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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Good morning ladies!

Traci- I wanted to check on you and see how you were doing. I've had you on my mind this week. Just wanted to chat with you. Hope your staying optimistic. I saw this quote and thought of you and wanted to share it. "All who call on God in true faith, earnestly from the heart, will certainly be heard, and will receive what they have asked and desired."-Martin Luther'

Zuberi- Wanted to see how you were feeling. Have you seen your OB yet? Have you told DH the news yet or were you going to wait till you see your OB?

Afm- I've been feeling kinda weird the last couple days lol . I've been soooo bloated and gassy. Not like me at all lol. I haven't changed my diet any. Haven't added any new meds not sure what is causing this. I'm not one that eats a lot in fact I hardly every feel like I'm hungry and even when I do eat I don't eat a whole lot. But lately I feel like I'm starving to death all day. I'll eat or snack a little and then I feel so full I fell like I'm about to bust. And my scrubs which are always loose on me are so tight I feel like there cutting me into lol. So I guess the snacking and eating isn't good for me lol. AF has ended only been spotting the last couple days. And my cervix is so high I can just barely feel it. It wasn't as heavy this month as I'm use to and while I did pass some clots they weren't near as many or as large as what I usually pass. So don't know what my body is trying to tell me lol. If I hadn't had my period and the negative HPT's I would swear I was pregnant lol. I think that I want to get pregnant so bad that now my body if playing tricks with me.

Hope this post finds both of you ladies feeling well and your spirits high.

Love, hugs, and prayers coming your way.

Look forward to hearing from you girls. Chat later...

11 years ago

Good morning ladies.

Traci: I miss you. What's up? How are you?

Scarlet: yes I told him. I kinda didn't have a choice. He came home the day I started spotting and I was in the shower crying so That's how he found out. Not at all what I had planned. Lol I have an appointment friday at 9:00. I am nervous but excited at the same time. ........ on another note. Scarlet, I had spotting, light bleeding and I also passed some clots. Most were small pea size but the last day I passed one that was the size of a half dollar. ( the coin ). And My test have gotten stronger (hpt) so you might want to check again. Your symptoms of bloating /PMS should be gone by now. Retest and tell us what happens.

Afm: I'm still just waiting until I see the Dr Friday. Hope you guys are having a great day. I will chat with you later.

11 years ago • Post starter

Hi ladies

How are you guys? Just checking in. Nothing new going on with me. Has anyone got any new updates? I have my first appointment in the am. Im a little nervious. But excited too. I look forward to hearing from you guys.

11 years ago • Post starter

Good luck Zuberi, hope everything is as it should be xx

How are you going Scarlett?

11 years ago

Good morning ladies. Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. It's been a busy weekend around here. I've missed chatting with you ladies this weekend.

Zuberi- How are you feeling? How did your doctor's appointment go? Hoping everything went great.

Traci- How are things down your way. Hope you have been doing well. Been wondering how things have been going for you?

Afm- I did test again just because AF was so wierd this month but of course I got a . I think I was wanting so much for this to be our month that I let my mind find reason to hope with everything that was wacky in my body. But I feel back to normal again so I'm just waiting to ovulate this month. Me and fiance have decided to BD every other day this month. We felt like we were only BD'ing to conceive. So while we are still BD'ing to conceive this way it doesn't feel like it. It feels more natural and we're both able to relax a little more and it has taken a lot of pressure of the both of us. It's been a hectic weekend here. Thursday I got my baby boy registered for college. It's so hard to believe he's grown and ready to leave mommy's nest. Then that night I got him packed and ready to leave out for Myrtle Beach with his best friend. Friday & Satuday my fiance's daughter had softball games and Saturday night I had to get her packed and ready to leave for Myrtle Beach with her best friend lol . So both of our kids are on the beach while were working lol. We're taking vacation in July (Caribbean Cruise ). And I can't wait. I need some relaxation time lol. I've decided I'm not going to stress each month about conceiving instead I'm going to let God work it out for me. I had a nice long chat with God this weekend and decided to lay it at his feet. I remembered that he works miracles everyday and he can do this so much better than I can. And I immediately felt like this huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. Sometimes I think we forget that God is waiting for us to let him answer our prayers and bless us and we try to control things too much. Or at least I do lol.

I continue to remember you ladies in my daily prayers and ask God to bless you each. I hope this post finds you both doing well. I look forward to hearing from you both and chatting with you.

