left hip, around my back and down my leg. And my lower abdomen all day has felt like I've done too many stomach crunches. Kinda like i've over worked my muscles. My temps are staying up I haven't had any dips yet. This morning I threw up while trying to brush my teeth (YUCK!!) in fact had to brush them twice and gagged the entire time. I've ran to the restroom constantly today to pee lol. My nipples have been sensitive but mostly when I can feel my bra rubbing them. I'm still having quite a bit of creamy lotion like cm and my cervix is medium and super soft. I'm praying sooooo hard for this cycle. AF is due July 12 sooooo hoping she stays away. We timed bd really well this cycle at 4, 3, & 1 day before O. So I'm keeping my fingers crossed . I know I said I wasn't going to obsess over the TWW. But here I am obsessing LOL

Hope to hear from you ladies soon.

Love hugs prayers ladies.

Chat soon....

10 years ago

Good Morning Ladies!! Hope this post finds both you ladies doing well. I have missed chatting and hearing from you ladies.

Zuberi- Wanted to check on you and see how you have been doing. I know your last post said your levels weren't doubling and that you were going to the Doctor the day of your last post. I was wondering how your appointment went. I've had you on my mind all weekend and continue to keep you in my prayers .

Traci- Haven't heard from you in a bit and was wanting to check on you and see how you were doing. I'm so hoping and praying your natural remedies are helping and kicking in to help you ovulate. Please keep us posted and let know how things are going for you.

Afm- I'm 7dpo. And for the most part I feel great. Don't know if that's a good thing or not. LOL. Usually during the TWW I'm watching for everything and feel horrible. I've been pretty fatigued but yesterday me and fiance's daughter were cleaning out closets and our basement and I felt like I had soooo much energy we really got a lot done. Fiance wasn't at home and he's a pack rat lol so we got rid of a lot of junk lol. I haven't had any cramps since the morning of 4dpo. I've been extremly hot the last few days and that's really unusal for me I usual freeze. My temp has been steadily rising I only had one dip yesterday morning and it was only by .10 of a degree. Then this morning it was at it's highest. Yesterday I felt a few pulling/twinge sensations in my lower abdomen around my belly button, they weren't cramps I just noticed it felt like I had pulled a muscle. I've been craving chocolate like crazy though lol. I've even been eating chocolate icing by the spooonfuls lol . This morning it seems like I can smell everything even if no one else does lol. Little bit irritable. And the only other thing is that I'm constantly running to the restroom to relieve my bladder lol. Oh yeah and a little bit constipated. I remember when I was pregnant with my son I always had an abundance of energy, had trouble falling asleep at night and craved chocolate milk shakes and watermelon everyday. So if we are blessed enough this month to get our I feel like it will be a little boy.
Me, my son, his girlfriend, and my fiance's daughter all went to an outdoor concert & fireworks Friday night to celebrate the Fourth of July. We had a great night. Now we are trying to get things ready to leave for our Cruise at the end of the week. We've had rain here everyday for 2 weeks with the exception of yesterday so I'm hoping we don't see any while were on vacation lol. So I guess it's been a good thing that I've had a burst of energy this weekend lol. But I would really like to find out if were pregnant before we leave. We'll be out of the country for a week and I would love to see a before we head to Mexico.

Love hugs prayers

Hope to chat with you ladies soon.

10 years ago

Good morning Ladies! Hope this post finds you both doing well. Have missed chatting with you ladies. Am anxious for updates from both of you.

Afm- I'm 9dpo today and is do tomorrow so I tested this morning and naturally . So depressed right now. I've cried off and on all morning. I'm beginning to think it isn't going to happen for us. . And the really confusing thing is that my temps have been gradually rising each day even this morning. I really don't understand what is going wrong with my body. I was so optomistic because of my temps. This is the first month my temps have gradually risen instead of gradually declining. I'm beginning to lose hope. This has been worse for me to see than any I have every gotten in the past. I was really certian this cycle we would get our .

