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40,Miscarried again and having to wait a few months now.....

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Hi everyone. Well, I just had my 6th miscarriage in my life. 3rd miscarriage in the last year. Doctors are stumped and not really for sure why I keep miscarrying. The last two followed the exact same pattern. Both got up to about 6 weeks with a hb but failed to grow from there. My doc seems to think a lot of it is my age and the quality of my eggs. I really do believe it is the way I have eaten for the last few years which has not been the healthiest. Full of sugar, flour and starches, sodas, tea,.... you get the picture. Not a good diet to make a healthy egg, so I have now turned to a fertility diet, cut out all sugar, sodas, flour, junk food altogether and taking my prenatal vitamins, Royal Jelly, baby aspirin daily and looking in to CoQ10. I need to lose about 50 pounds to be healthier too so I'm sure this will help. From everything I have read, it takes 90 days to make a healthy egg. Anyone else experiencing recurrent miscarriages or are going to hold off for a couple of months before trying again. Would love to have someone to go through these next months with.


43 Replies • 11 years ago



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Hey sweetie dont worry it will come. After my last m/c I bled 2 mnths straight!! Took shots for 5 days to clean me out and some medicine to stop the bleeding. Things r different here in Tunisia. I went to the docs 3 wks after bleeding she said baby was gone but still some placenta so after 2 more weeks one morning woke up and was like I was hemorraging....I swear.... as if I m/c 10 babies filled my pad,underwear, and was probably two handfuls of clots (sorry TMI) but she told me this was normal for natural m/c. But I thought that was an awful lot for a micarraige that ended at 7 wks?? I think I must have been pgwith more then one, my breast were bigger then after I deliver and breastfed (before my first positive hpt came up) so there were some serious hormone changes, but no sac was ever noticed??
Well, I am supposed to ovulate between 6th-12th, so far hubby is still here, hopefully he will travel next wk and not this wk. So, fongers crossed!!
Relax relax relax, all of the stress is going to prolong ur periods also sweetie, just forget the whole subject (try to) and then keep up the medicines and lets get ur period here so you can tell us ur finally pg again and everything will run smoothly (God willing!) trust in God and believe in urself! All my thoughts and rayers for you and all of you ladies , I know its a struggle, but I have read some articles this weekend again can you believe a women 56 had a baby,and there were three at age of 48 and two aged we are not out until menopause takes us out! OH.....And they all conceived naturally NO INVITRO EITHER. so, just have faith ladies....huggs to you all!

11 years ago

holy cow I got a BFP. I am off to Walgreens to buy about 20 types of HPT.

11 years ago

Congrats testing-again!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

11 years ago

Congradulations I am happy for you.......
Wish you a healthy and happy next 9 months .....
And then years to come.......
to all of us and real soon!

11 years ago

Hi everyone,
Testingagain: Congratulations!!! That is wonderful!!! I hope this one is going to be a sticky one!!!
Amoultie: I am still waiting for AF. I have a few menstrual cramps every day and think I will start but then nothing. It's getting very frustrating to not know when or if I will start again. From the way the miscarriage before this one went, it took two months to finally have one so I am expecting the same. I had a little ewcm yesterday so I thought that maybe I was ovulating or getting ready to but I tested and it didn't even give me a light second line, so it's not that. Lisserb: How are you doing? I checked around a lot of the pharmacies for the Neevo and nobody carried it but Walgreens carries the Metanx so I called my doctor and explained it to the nurse about me needing the bioavailable forms of Folate and they agreed to prescribe it to me. I got them Wednesday but I am not going to start on them till probably Monday. I know they are just vitamins, but I am still nervous about taking stuff that I am not familiar with. I also ordered some basic prenatals from Thorne and they also have the bioavailable forms of the vitamins I need but I don't know if I should be taking both of these together. I am still taking and gonna continue taking the baby aspirin daily too. I just really want that Af to come so I can start getting ready to try again in a month or so. I was really hoping to start trying again by January or February. How is every one else doing here?


11 years ago • Post starter


I had my hcg drawn at 10 dpo and it was thirty. I am having another lab tomorrow and hope is around 90. Unfortunately I am out of town so the lab results will take a whole day instead of a few hours. Continued luck to everyone.

11 years ago

Hi Everyone, I turned 40 in April and have been ttc since 23. I've had 2 IUI's and 4 IVFs. 2 fresh, 2 frozen. 1st IVF got preg in 2007 but ended in a chemical loss.
Went to my Gyn in July this year b/c I was 11 days late. I thought nothing of it until the nurse told me I was preg. I started crying b/c I was in disbelief. I had completely given up. This is my 2nd marriage. My husband and I are married now for 2 years. Anyway, at 7 weeks, had a miscarriage. I was devastated. I took a week off work b/c I was an emotional wreck.
So now, AF is 3 days past due and I have tested twice. I saw very faint lines but not convinced that I am. I was taking prometrium last time b/c doc said my progesterone level was low.
Anyway, I am testing again tonight when DH comes home. He's an EMT and got me some free strips. Also am seeing my PCP tomorrow. I am nervous. very nervous. I wish everyone best of luck! My problem is hyper-prolactinoma. My doc has me on Cabergoline so that's all I am taking just to keep my prolactin level in check.

11 years ago

And btw, congrats testing-again. And Paradise, hang in there. I know exactly how you feel. After my MC, I bled for about 3 weeks and I just wanted it to stop and have my normal cycle started.
Positive thoughts to everyone.

11 years ago

Hi everyone, Haven't heard from some of you in awhile. Hope all is well for each and everyone of you. Testingagain: How are you doing so far? Inneed: How about you? Was it indeed a positive on your tests? Wishing you both the best! As for me, I think I finally have started my first period since the miscarriage but it's very very light. I started spotting red Saturday, then it stopped and started back Sunday. Stopped again and didn't have nothing else until this morning. It finally has reached my mini-pad. It's not really a flow, but it's red and is there although it is very light. I am not really counting this as a normal period unless I start flowing good. I am really curious though if I will ovulate in two weeks now. But, even if I do, I think I will give it one more good period before trying again although I would love to try as soon as possible. But, I am also still trying to get my body in good shape and my eating habits and that part has been hard with the holiday's on me. So, I really am hoping that by January or so, things will start to fall back into place again. Lisserb: How have you been doing? Haven't heard from you in awhile. Ammoultie: How are you? Did you get a chance to catch that egg this month? Hope to hear from you ladies soon and hoping to hear some good news coming from each and all of us!


11 years ago • Post starter

Hi Paradise,

Good to hear of your update. I went to see PCP on the 10th. Got a BFP result on the 11th but HCG was only 23. That same night I started bleeding pretty heavily and still am. Called my OB and we wants to see me tomorrow 12/13. I think I already miscarried. Like you, I am trying to get into shape. Need to lose a few pounds, about 25. I had started to run but then stopped. I think I will go into full gear in January. I don't eat cookies, candies etc. I have a small cup of coffee in the morning and a cup of tea at night. My eating habits could be better so I will work on that. Bought Royal Jelly today. Never heard of it until I signed up here. Well although I am disappointed, I don't feel so much emotional pain as the last time because I didn't have ultrasounds, see pictures, etc.

I am praying for good news for you. Baby dust you way, every day.

11 years ago

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