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Over 40 TTC.... and I KNOW I am not the ONLY one: Part IV

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Well, we got to page 16 so I started it over......

here's a recap of my story:
My name is Carolyn... I am 37 (close to 40) and just had my first child this summer but dh and I don't want to wait too long for another because it took us 2 years to have our first and we are getting older..... so we are TTC #2 now!

I have a question for you ladies: my temp dropped today but I have been getting negative opks so far.... only been testing once a day because I am only on cycle day 10 today and usually I O around day 12.... do you think I missed the surge and we should bd anyway today? or should I just wait and see if I get a postive opk in the next few days?

479 Replies • 11 years ago



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Is this the most current link?

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10 years ago

Yes, I believe so.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

just wanted to pop in to say hello and that all of y'all have been in my thoughts and prayers... so sorry Essemkay that things haven't gone well for you :( no baby here either, but did find what the problem was the whole darn time, my primary doctor was a moron, my thyroid is hypo and still dealing with issues with that and trying to get proper treatment to get it under control.. I try to keep a positive perspective on it, but with depression it can be rather difficult, especially as i just turned 43.. I know God has a plan for us all, just so hard when we don't know what that plan is...

But on valentines day, my oldest son got engaged and his fiance has a 2 yr old little boy and they just found out that she is pregnant... so i will just be happy becoming a Grammy <3 It is all in God's hands...

My thoughts and prayers continue to be with all you ladies, those still continuing on this journey keep the fight as it is indeed possible I had my little boy at age 40 with my hubby having a vas reversal and we were only given a small chance and we conceived on first try... It can indeed happen in God's timing <3

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

10 years ago

Angel, it's so nice to hear from you. You have an amazing positive attitude.

I recently had a miscarriage, and we are trying again. This was my first cycle after the miscarriage (found no heartbeat at 9 weeks, but didn't miscarry until after 12 weeks). Not sure if I ovulated this time, b/c the second line on my ovulation test never as dark as the test line. :-(

I just turned 42 last week, so am praying I still have a chance. I too know God has a plan, it's just hard that I don't know what it is. I did have a precious boy last June. It took us 16 months to get pregnant after hubby's reversal. They do work!! Just was hoping for one more (actually I'd like two more!!).

Congrats on the grand baby news.

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10 years ago

Faith~I am so so sorry to hear about that, but chin up girl and back at it if that's what you choose to do, I just turned 43 in Dec. I think if this hypothyroid would've been caught way b4 there may have been a chance for us, but just wasn't meant to be... I'm ok with that and have been blessed with the children God has blessed us with... Good Luck to you, it's a tough journey <3

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

10 years ago

Hi! No updates for a while... Was wondering if anyone got BFP's?

9 years ago

Jaxx - I'm CD 13. Smiley face OPK says I'm at peak fertility. I'm headed into the TWW

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9 years ago

Good Luck! Swear those 14 days seem like months! No matter how I think I'm not going to pay attention......I always do!!!! Good Luck!!!!

9 years ago

Thanks. Yeah, I always say I'm not going to symptom watch, and next thing I know, I'm checking my CM, stopping what I'm doing to see if those pains are ovary or gas pains!! Ha!!!

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9 years ago

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