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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Thanks so much! I'm still in a bit of shock for sure!! We went to Ft. Bragg for IVF due to the military. Had 27 eggs retrieved, 22 fertilized, by the fifth day we had 15! We had two five day blasts transferred and in the end we had 6 frozen. First beta was done in the ER on Monday (slight OHSS) was 322 and on Thursday it was 964, so my nurse is thinking they both took :) First ultrasound is scheduled for the 29th so we shall see how it's all looking!! Thank you ladies for staying around!

Alice, omg I don't pay attention to the posts but that's amazing!!!!


8 years ago

Jada, that's so exciting, you could be having twins!!!! Although I would personally freak out, lol :-d The 29th is only a week from now!!! :-) I can't wait to hear your update, sticky sticky vibes!!!!!

Lots of love!!


PS: I'm a mathematician, I love numbers :-)

8 years ago


So funny my BBA and MBA are both with Finance concentrations so I'm usually a numbers girl too but clearly not with this, lol. I'm slightly freaked about the thought of two as well, but by putting in two I guess we had to somewhat be "prepared". But we will know more next week hopefully :)

How are you?

8 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Jada, that is indeed funny!! :-) But I'm sure your mind was occupied by other (more important :-) ) things!!! :-) Yeah, I guess you knew that twins is a possibility :-) Anyway, whatever news you'll get on Monday, I'm sure you'll do a great job in 8 months!!!! :-)

Missytwoshoes, any luck on changing slots for your c-section? :-) How are you holding up? You're so close right now!!! :-)

Nikolina, hun, how are you doing? Still feeling okay? Still at work? And still able to resist finding out gender? Man, you're so though :-)

Emmy, thinking of you!!!

AFM, I introduced Anna to the lady of daycare today. It's still a month away but guess it's nice to already get acquainted :-) She's sweet, I like her (that's of course why we picked her in the first place :-p). Anna needs to get another shot tomorrow. She'll probably scream like hell again :-( Poor thing :-( Btw, I'm planning on using a spiral as birth control for now and I had to get it at the pharmacy. The box is HUGE!!!! I said " it looks quite scary, doesn't it?" Damn. I hope the spiral is small compared to the box :-s

Lots of love!!!


8 years ago

Hi Ladies!!!

OMG Jada hun, Congratulations!!! Im so so happy for you, i knew it that it will happen v soon for you hun!! How are you feeling??? Can not wait to hear all about your first scan, so exciting, maybe twins?? That would be so amazing!!! Sending you lods and lods super sticky wibes hun!!! You are gona a be amazing mother hun :-)

Hay Alice hun!! Awww can not belive how fast time is going, lil Anna already met daycare ladie, so glad she liked her :-) O yea, i heard that lil babas dont like those shots, and its so hard to watch them hurt. How are you doing with breastfeeding? Are you still doing it? How is lil Anna at night? Is she giving you a bit sleep?? Ahh as for me, i still have 1 week left to work, i cut down to 4 days, but still overall feeling great. Started having BH here and there, auch they can be painfull lol nights i get v uncomfortable, cant realy sleep. But baba is happy in there and moving like crazy :-) i can not believe i have less than 4 weeks left until we meet her/him :-) my hubby is been doing all the jobs around the house, so toughy full about all lil thinks :-) Tge same here hun, i can noy belive myself that we didnt find out what we having, but v v soon :-) Lods lods love hun and tgank you for still updating :-)

Missytwoeshoes, how are you hun??? Are you ready for lil baby girl?? V v soon we gona meet her :) Lods of love :-)

Nikolina :-)

8 years ago • Post starter

Jada, possible twins, how exciting! Can't wait to hear about your first ultrasound!! Still sending you lots of sticky dust!

Alice, yes, they were able to change it. So now its scheduled for March 12th at 7:30am. The only reason is would change is based on how her ultrasound looks on March 2nd. If she's looking significantly big, or theres something wrong with her placenta, or there's not enough amniotic fluid then they said they might take her earlier. So I guess we'll see. :) But as of today we have 2 weeks until she gets here unless the ultrasound shows otherwise. Can't believe it! We've almost got everything ready. Still gotta put her bedding on her crib, put her car seat in the car, put together the rock n play sleeper and finish packing my hospital bag, and set up her play mat, Then we're all set. :) How's your sweet baby girl? Growing like a weed? How are you adjusting to motherhood? As far as birth control goes we don't have that brand here in the US, so I can't be of much help on it. But I personally don't use hormonal birth control as it gives me migraines. So I just use good ol' condoms and natural family planning and it's worked well for us between kiddos. :)

Nikolina, I can't believe you're still working! I had my last day last week. But I do daycare and am up and down off the floor all day and my body finally was saying "you're too pregnant for this" lol. I've been having BH's too. No fun. Yes, pretty much all ready for her. Picked up more diapers and formula yesterday at Target so we don't have to run out last min to get anything. Do you have everything you need for your baby?? I can't wait to hear what you're going to have! The anticipation is killing me!! lol

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

8 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!!

Jada, hun, you are getting me worried... I've been checking like a maniac for your update... How did the scan go? I hope you got to see a tiny little baby? Thinking of you and sending lots of sticky vibes!!!!

Missytwoshoes, how did your scan go?? Are they changing your slot or not? :-) Sounds like you're as good as finished, that must be a relief! :-) Is your bag packed by now? :-) Lol, Anna is definitely growing like a weed :-) It's so nice to see her do new things :-) Today, it SEEMED like she was singing along with me :-)

Nikolina, these must be your final days at work, right? One more day to go and you're done? It sounds like the delivery is getting close! :-) It sucks though that you can't sleep well anymore... Hope your sweet little baby will soon be here!!! ;-) I'm SOOOO curious to find out what you're having :-d But of course I'm mainly hoping he/she will be healthy and happy :-)

Emmy, hun, thinking of you and sending you positive vibes!!!

AFM, I could totally settle to being a stay at home mom :-d It will be hard to leave Anna behind in a couple of weeks... But it is what it is. I'm enjoying her as much as I can! :-) That's working out very well :-)

Lots of love!!!!


8 years ago


Hi!! I'm so sorry, my office has been stressing me out for the past week. The nurse couldn't see anything on 5+2, but my hCG was 3,952 so they were concerned of an ectopic. So I was to go back to my clinic where I live yesterday mornin, but they called Wednesday asking me to drive to the main office, so that freaked me out of course...BUT we finally saw the heartbeat, I actually pointed it out :) The tech said it was 125 and that was perfect because the baby was measuring 6+1!!! So now we just pray it keeps growing! She said she couldn't rule out multiples but so far only one is showing up. I go back to my clinic here next Tuesday at 7am so I will let you know ;)

Enjoy alllllll your time with Anna ;)


8 years ago

Jada, what a relief!!! How terrifying to scare you with the thought of ectopic :-O I'm so glad for you!!!! :-) There is a baby inside of you!!!! :-) At least one, lol ;-) I hope you will have a smooth pregnancy!!!!! When is your due date?

Lots of love


8 years ago

Please keep praying...I had some spotting and of course that freaks me out. Going in for another ultrasound in the morning. EDD is 26 Oct.

8 years ago

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