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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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I can't wait to hear everyones test results!!!! I'm going to test on Sunday I think the suspense kills me during this TWW

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10 years ago

Angela: When is your bday? I know what you mean about not wanting to be disapointed, same thing every month... kind of sucks.... for a this time!

GB: Test Saturday? While I'm still here???

sugar: Thanks . I hope you feel better!

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10 years ago

Hi all!

Exciting news, I got my BFP this morning!
At 22DPO. According to my dates I'm 5 weeks 1day, and due on sept 10, the day after my birthday

I cried seeing those two lines!

Good luck to you all, I wish you all get to experience this feeling soon!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

6 DPO, maybe I did O late Koti. Where are you going on vacation? I'm hoping that you're right and that I will get a BFP this weekend when I test again.

GB1020: I'm testing Sunday too! Fingers crossed!

LuckyDuck: Best of luck getting healthy! Finding a way to exercise in a way that you love is the key.

Baby dust to everyone!

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10 years ago

@Mrs.Tiddle !! Due around your birthday too, how perfect! A to you.xx

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10 years ago

Koti - okay, I'll test Saturday, lol...twist my arm why don't you!! ha! It would be SO NICE if all of us got our BFP's together!!!!!

Mrs. Tiddle - CONGRATS!!!! I can only imagine the excitement you must be feeling!!!! - and it just so happens 9/10 is my birthday How many cycles did it take you to conceive, if you don't mind me asking?

aclark - when is your AF due date? I'm due on the 15th give or take a day with my cycle. I just decided I'm going to test Sat morning! EEEEEK!!

Oh the anticipation is brutal! But in a good way. I'm so happy for everyone that has recently got their BFP, and I hope there will be many more this next week! Fx'd for all of us

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10 years ago

Congrats on your bfp!! I hope mine is next! My birthday is jan 17th so I'm really hoping to see those two lines for the first time :)

10 years ago

Thanks Bean and Angela
GB this was our very first time trying, so I know we are very very lucky. I worked out my fertile dates then every night for that week we BD'd!
Got my fingers crossed for you ladies!
I feel somewhat relieved that I'm not going crazy, I had so many symptoms already!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

Mrs. Tiddle - So happy for you! Keep us updated, if you don't mind!

Koti, GB, & Angela - for you ladies as you test! Would love to see more !

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10 years ago

Have calmed down a bit now, thanks for all the congratulations ladies, I can't quite believe it.

Reading back on some of the symptoms you ladies are experiencing I can confirm I had a few.

Sore boobs yes - particularly under my arms - and a couple of days I had 4 boobs lol they didn't fit in my bra!

I got a cold that lasted 2 days - very unusual for me!

Had some nausea after eating - but this didn't progress to vomiting.

Had some cramping - and also a sort of pulling/pinching.

I did not get implantation bleeding.

Was SO tired - only a couple of DPO (just after xmas) I was having to have naps in the afternoon (thankfully I am still on holiday from work!)

Also had hot flushes - then chills - then hot flushes.

On my "My Countdown" page I have my symptoms by day available to see if you want to have a look - I was ticking so many each day!

I sincerely hope you all get your BFPs soon, I know how hard the TWW is - it is one big mind game thats for sure!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

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