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MARCH CONCEPTION (Maybe) OVULATING Today - Any Cycle Buddies

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Hey lovely TTC Sisters!

Today is my ovulation day! Whoohooo!!! DH and I lastnight and admittedly it was great!! ((blushing)) I'm totally excited that lastnight's BD might have been just in time to catch my ever so elusive egg! Not to take any chances however I hope to ambush him tonight when he gets in! Praying of course he won't be too tired.

Anyway AF is due on 26th March, and I'm looking to group up with anyone due around then to the end of March. Or anyone ovulating today or due over the next few days.

Hook me up! Would love to trade symptoms and chart the next TWW together! Happy BD all!


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

537 Replies • 12 years ago



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531 - 537 of 537 Replies

oh steph that would be fantastic all knocked up the same time delighted im pasted my 3 month mark give me bit of relief thats what i keeping telling myself be worth it when they both arrive then ill no wat real tiredness is like no havent really tught of names yet going to find out the sex then decide on names i can find out in 8 weeks cant wait yep will be december birth hope it flys around now

10 years ago

Woow so you are going to have Christmas babies! How special is that! Lovely! Well I can't wait to hear when the time comes, so please do keep us posted.

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

10 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies so doing fine 17 weeks now and feel like im big as a house already and twin 1 is a girl her legs were wide open so could see clearly and twin 2 well legs were closed so hoping to find out in 5 weeks what twin 2 is

9 years ago

Yeaaaaaaaayyyy!!!! Congratulations on your girl!! You finally got your hearts desire lool at her legs being wide open! I hope she won't be a little streaker like Bauer's Scarlett! I'm soooo glad you're making good progress hon. You really make my heart melt. 17weeks??? Wow! Time is flying by real quickly! Won't be long now and you're a mommy! yipppeeeee Way too go honey bun, keeping you in my prayers for a full 9months and a successful delivery!

PS how do you feel? Any morning sickness!

Bauer: How are you coming along hon?

User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

hello ladies
steph how are u keeping good i hope
bauer how are u keeping

so im just about 20 weeks now and wow its flying
im getting bigger by the day like a whale i am dont no how much bigger i can get il be massive come due day
so had another scan and im having a little boy and a girl feel fantastic its actually so exciting cant wait to meet my little babies still do have to pinch myself that im finally going to be a mammy

9 years ago

Wow Wilson that is such good news! A boy and a girl huh? My you are blessed! Well done my love, I am sooo happy for you. After all you've been through, you deserve all the joys of motherhood. Be sure to tell me what it's like when you get there! No doubt you are going to make an awesome mommy. Those kids are going to be spoiled the best way of course. Same can be said about mines when they finally get here, especially for my having waited for so long they will be spoilt with love. Well enjoy pregnancy. You must look great
Have you started buying stuff yet? What about their room what are you going to do for décor? Lots to do and not much time left. Be careful and keep us posted on your progress. Blessings,


User Image User Image Praying for a fruitful 2012, with tonnes of for us ALL!!!

9 years ago • Post starter

hello steph yes im thrilled actually feel very blessed cant wait for them to be here gonna be so spoilt
i certainly will let u no hopefully when u get knocked up u will blessed with twins aswell be super cool for u
haha i dont feel great feel like a whale lol nothing fits me no more had to buy new clothes twice already cant wait to fit into my size 8 again and feel skinny
yep have everything bought now am so organised will ait till they will be older to be put into thier own room nthey will be in my room till around 1 till i move to bigger house have taught of few names but himself not liking names i like so need to decide together
so how are u keeping are u back and trying to concieve yet rooting for u to be knocked up very quick

9 years ago

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