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feeling UP :)

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hey ladies started a new post :)

update from me soz been busy wk
Lots of gd things been happening for a change
My DH should have work local atleast till the end of the year so thats alot of stress away for now
I had a appointment with the gynaecologist on wednesday there got few tests done, i am on 3 waiting lists 1 is for a HSG xray to check i have no blockages in my tubes (should get that within the next 3 months), the other 2 are long waiting lists one for IUI treatment and another for IVF but i was pleased with the doctor and feel like things will keep moving forward
Also on CD 38 atm but i refuse to test until friday which will be CD 43 coz a few months ago i had a 39 day cycle and got a so ill be patient fingers crossed

Hope everyone else is doing well

Baby dust all round x

173 Replies • 11 years ago



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It's ok... I know what you mean... I kinda lose track of who is doing what too.

No, no meds for me. Just starting to use OPKs and Pre-seed this month and are looking for a doctor.

11 years ago

redshadoe0 those tests really look promising!! How exciting! I would call your dr if you haven't yet and get on progestrone!!

KLS2010 a quick response to why test early. My RE suggested I test early and often as I have had an ectopic. So the sooner you test the sooner you can compare levels and watch for risks such as ectopic.

AFM is gone! YEAH!

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11 years ago

redshadoe- The test are looking good!!

dolphin1204- bummer that the showed up but now that she is gone...the fun time starts.

AFM- Just getting ready to like crazy!!

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11 years ago

Just wanted to let you all know.... we have an appointment to see an RE on Tuesday 7th August. I'm kind of excited, but scared at the same time... I just want to know what's going on.

dolphin - good to hear is gone

mela- u and I are cycle buddies lol ..

Haven't heard anymore news from redshadoe... hope she is still getting !!

11 years ago

Hey Ladies! Yes, def still getting a BFP.... but betas came back yesterday and at 13dpo my beta was only a 22. Doc said thats almost to low and it's probably an indication that the pregnancy is more likely to miscarry (WHY WOULD YOU TELL ME THAT!?) I'd be so much less stressed if they lied and said everything was fine lol. So I go back and get blood drawn again Wed and Fri to make sure the levels are doubling... For those of you that pray... pray with me please!! This little guy needs to STICK darn it! I can't deal with another loss... I keep having VERY stern talks with my belly... lol, telling it it needs to stay in place and be strong and GROW. :)

KLS I'm excited you have an RE appointment!!! Yay! They'll be able to help!!!

Dolphin, my progesterone levels were at 24 6 days after ovulation... so def high enough to support a pregnancy. I'm insisting they check the levels again when I do my betas though on Wed to make ABSOLUTE sure that's not the issue this time around.

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

11 years ago

redshadoe0 I am praying for you! I really hope this is your time! Good to hear your progesterone levels are good too! Don't let the Drs words get you down! There are many women who have been in your situation that I have had take home babies!

KLS good luck at the RE! Try to relax it isn't as bad as it may seem! I will keep you in my thougths!

Good luck on the mela0054! I will be in your boat soon! I mean bed!?! Well not yours but mine! Any way!

AFM just waiting and enjoying the for fun! I also did my first castor pack last night and it went really well! I actually got a whole hour of relaxation without any interuptions! Which is rare at our house!

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11 years ago

Hey girls! I thought I would check in. I survived my family beach trip. My mom thinks I'm taking Clomid. We arent telling anyone yet. My first appt is Monday and I'm scared to death. I don't have very many symptoms, which makes me nervous. I took another test today just because and it still says pregnant. Haha The only thing that I am experiencing is sore boobs off and on.

How is everyone else doing?

11 years ago

mrsbaurs keep us posted and good to hear your trip went well! Think positive!

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11 years ago

oh redshadoe!!! I have got everything crossed for you that the little one sticks and defies what the doc has said!!

mela and dolphin.... good luck with lol

mrsbaurs..... so happy for you! Good luck at your appt. I hope everything goes well. And lol... you managed to keep it a secret!! I don't know that I would have been able to keep quiet so good for you!

AFM... well.. this is my first cycle using OPKs and Pre-seed... so hoping this will help and we get our BFP this time!
I'm at CD13.... took a strip test this morning.. and got what I thought/think is a positive, but I'm not sure. I uploaded a pic of it (who would have thought trying to take a clear picture of two little lines would be so difficult lol!), so please tell me what you think!! I took the advice to get some digitals. I kept the US from this morning (FMU) and used that after I bought some digitals - but it came back negative (used same sample as this morning's strip test). So now I don't know. Just keep testing and I guess and keep !!!

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11 years ago

So... I was kinda confused after getting a positive strip OPK this morning, and then getting a negative digital a couple of hours later.

But... did another strip test and digital at 8pm - and both are positive!!! Lol... I'm excited to see my first smiley face... wish I had started doing OPKs sooner! So here's hoping this will be our month!

Sorry ladies... I know you all have been through all this before.. just wanted to share.

11 years ago

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