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Anyone else taking Clomid for the first time?

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Hi Everyone. I am on cycle day 23 today and I believe I am 4 days past ovulation (though my OPKs have said I am ovulating every day for the last 4 days).
This is my first cycle taking Clomid (days 5 - 9) as my Dr. says I have very mild PCOS. I read on here so many other things that girls taking Clomid are doing but I was given the pills and told to take it every day from 5 -9 and start BDing every day 9 - 16. Because my OPKs didn't show a positive, my hubby and I kept BDing every day until yesterday when I finally decided that we both really needed a break!
I feel like I have done everything I can this month - Clomid, Robitussin, Preseed, tried 13 days in a row and Instead cup. I really hope everything works.
If any one has any Clomid tips, suggestions, knowledge, and especially success stories, I would love to hear them!!

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286 Replies • 13 years ago



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Hi ladies! Glad to see you guys on the BYOB thread. It's overwhelming at first but I've been with those ladies for more than a month now and they are really great. But I must say I find this smaller thread a bit more relaxing!

I have a question about a clomid symptom. My cervix/vagina is slightly itchy. I'm guessing that's just because I've been dry and I assume that's from the clomid. I don't feel like it's a yeast infection because it isn't that bad. I've just used some preseed to moisturize the area (even when not BDing). Anyone else have this problem?

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13 years ago

Yeah, I agree. I LOVE how supportive all the ladies are on the other thread but it is a little intimidating with so many! I LOVE our little group!!!!

pookerdooks ~ First of all, your name is Aisha right? That is easier to write so I may just use that if you don't mind??? YES!!! I have been having some mild itching "down there" but it is also in my bum LOL! Mine is also more external than internal... I haven't worried too much about it because I have hyperplasia and it flares up sometimes. I'm not sure if this is from the clomid or the hyperplasia but I haven't been itchy in quite sometime so maybe the clomid??? I take fish oil to help with itchy skin and it really helps me. Costco (not sure if you have one???) has a good one for really cheap. I think its like 180 capsules for 14 bucks. If not, you can find it anywhere - I highly recommend it especially if you are a "landitarian" like me and eat NOTHING from the sea.

moconnor ~ did actually come or did the spotting stop?????

13 years ago

Please feel free to call me Aisha! I prefer real names, it makes it more personal. And you are Victoria, right?

I saw that you are having hip pain too so maybe it is the clomid. It has kinda come and go for me. We will see how long it lasts.

You are brilliant about the fish oil! I usually take 2 tabs a day (also from Costco) but I've been on spring break this week and I only brought my prenatal with me. My skin has been itching in general and maybe that's why but my cervix has only inched when I've had yeast infections. I'm sorry to hear about your hyperplasia. What do you have to do for that?

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13 years ago

Aisha ~

Fortunately I don't have to do much for my hyperplasia except take vitamins and the fish oil. I found out through trial and error that those things work better than any of the medications that have been prescribed.

Oh yeah, and yes my name is Victoria :)

13 years ago

Hi Girlies,

Sorry - I had to take a day off and regroup for my next cycle. Was feeling a bit down but feel charged again! Here we go!!! Ha.

I did experience a bit of itching as well. I thought it was from the clomid. Good idea with the fish oil.

Yep, my showed her horrible face. Oh well. When are you guys due to start checking??? Fingers crossed!!!!

I have a question. I bought a clearblue fertility monitor yesterday. I found someone online that was selling one for $100 that she had never used as she found out she was preggers before she got the chance. Great deal for $100! Anyways, I was reading the book last night and read that clomid can interfere with the readings and to talk to a physician about how to use the monitor when your are taking clomid. Do any of you use the CBFM? If so, can you let me know how it has affected your readings? I may start a new thread about this as well....

Thanks girls. Oh and my name is Margaret

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi Margaret

Again, sorry showed up. She's such a *itch!

Unfortunately I know nothing about those monitors or how clomid affects them except that I've heard that because clomid can delay ovulation that a lot of people start doing ovulation tests too soon.

