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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hey ladies!

I don't know if yall are into Pinterest at all - I myself have a small (or large) addiction to it. :)

I found this pin board on 'Infertility and Loss' -- It made me smile about things that are a little tough sometimes. There is a little language, and it is a tad further down the road than we are, but I'm certain yall will get a kick out of a few things!

12 years ago • Post starter

Hey there. Gonna check out the pintrest site as soon as I'm done! Can't wait.

SO...ready for this? Today was my last day of work. Supposed to be a quick and painless last day before the summer vacation started. Yesterday blew because I asked to be paid equitably in comparison to the other SLP who's doing the same exact job I do but has less experience and less credits (I'm master's plus 45)...oh, and I was denied. Boss lied to my face and said discrepancies in pay haven't happened in years. Whatever...

So today. We have a breakfast and the principal wants to highlight the successes of the year and thank everyone. Cue the powerpoint titled "17 pregnancies, 14 maternity leaves, and 15 little ones welcomed to the family." Yup. A 20 minute slide show about the joys we've had this year amongst our staff. Thank you to everyone who helped cover classrooms. Thank you to the day care who is expanding to accommodate the joy. And then slides of pictures of all the newborns for us to gawk at.

I literally held back tears in my throat and then left. I went to my car balling my eyes out and drove to a friends house...who's home with a newborn. Once I composed myself, I went to have a cavity filled.

Girls, it's a bad day for me!!!!!!!!! Anyone else?


12 years ago

ok, one last gripe. So my husband just got home from happy hour with his long time high school friend. He's asked numerous times before about babies and my DH has always shrugged it off. This time, he started with, 'So, my wife says I need to be really sensitive when I ask this question, but we really just want to know. When are you going to have a kid? Was that sensitive enough?'

I am so sick of people talking about me behind my back and so sick of everyone having the right answers. If that wife wanted to know my personal business, she should've come asked me.


12 years ago

Hey Court!

I taught for 6 years. You know, you go into education sort of knowing what to expect from the kids and, really, even from the parents, but no one teaches you how to deal with a crappy administration. Obviously with my current employment issues, I am kicking around the idea of going back into the classroom... but teaching isn't a 'have to' job, it is a 'want to' job. I am in awe of people who stick with it.

BOO!!! on the powerpoint!!! Some people have no idea how insensitive they can really be. OH - and they can REALLY be insensitive for sure! I wish I was there to give you a hug... and slap some fertile women ;) (Sorry, is that bad?? :) )

Your dentist experience also depressed me greatly -- I need gas for a cleaning, and I would prefer to be knocked out for a cavity. Anyway, hope that went well.

I hope things look up tomorrow! How many more days before O?

12 years ago • Post starter

Evening ladies,

I am a bit of a pinterest addict myself so I will have to check it out. I can't get enough of it. Usually if im not on facebook its pinterest. Court so sorry about that slideshow. Thats awful. It's funny how some people don't get it.

My day wasnt all that better. So my partner at work decided to quit so she can be a stay a home mom. She missed her baby too much after coming back from maternity leave. So now until we find a replacement we have floaters. My new floater pharmacist is pregnant! I saw her and thought of course she is because everyone else is. I just had to laugh about it before I started thinking too much about it and get sad.

I am a little confused about when I O'd. I'm thinking I did yesterday but my temp spike wasnt as high as I would have liked. My temp today didn't change (97.48). Hopefully tomorrow I see it go way up. AF has showed up on the 5th for the last 3 months so I think I'll test 7/2 or 7/3.

On a lighter note, we booked for vegas today for my friends bachelorette party in Aug. and I hope i wont be drinking! I'll be glad to be the only sober one.

Hope the weekend is better for everyone.

12 years ago

That's crazy AF has been on the 5th for so many months in a row! Im sorry to hear about your work situation, also; it just sucks. And no one around you really knows what it's like...except for your cycle buddies!

Im on cd 12. Ive been so overwhelmed and upset with work i forgot i was this far along. I suppose i wouldve tested this am if i had remembered. But i typically o on cd 16-17 on clomid, so i have a few days.

Missy, when do you test? Are you in your tww yet?

12 years ago

UGH! I hate, hate, hate to TWW. I'm assuming that I have O'd at this point, but I am not 100%. I'm figuring it's best for me to test on 7/3. After so many months, I just can't take testing early and seeing bfn after bfn. (I think it is really cool that I get to test the same day with someone! I'm liking the cycle buddy thing!)

My bf was a little under the weather tonight, so I broke out the BBT thermometer for him. He looked at it all strange and asked me why there were so many numbers. Cute! I've not been good about taking my bbt, but if no bfp this month, I'm going to start. Thanks for the fertility friend suggestion!

I hope you get your smiley face soon, Court! Trying so hard to stay positive and relaxed. Man, it's tough!

Do yall track your TWW symptoms with the website??? I'm tracking them, for sure, but I worry that I am psyching myself out a little bit.

Have a great weekend! I love that you're a pinterest person, Lisette! I really, really have problem :) Let me know if you want to share usernames.

Hope yall are doing well!

12 years ago • Post starter

I try not to track my symptoms too carefully and I don't upload them to the site. I hate getting myself psyched up about them. Plus, many women exaggerate them because if you look, about 10-15% of women feel the top ten symptoms of early pregnancy during the first 14 days after ovulation. But once the women get their positive, the percentage of women who feel symptoms goes down to 1% or less.

Anyway, if it helps you get through the tww, do it! I just can't handle the crash as it is, so I do better convincing myself it hasn't worked.

I even stopped avoiding alcohol during the tww. It was too hard to fake it and not drink 50% of each month only to have another bfn. So now, if we're going out with friends or something, I just have a beer or glass of wine and don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll be a little concerned if I ever do get a bfp, but the doctor's have confirmed again and again that the baby isn't even attached with a formed placenta until a week after your AF was due.

12 years ago

If I start thinking too much about pre pregnancy symptoms I will have everything imaginable so I just stick to taking temp. This way I can prepare myself when my temp drops I know AF is coming and don't waste time taking pregnancy tests when I know BFN is coming.

Court is funny you mention drinking alcohol, I have not had a drink since August! I HATE saying no to a drink when we are around family or friends because first thing they say is if we are finally pregnant. But my hubby is against me drinking at all while we are ttc.

Missy taking my bbt is like second nature now. Everyday alarm goes off I reach over take temp and either fall back asleep if I'm not working or get up. My husband used to wake up with the beeping of the thermometer but now he has learned to ignore it. On our tww first thing he says to me is how was my temp, or if Im working he calls me at work to ask about my temp. An Missy I would love to be your pinterest buddy as well.

12 years ago

Lisette, that's actually my favorite thing about temping, too...knowing when AF is coming. Sometimes I even temp just at the end of the tww to see.

Wow, you're husband wouldn't approve of me! I stopped saying no to alcohol a while ago. But, I certainly am very careful during twws...there's just been so many of them! Good for you, though, nice work!

Had my positive OPK this morning. So, looks like ovulation is in the next 24-36 hours for me. :)

I'm on pinterest, too! I'm really just on there for home decorating ideas - which is my biggest hobby, but I have a board for style and a board for my husband's recipes, too. How do I find you guys? By user name?

11 years ago

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