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Anybody else 6DPO? Wish I can stop thinking about it but I just want to be pregnant so much.

We are feeling very positive this time.

Would love to hear from anybody else who just wants to get through this 2ww with me.

Wishing you all lots of baby dust!

91 Replies • 12 years ago



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@NewBeginnings -- oh no!!!! What a bummer! That would mean the witch showed up early on you too?? WTF!!!! So sorry, sweetie....hope you have good news for us next cycle

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12 years ago

I am 6DPO and looking for a buddy!

12 years ago

Yes, bumming big time this morning. Decided to take my FRER this morning anyway, and of course it was a Big Fat Negative!

Still spotting this morning, but the cramping seemed to stop last night, so I am still holding on to a teeny tiny bit of hope that I am not totally out. However, I had this same sort of spotting before last month's AF, so really don't think it's my time. Bleh.

On the upside, going out to dinner tonight and I am going to indulge in a nice, big glass of wine... and on to December!

Good luck to all of you other ladies! I'll be keeping my eye on this thread and looking for your announcements of BFPs!!!! Baby dust!!!

12 years ago

Kebs4s3 and newbeginnings I'm sorry to hear that AF reared her ugly face, just think positive and look forward to next month's cycle. If we become preggo we can make are big announcements around xmas...yay so exciting!

I'm still having pressure and sharp pains in my pelvic area and I'm still having stomach cramps; but I have one acne bump that's has formed above my lip and when that happens that usually means AF will be showing up in a few days so I think I may be looking forward to the x-mas announcement also

12 years ago

sorry to hear that newbeginnings...hold on to the hope though *fingers crossed*

I am with you though...onto December. I am totally over November. To make it even worse I turn 30 on Thanksgiving. BLEH! I was hoping to be pregnant so I could eat all the holiday food I wanted without thinking twice.

Come on Santa put US on the nice list

Oh and we should have a continual December thread for those of us who continue on...I like you gals

12 years ago

@sara -- that is a GREAT idea, especially since everyone is on a similar cycle! Maybe we can post it in the Cycle Buddies area!

@curl -- are you just going to hold out, or do you think you'll test soon?

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12 years ago

Hello everyone! Today i am currently 5dpo and having no symptoms except for being constipated yesterday (sorry if tmi). I too clomid cycle day 3-7 and estradial cycle day 8-16 to thicken my uterus lining. Good luck everyone!

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12 years ago

Aww, you guys are all so sweet! Let's make a December thread and game onnnnn! I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty pumped about drinking wine on turkey day and making some holiday cheer with my boo

12 years ago

Hi Ladies - I am definitely game for starting a new group for December. You've all been so great to talk to! I look forward to obsessing with you all next month again!

That said, hopefully some of us will have our BFPs this month, and won't need to continue into December. Anyone taken any tests lately?

@svaughn - Welcome to the group! How are you feeling? Are you having any symptoms?

@emilydp - Welcome to you also! Is this your first? How long have you been TTC?

AFM - I am not trying to get my hopes up, but AF has not officially arrived yet. I had very minimal spotting throughout the day, and it seems to have stopped. (Knock on wood!) I am still hanging on to that little thread of hope... perhaps I am no out yet... I am nervous to even say it out loud for fear of jinxing myself. Here's to hoping AF stays away and doesn't come for a visit in the night!!

12 years ago

Oh, and @kebs4s3, your Thanksgiving plans sound perfect! I am right there with you if this really is AF. For the first time since I can remember, I am staying in one place for Thanksgiving; not traveling to two different places for two dinners. We're hosting! Which means lots of wine for me! Haha!

12 years ago

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