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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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@Rebecca: I tend to try to be the better person, but this situation makes it really hard. I haven't said anything to her and I am going to try not to. She isn't worth the drama. And I hardly EVER see her. That's what makes it so ridiculous. She hardly ever comes around and my parents have to beg to her kids. I agree with you though, I really hope I don't see her anytime soon because right now would not be a good time.

10 years ago

jgroves: Haha! Thanks I'm kind of a "tell it like it is" kinda person if you can't tell. I have a low tolerance for certain kinds of behavior. Anything hurtful like that is in my top 10 of intolerable acts.

For those about 8-10dpo: I know it's easier said than done but do your best not to symptom spot and try to wait a few more days before you test. Nothing worse than getting your hopes up and have them come down on you month after month. I'm on 1dpo and I refuse to symptom spot this month. I'm going to wait to test until Halloween.
I've locked my tests up and gave the key for safe keeping. Doesn't mean I couldn't go out and buy a new one but I'm going to try my best to avoid it.

10 years ago

Wow there are always so many postings in the morning... First HAPPY FRIDAY to you all . Ok now to the postings:

GVMDL: wheatgrass does sound good, maybe I will try it when I stop taking something else, already too many pills to swallow. What kind of allergies do you have?
I am so happy that this is what you took from your last cycle, you should focus on you !
I love your positive attitude, it is so great!

Scooby: This is CD18 for me, still no ovulation , maybe not ovulating this month...
Sucks about the late , mine is sometimes all over the place, at the begining of 2013 I had a 47 day cycle.
Thanks for the website, I will look at it later, can use something funny .

While: I see a very faint line, its a , !!! Did you test again? Can we see? So excited for you!!!! !!!

rebecca: Great job on resisting these tests. As for all the emotions and sleepiness, these can be symptoms of something else !!! for you!!!

1stTTC: The bottom line does look darker, it looks like it is in the right direction!
Nothing I can say about your step sister in law except f*** her! Who does she think she is??? Who says that???
I am so happy your mom went off on her.... and I hope you get like triplets or something who get all the attention from now on!

Pennylane: To avoid typing it twice, below is my ovulation that seems awefully like yours this month.
As for BD, since you had EWCM yesterday, just go for 3 days in a row to make sure you catch that egg!

jgroves: Your symptoms look very promising! for you for a . 8DPO is very early, I jope you can hold off the testing a few more days . and !!!

acrichton: RRL does cramps? Maybe that is why I have been cramping CD9 to date (CD18)...
I am sorry you are sad .

Kizzy: Although a good plan, most cannot stop themselves from getting hopes up and still noticing every symptom...
I find that it is better to hope fot the best during the TWW. The disappointment will be the same if you get a either way, but at least you spent 2 weeks happy instead of depressed on and off...
And happy 1DPO to you, I don't know why but I am always excited to move to that stage of the cycle. I hope I get there this month too...

AFM: CD18, still no ovulation. It is weird, I started testing at CD9 because it felt like it was coming (some cramps on and off since CD9, and temp dip, but now had 3 temp dips already in 8 days), and it was kind of darkish looked like it will be positive within a day or two. Then it got very paint, and darker again, and faint again, and darker again... Not sure what is going on, did I ovulate or am I going to or is there no ovulation this month... totally confused! Does anyone have an idea what can be happening?
Skipped BD yesterday, it was my BDay and I tend to be totally depressed on my BDays....

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10 years ago

While- I see something!!!!

1st- I truly understand your frustration! UGH! The nerve of some people. Trust me I know! Atleast your mom let her have it! Its a blessing for you to have someone in your corner like that. My SIL made a comment that pissed me off one fathers day and NO ONE said a word to her. I'm still pissed.

Jenna- Thanks for cheering us all on!

Jgroves- Things are sounding good for you! I hope thats a BFP for you!

Kizzy- I agree with you on the testing! I'm going to try my damnedest this cycle not to test at all myself. I really just want to go in for my beta and that's it! I'm tired of the disappointment. Last cycle I had DH buy my tests. All I did was POAS and got the hell out of the bathroom and had him go in and tell me the result. I know its bad but, I'm just as tired of giving out the BFN's as I am of getting them. I really hope you get your BFP this cycle.

acrichton- I hope things turn around for you. Its just as stressful getting your hopes up as it trying not to. KMFX'd for you!

kotikd- Happy Belated Bday! Did you get any O pains? I hate when our bodies confuse us! That happened to me last cycle. UGH! Hopefully you did O and caught an eggy!

AFM- CD 17 and I had a temp dip this morning. I'm thinking its a pre O dip. I went to get my scan this morning and my follicle was 18mm! My RE said that we can do an IUI on Monday we will do a scan right before the procedure to make sure the follicle is the right size for O. I feel so much better than I had been feeling. Thanks for all your support ladies!

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10 years ago

You guys! Thank you so much for your sweet messages! I did retest! And the Wondfo is definitely darker today. I took a FRER and there is SUPER FAINT line. I will feel better when the digital is a BFN. It's hard because I'm not really to the point yet where I feel like I can get excited. A pregnancy doesn't necessarily equal a baby - I know sounds negative... I'm just trying to be thankful for one day at a time but I don't want to get my hopes up too much...

What do you guys think?


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

*I will feel better when the digital is a BFP. oops! (-:

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

While - I see !!!!

TTC #1 DH: 37 Me: 31 CP July 2009 Diagnosed with PCOS December 2013. My Ovulation Chart

10 years ago

Blushing: I do get ovulation pains, and the cramping I've been getting seems a little weaker than the normal ones, but I've been having them on and off for over a week now... Yeah I am just totally confused.
Hope you ovulate tonight and start your TWW

While: on both! [congratulation] , this is so exciting, I would say our first July, but this is a June 30 right?

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10 years ago

Yes, June 30th. Part of me feels like just crying so much but I'm trying to keep it together until I can get in to my doctor next week and have my levels drawn. Hoping tomorrow is a BFP on the digital!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

This is so exciting!!!! I feel like crying (joy tears) for you

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10 years ago

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