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Last Round of Clomid. HCG Shot. Cycle Buddies??

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I am on my last round of Clomid, and things are... interesting...

I went to my dr today for an ultrasound to see how far my follicles have dilated (my dr is looking for 1.8cm). Curiously enough, he found two eggs cysts (right at 1.5 and left at 1.2). My DB and I decided to go through with the HCG injection since we have been trying (since last year), but to no avail. So, my dr. wants me to come back for another ultrasound Wednesday morning and if one of follicles is 1.8cm dilated he will administer the HCG shot... However, if the they are both at that size, as he puts it, my chance to have twins "is not insignificant." I'm kind of excited about the idea actually :)

SO - I guess if I get the shot on Wednesday, I will ovulate on Thursday 5/23. Any I am certainly welcoming any cycle buddies :)

Also, if you have any questions about Clomid, and have any information about the HCG shot, I'd love to chat!

Best wished to everyone!

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200 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hang in there Court! I'll be thinking about you and sending lots of positive vibes for Sunday! Fingers crossed for a bfp!

As for me not doing anything different this month. I start clomid tomorrow and still using temps and opk's. I think at most we will try 5 total cycles of clomid before we get referred out to specialist.

12 years ago

Aw, thanks for the love, girls! It's so nice to have you cheering me on! I think my 'symptoms' this month have me convinced it worked, and my DH really excited, which makes me worried for the crash tomorrow. I'm in that zone now, where I can't help but be hopeful and thinking it worked...only I've been wrong 11 times before! My husband is usually very level-headed or even negative, too, and this time he's all giddy. Tomorrow is really gonna suck.

When I talked with my specialist about clomid through the summer, she said she doesn't put people on it past six months. There are potential negative health concerns after six months, but studies have only confirmed them in people on clomid for 1 year or more. (I go to a hospital in boston, so they're always talking to me in terms of research).

Anyway, if you've been on clomid 5-6 months when you see a specialist, you will likely move right into a more aggressive treatment, which is good! And it's great that you are getting the clomid months out of the way before seeing a's so much cheaper that way!

Ok, off to a baby shower for someone who had an 'oops' pregnancy when she was frustrated he wasn't proposing to her. The nerve...

12 years ago

Well, I had my bfn this morning. I was up all night last night sick with nausea. I even threw up. I was so convinced it worked. Now I'm just thinking it was the awful food I ate during the back-to-back functions yesterday. A cruel joke is being played on me.

I guess I'll keep testing each morning until AF. :(

Hope you guys are over AF and looking forward to the next ovulation week.

12 years ago

So sorry Court! How are you holding up??

I thought this would be the month for me, too. It was really disappointing. Plus, two of my db's friends wives/girlfriends announced that they are expecting this week. We've all kind of been talking about kids together, so they are giving us the 'hurry up' comments constantly. I just want to scream, "WE'RE TRYING!!" It just seems like it has been just so easy for everyone around us.

Glad I have you ladies :)

12 years ago • Post starter

We can't count ourselves out Court until AF arrives, plus you have had some symptoms so there is hope, just keep on testing. Are you also temping? We will all have our BFP soon I know it. We just have to be patient. I feel hopeless at times but starting AF just means we can try again next month.

Every new month I try to keep a positive outlook. Clomid day 2 today, and bought all my supplies (opk's and another round of pregnancy tests). Here's to March babies!

12 years ago

Thanks for the love ladies! Another bfn today. AF is due tomorrow; you'd think there would at least be a faint positive by now. So nausea and vomiting all weekend and all I get is AF....seriously?

Going to the doctor for unrelated reasons tomorrow. Maybe I could have them do a blood test if I still have no sign of AF.

I can't believe the first time I tried I was hoping for a march baby and here I am a whole year later. I'm so tired of this.

Not tempting this cycle. Should have I suppose.

Lisette, I like your positive attitude! I hate buying those things...they're putting me in the poor house!

Ok, headed to work and really don't want AF to show while I'm surrounded by pregnant people and infants! Deep breaths...

12 years ago

Got AF about 20 minutes after getting to work today. Ug. Bought a new car this afternoon...what a weird day of emotions. (talk about retail therapy, right?)

12 years ago

I'm sorry, Court. It is such a bummer when symptoms fool you.

I am also a big fan of Lisette's positivity. I've been on short supply for the past few weeks, so I am glad someone has our backs :)

Still hoping for a March baby this month! To be honest, I am just hoping to ovulate naturally this month. I know it is weird, but I am starting to feel positive again and starting to get hopeful again. Honestly, I'm surprised that I can still think positive. We started trying last Memorial Day - It has been a long year for us, too.

What kind of car did you get??? I'm a big believer in retail therapy!!

12 years ago • Post starter

Good afternoon girls just wanted to stop by and see how everyone is doing. Just finished clomid yesterday so now i must wait. I think I'll O in about 1 week. I hope every has had a good week so far.

12 years ago

Hi girls!

Lisette, thank you for reaching out! I've been doing ok...I highly recommend you get a new car during your next cycle ;) Just kidding...but it has helped me keep my mind off it. Missy, I got a used toyota highlander. Couldn't be happier.

I start clomid tomorrow. I've been really sad lately, as I've been resolving to the fact I need to go through infertility treatments. My chances of conceiving at home (fecundity) each month drop down to 3-5% after July 4th, my birthday. Kind of a sad statistic. I know September is a long way off, but I can't help but be nervous about injections and shots and taking more work off. :/ I'm going to try to push it out of my mind until I'm living it and have no choice.

Lisette, what day do you typically ovulate on? Missy, are you going this cycle naturally because you can't be on clomid any longer, or because your doctor won't prescribe it again until you see a specialist? I think the max is 6 months...

Hope you're both well!

12 years ago

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