My cervix was still dry and itchy today and it was getting worse plus I thought I had a slight yeasty smell so I decided to put a little bit of plain yogurt up there. Sorry if that's tmi, but it has helped with the itching and I have a history of getting yeast infections easily so I thought I would use the yogurt just in case. A lot of sex makes me more susceptible to yeast infections because semen changes my vaginal pH and without my own secretions to neutralize it I figured it could get any worse. But if it's worse by tomorrow I will have to buy some monistat...

Anyway, I'm 4dpo today and I'm going to try to hold out til 14dpo to test, but I know realistically I will probably break down and test at 10dpo. I have a whole lot of internet cheapies so I might as well test away if I get the urge.

Victoria, when are you testing?

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13 years ago

Hi Margaret!

I was looking into the CBFM a couple weeks ago and read online that clomid messes with it so I decided against it for now. Sorry I have no tips for you! Keep us posted on the info you get cause I might get one if I don't get my BFP soon.... I'm glad you are feeling better going into this new cycle! Sending positive thoughts your way!!!

Hi Aisha!

I'm 3 DPO today so we are really close together! I got my BFP (miscarriage cycle) on CD 10 in the evening so I MAY test that day since it falls on a Sunday (the 20th). I'm a little reluctant to test early in case I have another chemical....I can't stand the emotional roller coaster! I might wait (if I can) a few more days. But I'm a POAS fiend so I'll probably test next Sunday realistically. When r u gonna test?

13 years ago

Oh I forgot ~ Aisha --

NOT TMI! LOL! You can share anything here (or at least with me).

Sorry you may have a yeast infection! That is the worst! Make sure to eat a lot of yogurt too! Do you take acidophilus supplements? I would suggest that if you don't. They could really help!!!

13 years ago

Hi Aisha,

I agree. Not TMI. I hope your yeast infection goes away soon. I am excited for you and Victoria. I can't wait to hear how this week goes.


I will let you know what I hear about CBFM. I hope it is helpful, but I"m not sure. I may use OPKs this month too so I can see how they align. From what I understand, the CBFM reads estrogen and LH so it may have a hard time predicting your peak 5 days sooner as the clomid messes with your Estrogen levels. I feel kind of silly that I bought the CBFM without knowing all this, but I guess it can't hurt. It just may not work AS well for me. But again, I am not one hundred percent sure, so I will let you know.

Good luck to both of you this week!!!

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13 years ago • Post starter

Hi lady loves! How are you all doing today?

Margaret- when do you start your next round of clomid? Is your doc changing anything? I can't remember if you did 5-9 or 3-7 last time but I was thinking that since you Oed later last time that maybe they would move you to the 3-7.

Victoria- glad it wasn't tmi!!! I haven't tried those supplements but I eat a LOT of yogurt. My dh is Pakistani and they have yogurt with almost every meal. I have an immune deficiency that affects my mucosal linings (basically any part of your body with a direct opening to the outside so my respiratory, urinary, digestive, and reproductive tracts). It's nothing serious, but I makes me get minor infections really easily. I've had pneumonia six times in as many years! And if anything throws off my vaginal pH, I get yeast infections and sometimes even bacterial infections. It happens so often that my gyno gave me a bunch of prescriptions for yeast medications so I can just get it when I need it instead of waiting to see the doc. But if that doesn't clear it up, then that means I have bacteria too. My doc is always curious what he will find in my vagina!

Anyway, my dh is out of town so I'm all alone this week during my tww! I want to try to hold out to test as long as possible, but at only 5dpo that is easier said than done. Tomorrow it will be different because at 6 dpo I am likely to start imagining implantation cramps and then a bunch of other symptoms. I know I will definitely test Monday morning because I have an appointment to see my gyno anyway so if I have a bfp it would be great! But I'll be 10dpo on Saturday and I'm a poas addict so I will probably test then (that's what internet cheapies are for)!

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13 years ago

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