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Going for July BFP - Join Me!

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Hi Ladies -

Ms. AF just tracked me down and I'm out for the month of June. Now I'm CD 2 in my 6th TTC cycle. Starting soy isoflavones tomorrow (CD 3-5) for the first time. Fingers crossed for July BFP. Who is with me? What is your story?

Let's see how many BFPs we can get in this group for July!

351 Replies • 12 years ago



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PBC, I've been wondering the same thing! I read all these posts about people who just "feel" pregnant. Of course, a lot of the time, AF ends up coming anyway. It's hard to know what is real, and what is fancy. I think I'm really good at taking normal symptoms and building them up into something they are not. I read way too much into everything, from someone's facial expression to a casual comment. So why would prenancy symptoms be any different?

My sister said that with her first pregnancy, she was convinced AF was coming. Her period was very irregular, but she had all the symptoms of Flo's imminent arrival. When it didn't come, she tested and got the BFP. So no intuition for her either!

Maybe some people are just more in tune with their bodies. I barely ever feel ovulation. So clearly, I'm pretty oblivious. Also, I think some people get a faster rise in hormones, which would mean more symptoms.

To everyone:
I just started reading these boards this month, and I just started posting yesterday. I have been blown away by how supportive everyone is for each other. In this world that is often divided by religion, race, culture, age, and gender, you don't often see those barriers simply demolished. Yet on these boards, it doesn't matter how old you are, what race you are, what country you are from, how educated you are, or what your beliefs about conception are -- everyone is treated with humanity. Thank you for reminding me that this world can be so much more than the squabbles and skirmishes we see on the news. And best of luck to you all for BFP's this coming month!

12 years ago

I ht I ovulated yesterday but apparently not used opk ad it came up faintly positive .... last night woke up this morning with loads of EWCM this morning lol sad part is hubby is at work lol... Hope we don't miss the window of

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12 years ago

Northernbabydream, don't give up or think that you are out this month, it was probably too early. Your symptoms are good, keep me posted with your symptoms, I would love to hear them. Fingers crossed, I will be thinking about you......don't worry about being a little ocd, wait until my y2ww, then you'll know all about it, I am like a crazy woman noting every twinge.....good luck x

12 years ago

Pbc910 I take vita fusion prenatals been taking just one but today took two for the first time since this is our first full. Cycle trying

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12 years ago

Hi girls, I am just catching up with everyones post! wow. I'm so happy i found this site because i feel like i can connect with so many things everyone is saying. I find the women on this website to be more real and much nicer than some of the women on other sites. I've tried joining many other sites and never connected with people like i have here. so just wanted to say thank you to all of you.

jpiper..what was the soy supposed to do?
my husband is finally taking this more seriously too. He's with me in the "lets do this!" mentality and working with me to do everything we can.

dtc: I'm sorry to hear what a tough year you've had. but just know that you are not alone. you have a whole community of women here who are with you. and trust me..i'm totally feeling you with being tired of everyone being pregnant around you. I'm at that age where everyone around me is having babies and it seems to comes to so easily.

I take pre-natals prescribed by my obgyn - they are called OB Complete One. I slacked for a long time on them because they also gave me an upset stomach unless I went to sleep right after I took them. so i'm trying to get back into the habit again.

This month i've started charting my bbt and I'm wondering if i have normal temps? they seem really low to me and i've read that can be a symptom of a thyroid problem maybe?

I"m still a little bit away from O'ing but I've started putting the Sperm meet egg plan into effect this month. Tomorrow is cd10 so I'm going to start doing the OPKs tomorrow.

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12 years ago

Beatricebythesea - I agree with what you said about "feeling pregnant" and being in-tune with your body. Most women I know first wondered if they were pregnant because their BBS were so so so sore. I know mine are every month, so lately I've been so sure that was my sign to HPT...but no. Apparently it's a soreness quite beyond what I've felt every month. Funny when you find yourelf hoping for your BBS to be sore! I do!

angeluv - The soy is supposed to regulate your O, make it stronger (most people say they actually feel their O when they had not felt it before) and also to make the egg more viable/stronger.

Just started getting a faint line on my opk this am...I'll keep you updated! I've read of alot of women getting their BFP the first cycle they use soy.

I really want to say for the last few posts and newcomers to the group - this is what is keeping me sane. This is an issue that is so difficult to discuss with DH, friends, I don't want anyone at work to know...too much pressure to tell know? So thank you to everyone for being here. We're in this together. K?

12 years ago • Post starter

Ok ladies,I am confused....even though I was cd7 last night, I did an opk. It came back with a faint line. But only when its as dark or darker than the control is ovulation imminent, right? These are the Answer brand strips.

12 years ago

yeah..the line should be darker than the test line.

thats why i don't like using those and buy the expensive ones with the smileys instead of trying to interpret darkness of lines. The good thing about those is that you can see yourself becoming more fertile so you can start bd'ing early.

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12 years ago

That' what I thought, I just wanted to make sure. I have never used these strips before. I have used the generic brand 7 day tests but the ones you pee on. Those never worked for me. Half the time there was no result not even a control line.

12 years ago

I am using the answer brand opks too. I like the fact that you can track the strength/timing of ovulation with the darkening of the test line. DH and I have decided that it's a green light as long as any level of line is appearing!

12 years ago • Post starter

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