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How is everyone feeling in early pregnancy? :)

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I have to say I am feeling pretty great! 5 weeks, and not a lick of morning sickness as of yet. I do have a tad bit of cramping and bloating. Ugh. lol. How is everyone else feeling!? :)

46 Replies • 12 years ago



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41 - 46 of 46 Replies

congratulations, jessienna! :) a happy and healthy 9 months to you!! i just hit 17 weeks yesterday, and we are having boy/girl twins!! so excited!!

User Image Mama to b/g twins born 10/10/12

12 years ago

very newly pregnant, 5 weeks and 5 days :)

found out on our 28th month of marriage! went to the doctor the following day as a few days prior to my discovery, i had a light bleeding after intercourse. you could just imagine how my face faded from a Joker-like grin plastered to an ashen-looking image.

but so far so good. well, except for three stories about miscarriage, loss of fetal heartbeat that scare the hell out of me especially since I'm a teller at a bank and we stand all day...... trying to ignore the fear buzzing in my head and trying to stay positive for that much-awaited fetal heartbeat on my 7th week consultation on June 12

so far,

i've had cramps. minor to moderate ones. plus pressure in my cervix. everyday. is this normal and okay? hopefully so as per Google.

tender breasts near the armpit.

mild mid-afternoon sickness with mild aversion to strong food scent that i used to find really delish. nope. no more warm burritos for me.

12 years ago

Also very newly pregnant, pretty much excited about it. I am 5 weeks now and the only symptoms I think I have is the tiredness, sore and tender breasts, headache and aching joints. Last night I peed thrice in less than an hour and I have no appetite at all, it is like I am full yet I haven't eaten anything. I think I had a nauseous feeling once, it was evening and I threw up- hard. Weird thing is I am totally looking forward to all those crazy symptoms, this being my first and to say I am over the moon is just an understatement.

12 years ago

Hey Ladies!
According to the lady that scheduled my appointment, I about 5&1/2 weeks along! So far... the only symptoms I have are sore boobs on and off. It comes and goes and typically is the most painful at night. And, I have a dull ache in my ovary that I ovulated from. That has been around since i ovulated. The doctor says it is a good sign. Apparently its the sensation of my body producing hormones that I need. But honestly other then that I am feeling great. I get a headache every now and then but nothing too bad yet. And, I am not too tired yet either. :)
Good luck to all those that have gotten your bfp! Wishing for us all to have a happy and healthy 9 months!

May 23rd, 2012 got our !

12 years ago

Just found out tonight for sure, so I'm feeling pretty good so far. Have been having several of the "am I pregnant?!" symptoms like being a little extra tired, being a little extra hungry, even some round ligament pain the other day, but that stopped. (This is my second pregnancy and from what I've read, RLP isn't unheard of this early with second and beyond.) With my daughter I didn't get any morning sickness until about 7w, so I'm not surprised I haven't had any yet. Not looking forward to it, though... but I have had a couple cravings.

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12 years ago

Hello ladies, I am 6 weeks and 2 days along. I miscarried at 16 weeks in April, and was very floored to find out that I was pregnant again so soon after the loss of my little girl. So far I only have bloating and lots of gas, and the occasional heartburn. No nausea yet, which is strange for me because with my last two pregnancies I was very nauseated, especially my last pregnancy(OH BOY!!!). Im hoping everything is ok in there, and that the baby is doing well, because I really want this one to stick this time. Wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies.

11 years ago

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