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Over 40 TTC.... and I KNOW I am not the ONLY one: Part IV

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Well, we got to page 16 so I started it over......

here's a recap of my story:
My name is Carolyn... I am 37 (close to 40) and just had my first child this summer but dh and I don't want to wait too long for another because it took us 2 years to have our first and we are getting older..... so we are TTC #2 now!

I have a question for you ladies: my temp dropped today but I have been getting negative opks so far.... only been testing once a day because I am only on cycle day 10 today and usually I O around day 12.... do you think I missed the surge and we should bd anyway today? or should I just wait and see if I get a postive opk in the next few days?

479 Replies • 11 years ago



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Welcome, rebecca73! I'm so terribly sorry for your losses.

AFM, I had the saline sonogram this morning and it surprisingly didn't hurt. Yay! And my uterus looks great, no scarring, no adhesions, no fetal tissue. Icing on the cake is my ovaries are cranking out the follicles, have about 10 good sized ones even without meds. Doctor said I continue to amaze him that I produce so many follicles at my age - sadly, most of the eggs they contain are crap at my age. And, of course, since I'm not doing any meds or procedures this month, only one of those eggs will release But who knows? Could be THE golden egg!

Assuming I don't get pregnant this month, we're a go for the unmedicated IUI next month.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

That is fantastic news essemkay!!

Welcome Rebecca! I'm sorry about your losses :(

May I ask what the benefit of an unmedicated IUI is vs. just natural if there are no known issues for both of you? I wonder if that is a waste of money or if you should at least go for a medicated IUI in order to release more than one egg to increase your chances?

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

10 years ago

Hi, essemkay and torontochick. I appreciate your condolences. It's been a tough time for me and my dh. Our first 3 losses occurred after the birth of our oldest son (pregnancy and delivery a breeze - who knew we'd have so much turmoil later) and before our middle child (another boy). After the birth of our daughter, we thought we were done having kids, but it never left my mind. Jan. of 2011 we decided to stop all forms of bc and just see what happened. Took me over a year to get pg that time, only to lose the baby at 12 weeks. Got pregnant again 6 months later, lost him at 16 weeks this March. My due date for him is this Thursday - the day after my oldest sons 15th bday. Oh, and AF is due Wednesday, too. Talk about a perfect storm! I've been crying off and on all day. Just lurking on this forum to try to get some encouragement. So far all we've been doing is just tracking my cycle. My ob says I don't seem to have trouble getting pregnant, it's staying that way that's hard. We've had each baby tested, ourselves tested, and no answers for why my babies keep dying. God, just typing that is depressing!

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10 years ago

torontochick, we've done many medicated IUIs and gotten BFN. My RE thinks maybe just letting my body pick the best egg instead of potentially harming the eggs with the meds will be as, if not more, effective. A medicated IUI for me runs about $6,000 - a non-medicated one will be about $600. BIG difference in cost with very little difference, if any, in odds. We can't do IVF anymore and my husband won't consider donor anything. The odds with the IUI aren't much better than just doing the ole slap and tickle - but I've been "unexplained" all this time and there's always a chance that IUI could bypass some of the possible explanation.

I am having a hard time mentally not wanting to "up the odds" with lots of eggs, though. I saw all those follicles sitting there today and part of me wants to give them all a shot. I have about $8,000 worth of stims sitting in my fridge from my last IVF - I tried to convince my RE that we should go the medicated route since I'm just going to donate them and lose all that money, but he thought we should try unmedicated. I guess I could always push for one or two more medicated cycles at some point, but everybody is pretty much at the end of the road. My husband has only conceded to 3 more tries and there are a lot of conditions attached to these tries.

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

rebecca73, I'm so so sorry. I know I'm going to be a mess when my baby girl's due date rolls around. Big hugs to you!

Me: 45, unexplained (but now ancient) Husband: 46 (perfect in every way) Married 21 years 1 daughter born 07/2011 after TTC for 12 years

10 years ago

Rebecca, this is so very sad. I can only imagine how it feels to lose two babies at if even after the 12-week mark. Have you or your doctor considered potential autoimmune disorders (e.g. Blood clotting issues)?

Essemkay, well between $600 and $6000 the unmedicated IUI seems the only way to go. But if you have all these meds sitting in your fridge why not using them up and increasing your chances instead of giving them away? I do not think that the meds will damage your eggs with low dose stims. Ok, I am not a doctor, but still. Any chance to change REs? Gosh, I so wish that you can find a way to make this work and have another baby.

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

10 years ago

Torontochick - yeah, losing our son this year was hard. When I made it to 12 weeks, my OB said I had cleared a big hurdle, and that my chance of MS was only 1%. When we went in for the 16 week checkup, they couldn't find a heartbeat. Brought in the ultrasound machine, and there was this perfect little boy, sweet little body, but no heartbeat. My OB took like 10 minutes double checking all kinds of stuff. I had to stop looking at the screen. Thought I was going to die, it hurt so bad. But deep inside my heart I knew something was wrong...I'd quit feeling him kick when I rested my laptop on my belly in the evening earlier that week.

I've had two different OB's (moved between kids), and neither of them can tell me why I keep losing the babies. To quote my OB now: "There's no medical reason your babies die. Sometimes it just happens and we never know why." They've checked my cervix, my uterus, drawn blood and run tests, tested my husband, and run tests on each baby. Nothing. With my 2nd living child, I took progesterone during my pregnancy, but then with my daughter I didn't take it, and didn't have any problems. I've had well meaning people tell me it just wasn't God's will; that I must make amazing babies and He can't wait to take them to heaven; and that I'm just too old to keep trying. My mil even told me if I tried to get pregnant again, it would kill me - in front of my kids!

Oh well. Now I just have to make it until Wednesday to see if AF shows up. If she doesn't, I don't know what I'll do. Guess I'll be happy and terrified at the same time. Don't know if I'm strong enough to go through losing another one, but can't seem to give up hope, either.

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10 years ago

Rebecca, so sad :(
However, a lot of us who have struggled with loss and secondary infertility had to discover that their OB knows nothing about this. Most people consult with an RE and get better answers.

Essemkay, can you privately sell the meds discounted to someone who is OOP? Although selling meds is not allowed, people here privately sell there meds in the forums. I have bought and sold some of my meds this way.,.

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

10 years ago

good afternoon ladies,

I have been ttc for #2 for over a year, been waiting to get into a fertility clinic since March, well was waiting to get into the OB and 4 months was the wait, got in and they sent me right to the fertility clinic.

while I was waiting started with a naturopath doing acupuncture and vitex. seems to have been helping my irregular cycle get into a groove.

started in with the fertility clinic and they are observing my cycle this month. Been in to see them day 3, 6 and 10. Go back tomorrow day 12. I am 41, turning 42 in November. nervous...

look forward to talking to you...

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10 years ago

Hi Dobbs6! Welcome.

I have an appointment with a fertility specialist Sept 11. Pretty nervous about it. Since my insurance coverage is limited for the visit, all they're going to do is try to determine why I keep miscarrying. I want to know if they can tell me what's been going on, but I'm afraid too that they're going to say it's something I can't change, or that they don't know. Has anyone been to a specialist for this alone before? Can you tell me what to expect?

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10 years ago

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