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February/March 2021 BFPs

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Hi ladies. My due date is February 2, 2021. My first ultrasound is June 22. Come and share your success story that led to your BFP. Here is my list that led to my BFP.

April 27-May 2 (CD 1-6)- AF
May 3 (CD 7)- BD (did not Pull Out)
May 4-7 (CD 8-11)- nothing to report
May 8 (CD 12)- 4yr Anniversary; BD (did not P/O)
May 9-10 (CD 13-14)- gearing up to ovulate. CTP has my ovulation on CD 13)
May 11 (2dpo)- possible ovulation based on temp; not CTP. BD, however husband couldn't finish. Husband states I am really "hot" inside.
May 12 (3dpo)- BD, husband able to finish and not P/O. Husband states, I was not as "hot" as I was last night.
May 13 (4dpo)- Dull cramps/pressure, tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, irritability, moodiness, bloating, diarrhea, hot flashes, vivid dreams
May 14 (5dpo)- not much to report except for diarrhea
May 15 (6dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, sore muscles, backache, tender breasts (underarms), anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, very happy, BBT Luteal Phase Dip, low alcohol tolerance, increased cervical fluid, acne breakout (chest; never had them there)
May 16 (7dpo)- forgot to track that day
May 17 (8dpo)- dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, breasts (stabbing pain), tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance
May 18 (9dpo)- BD, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs/hips, backache, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, constipation, gas/flatulence, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, low alcohol tolerance, dry cervical fluid
May 19 (10dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, achy legs or hips, backache, breasts feeling heavy or full, tender breasts, I 'feel' pregnant, bloating, constipation, empty feeling in stomach, heart burn (throat), dry mouth/increased thirst, headache, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance
May 20 (11dpo)- BD; hubby states I felt different/tight, cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, UTI or feels like, achy legs/hips, backache, pronounce veins, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), I 'feel' pregnant, increased sex drive, moodiness, diarrhea, gas/flatulence, dizzyness/light headed, dry mouth/increased thirst, stuffy nose, fatigue/exhaustion, low alcohol tolerance, vivid dreams, cervix pain, dry cervical fluid, frequent urination
May 21 (12dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, heaviness/fullness, pulling/pinching, sharp stabbing pains, twinges, backache, tender breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, irritability, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, fatigue/exhaustion, insomnia, low alcohol tolerance, + pregnancy test
May 22 (13dpo)- cramps (like PMS/AF), dull cramps/pressure, backache, tender breasts, tender breasts (underarms), tingling breasts, anxious/on edge, I 'feel' pregnant, weepiness, decreased appetite, food adversion, dry mouth/increased thirst, runny nose, chills, fatigue/exhaustion, hot flashes (heart palpatations)
May 23-present- nothing recorded

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  UPDATE   Baby arrived 12 days early. Was a very fast delivery.

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147 Replies • 4 years ago • Edited



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@dragonfly glad to hear your friend is off to a good start with her pregnancy too! Are you guys having strong symptoms now? I’m getting a bit worried because a few days ago I was having mood swing and even got pretty nauseous for a day or 2 but today I feel totally normal (except for breast pain). My tests still seem to be getting darker but with all my previous miscarriages, the first sign was that symptoms decreasing so it makes me nervous. Hope everyone is feeling well!

3 years ago

@agatch. Her symptoms are bare minimal or non existance. Also had quite a bit of spotting over a few days, so that worried her. But the doctor phoned her up and said all was good. So, we are able to give a sigh of relief. I've been a part of this pregnancy since the beginning when she kept taking OPKs and the lines were pretty dark and then she mentioned she had yellow cm. So, I told her to test; faint positive. Picked up a CB Digi and read "2-3 weeks". My symptoms aren't too bad, some slight headedness, bad bloatedness and sore breasts/nipples. Try not to worry about the lack of symptoms as every pregnancy is different.

AFM. I had my follow up ultrasound with my doctor and even he was surprised they didn't do a vaginal ultrasound. Told him what she said and he said that she is partly right. With that, I am booked for another ultrasound on July 23; which is perfect as my parents anniversary is on the 24th and I would love to tell them then. Providing I am out of the first trimester lol. I'd like to tell my best friend as I envisioned us being pregnant together; but it was a matter of when. Now, I'm not sure when though.

Question: the side that you ovulate on, is that the side where the baby umplants and where you feel the most movements? Sorry, I'm just curious.

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3 years ago • Post starter

Dragonfly- I ovulated on the right side this time and that is where most of my crampy pinching, pulling and round ligament pains are. I get them in both sides, but the majority and strongest ones are on the same side as o pains and implantation cramping happened.

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3 years ago

@Kahlan. Thank you for that. I think I felt O pain on my right side as well as that was where the sonographer spent most of her time. But I swear, I am feeling things on my left side as well. So, I'm not sure what to thonk of it. I guess I will find out on my next ultrasound. How are you feeling? When is your next ultrasound?

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3 years ago • Post starter

@dragonfly. Aww thank u. My daughter keeps saying “mummy is baby in the belly” and things like “baby don’t hurt my mummy” which is so cute I hope ur little one comes around soon. I’m sure she will as she gets older. She’s still young. It’s cute that she kisses your belly and she is gentle so that’s a start.

3 years ago

@expecting. Awe, that's cute. She is probably getting really excited. Are you guys going to find out the gender? We decided not to find out but not sure if I can handle not knowing if it is a boy or girl but I'm sure I will be fine not knowing.

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3 years ago • Post starter

So my appointment was brought forward today. Baby measuring 6 weeks, due date Feb 19th. Like yours @dragonfly23 they did an ultrasound rather then vaginal. They said if we can see this way that's all they need to do.

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3 years ago

@mint. I'm shocked as well. Especially since 6 weeks is really early. I always thought that if it was lower than 8 weeks then they should of done the vaginal as it will tell if there is more than one hiding and plus other things. I'm glad that your appointment went well and that you were able to see the sac. Do you know when your next scan will be and will you get a nuchal scan? I am 35, and the older you get, the risk of down syndrome or trisomy is high in some woman; or is that information wrong or does it vary?

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3 years ago • Post starter

I also heard the heartbeat but she said that the rules were she couldn't tell the rate as some women panic! You are right with your information. I'm also 35 and was told at length all about the risks after turning 35+. I have to wait for an appointment letter for my next scan and tests. Hopefully not too long

3 years ago

@mint. That's weird that some woman freak out. The lady told me, little ones heartrate is 167bpm and I also got to see it flicker on the screen so that was nice to see. I will be 36 when the baby is born so I am weighing more on not having anymore. Plus my doctor says that to get tubes tied, they don't have to do it by c-section, just a pin hole. So, that made me very happy to know that as I heard from other ladies they got tingling on the surgical site and how painful it is. Hope you get your letter soon. Do you plan on having any more after this baby?

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3 years ago • Post starter

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