Love hugs and prayers

10 years ago

Good afternoon Ladies. Haven't posted in a couple days and wanted to check in with you ladies and see how you were doing.

Traci- How are things going with you?

Zuberi- How did your Dr's appointment turn out? Anxious to hear how that went.

Look forward to hearing updates from both of you ladies. Have missed chatting with you.

Love hugs and prayers ladies.

Chat soon ladies

10 years ago

Hi Ladies

Traci: How are you doing?

Scarlet: I cant wait until you O. I'm praying this is your cycle. But I wanted to make a suggestion to you if you don't mind...... Try using soft cups and preseed. That is what my DH and I used. Just insert it with a little preseed inside the cup after you guys bd and go to sleep. I wore mine up to 10 hours after we bd during my ferial week.

AFM: My appointment went fine. Couldn't see anything it was too early. I have another scan schedules for July 19th. I have had my labs done and everything seems to be fine. I have been having period like cramps but Dr says they are normal. (FYI very mild cramps nothing painful)

So I am looking forward to hearing something from you guys. I will update once I have had my scan.

10 years ago • Post starter

Zuberi- I'm so happy for yor . I'm so glad your appointment went good. Hopefully your next appointment you will get to see your little "bean" lol. And I'm glad the Dr. said your cramping was normal. Hopefully that will subside for you in a few days. I continue to keep you in my prayers.

Afm- I think I ovulated today. My temp dropped lower this morning than it has every been. And I'm having loads of EWCM!!!!! I had lots of it yesterday. As for the preseed I actually bought some to use this month lol. However my best friend suggested using Mucinex. When she was trying to concieve her daughter after about 5 unsuccessful months she used Mucinex and got pregnant month 6 lol. So I have been taking Mucinex for the past week and I can honestly say I have never had so much cm in my life lol. I first noticed EWCM on Monday. And like I said my temp dropped to 95.88 this morning and when I checked my cervix it was high, soft, and open. However fiance left on a 24 hour tour this morning before I even woke up, but we bd'd last night and he didn't withdraw for about 5 mins. after he ejaculated then we immediately proped my butt up on two pillows and I stayed on my back for about 20 mins. And while I was laying there I thought "dang I wish I had some soft cups to pop in so none of his little swimmers could escape. lol I just hope those little swimmers found and egg or two lol. He says he has "SUPER SWIMMERS" so not to worry they now exactly where to go. LOL. So I will wait and see what my temp is like in the morning to know if I did O today. And he will be home in the morning so we can bd again.
And btw I never mind suggestions that will help me I appreciate all your prayers and any advice you can throw my way. I think of you guys as friends and always look forward to your post, comments, and advice. Thanks for always reading and listing to me.

Can't wait to chat again. Will chat soon.....

10 years ago

Hey guys
Haven't checked in for a while so thought I'd say hi.
Zuberi, great news that the dr's are positive. Makes it so easy to stay positive yourself.
Scarlet, ewcm is an awesome environment for your super swimmers. Can't go wrong. This month has to be the one for you :-)

AFM. Nothing to report. Still not ovulating! On day 37 of a what seems like an endless cycle. No temp fluctuations, no sign of AF.
I'm taking lots of natural remedies from the naturopath, so maybe next month things will start moving.

Anyway, you guys take very good care.

T x

10 years ago

Good morning Ladies! . As always I hope this post finds you ladies doing well.

Traci- It was good to hear from you. Sorry you still haven't ovulated. But were keeping you in our prayers. I know God will bless you. I'm glad your continuing with the natural rememdies. I believe they will help you.

Zuberi- Hope you are feeling good and that your cramps have subsided. I'm so excited for you. I can't wait for progress reports from you.

Afm- I got postive OPK yesterday so me and fiance bd'ed of course and I took your advice Zuberi and used the preseed last night then afterwards stayed flat on back and went to sleep. Not very comfortable lol but if it helps conceive the little bean definately worth it. My temp was slightly lower this morning than yesterday so I'm assuming today is probably O day. Hopefully we got it covered this month though we started bding 4 days before ovulation and only missed day 3 before. Fiance left this morning for a 48 hr tour so won't be seeing him till Wednesday. So I'm keeping for this month, but trying not to stress to much the TWW (easier said than done lol ).

Wishing you ladies a great day!

Love hugs prayers sent to you ladies!!

10 years ago

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