Miss you ladies.
Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Hey ladies.

Scarlet: You will get your BFP this cycle! You are just too early to get that second line. Give it another day. Try again in the am. I think you have nailed it! We are still praying don't give up.

Traci: hi. How are you? ??

Afm: we are still in the waiting game. I'm getting my blood drawn once a week to see my hgc numbers. I had a v/us on 7/3 and thank God she saw the sac. I will have another one 7/19 and then see what our options are. But I am putting it in the hands of God. What ever His will is I can deal with it.

Scarlet: make sure you post your BFP because you will get it.

Talk to you guys soon.

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi guys

Scarlet, try to keep your spirits up. Implantation could be late. Try not to stress x

Keeping everything crossed for you Zuberi x

AFM, AF came for a visit on day 44! Am on day 6 of cycle, but have kind of given up hope. Am still taking temp in the mornings but not really sure why. I'm actually feeling at ease about the whole thing. Was a bit crazy there for a while.
Anyway, take care guys. Good luck, chat soon x

10 years ago

Good morning ladies. It was great to hear from you both.

Zuberi- I'm keeping you in my prayers and hoping everything goes good with your next scan. I can only imagine hoe stressful all this is for you. But I know God will work it all out for you.

Traci- Glad to hear Af finally arrived for you. Never give up hope or faith. God can work out many miracles. I've seen it happen. I'm keeping you in my prayers my friend.

Afm- Started spotting yesterday 10dpo and this morning temp took a huge nosedive am sure will arrive today. It's been an emotional few days for me my dad has been ill and the doctor's told us day before yesterday that we could loose him at any day. I'm a daddy's girl so I'm not coping very well. And I was really hoping I would be able to tell him he would have another grandbaby on the way. He adores his grandkids, (2 grandboys, 5 granddaughters). So right now were just playing the waiting game with him. But I'm really trying to put all this in God's hands and its been difficult. I just lost an uncle (dad's bil) last June to cancer and he was as close to me and ny brothers as a dad.

It was great to hear from you ladies. Keep me posted.

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Hi ladies.

Scarlet: thank you so much for all of your prayers. I'm sorry that Af is on her way. I'm also sorry to hear about your father. You guys are in my prayers .....

AFM: I started misscarring this am. I was spotting and I had some mild cramps yesterday. I knew then that I was starting to then. I'm not as emotional about it as I thought I would be. I know that is because of the power of prayer. I told God to let His will be done. And I believe that this is his will.
I just took some pain pills for the cramps.
Despite what is going on I believe that our next pregnancy will be a easy and healthy 9 months. I will be able to testify about how easy it was with out any complications.

Traci: how are you????

I will chat with you guys later.

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Ladies. Hope this post finds you doing well. Sorry I've been MIA for awhile and haven't posted. I've missed chatting with you ladies and wanted to check and see how you guys were doing.

Zuberi- I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. I'm keeping you in my prayers I know God's comfort is so peaceful. Please keep us posted on how things are going with you. I'm anxious to hear from you.

Traci- Wanted to check on you and see how you have been and how things are going with you. Please update us so anxious to know how your natural remedies are working.

Afm- It's been a very difficult week. I want to think you Zuberi for your prayers, God's peace and assurance is what has gotten me thru for the last week. We lost daddy a week ago on Sunday so it's been an emotional nightmare. I was always a daddy's girl. Af arrived on 11dpo for me as well, so were on to another cycle. I'm currently CD12 and had ovulation pain yesterday and this morning which is really unusal for me as I normally don't ovulate till CD19-20. So I'm kinda confused. Also my temps have been exactly the same (96.81) for the past 3 mornings. Never had that happen so don't know what's up with that lol. But anyway I guess we'll see what happens this cycle. I'm beginning to think my body just wants to keep me confused lol.
Hoping and praying for that this cycle..

Love Prayers and Hugs sent to you ladies.....

10 years ago

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