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Lots of Baby Dust for SEPTEMBER 2014 Babies!

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Time to start a September board. Welcome, and baby dust to all!

TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

659 Replies • 10 years ago



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Autiebell I have had all of the same symptoms as you, and also extreme tiredness, vivid dreams, and also a cold that only lasted 2 days! It's 15DPO for me, hope we both get our BFPs soon, if I do I know I'll be very lucky as last month was only our first month trying, I really feel for some of these women who have spent months or even years TTC!

TTC #1 with Hubby As of Jan 9th 2014 - found out we are expecting #1 User Image

10 years ago

Now that you mention it Mrs. Tiddle, I have been having pretty vivid dreams and I woke the other day with a sore throat and stuffy nose yesterday and today. No other symptoms. We have only been TTC for one month. I could only hope to be that lucky. If not I will happily keep trying. I will be thinking you in the coming days! I hope to hear great news!

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10 years ago

I've been remembering my dreams the past few days which is very rare for me. Usually I might remember a handful of dreams through the year. And I swear I have heightened sense of smell past day or two. Could be in my head...but I hope not. I hate this waiting time. It's so hard!!!

Good luck and baby dust to all!!!

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10 years ago

Hi ladies! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!! Baby dust to all of us here.

I have quite a lot to catch up as I hasn't been checking too much on the forum. Hope everyone has a blast time celebrating.

Nothing much on me lately except me and DH took turns to fall ill, flu virus is quite obstinate this time to go around in our house for a while.. Maybe some update about myself?

Today, I am DPO10, CD25 based on OPK(+) on CD15, while i am writing these replies, I JUST had a strong pull on my lower abdomen when i stood up a while to check the laundries. The pull is sharp and about 3 seconds? As if something is "dropping" out? Im not checking yet as my shortest cycle is 24 days and longest is 30days. AND i certainly hope that its not af"dropping" out. (TMI soon) as I was peeing earlier today, I realized that there is clot CM floating on my pee. Not sure if this is normal or I could have forgotten about checking Pee past months. I haven't been going for acupuncture. taking supplements, since CD7. This month seems a little different, not sure if I have totally given up TTC or I'm drained due to being ill and DH ill and "fake" O on CD7/8.
I do agree and have to agree that this journey is quite tough.. Am everyday keeping myself very busy to "take it easy" I supposed at this junction before the witch got her visa, I am still in September. HAd a nap earlier, and dreamt that I found a cellphone with no password locked and I woke up.. Wonder what does that mean? Nipples still in pain ( both sides ), tired, --> all these I think its symptom of af + being ill. Not trying to think if its preggo symptoms. As been thru' a while of all these symptoms turning out witch came.
Alright, thats about it. Congrats to all BFP!! And SHOO away witches!

Firstti- Thanks for the good luck, I certainly need it. Despite the above ranting.

ammomy- all the best to you. Have you start testing?

Blushing- Apparently BD stops the day before NYE.. as DH starts feeling ill and me too. We both are spreading to each other on the flu virus .

Rebecca- Im sure sneaky sounds fun @ times. Heighten orgasms.. Your DH sure is flash to get dressed in 5secs when busted. Baby dust to you.

2More- I supposed its fun to BD everyday. it gives glow and radiant to both of you.

MrsHill- ooooh... evreyone here sure love to raise the glass. No worries about venting. Look at mine... :) all the best.

GB- Fx'd for you. Sorry to hear about the loss of your cousin.

Koti- AHHHHHH..... Im stressed. really.. trying to act busy and be busy everyday. No temping, no supplements, no acupuncture. Just OPK test straight up to CD17. Apparently CD16 onwards, (-) Not checking Not testing cos longest cycle - 30days. Considering that i got "prank" on the fake surge on CD7, I am not sure if witch is kind of sneaky to hide and prank me too... Im not surprised if she does that, maybe she is in cahoot with O this cycle. Double pranks. ( ** keeping my fingers crossed she dun come for a good 9 months)
And keeping her away from you too! ((HUGS))

Mrs Tiddle- BFP!!! All the best ((HUGS))

modern- Hello!! and welcome. DPO12 could be too early? Hang on a few days if you can. Cheers.

Blakeley- Hello & welcome to this awesome forum!! Finger crossed for you & do keep us posted.

Cristi- HI HI HI!!!!!!!! How have you been? Gosh... ever since my nipples ( both side ) in pain , your one sided nipple pain thingy keeps coming into my mind... LOL... Nice to hear that you had a great celebration with your (14 years old son) and family. Thank you for the wishes. It was a merry xmas for me & DH, safe for me & DH just we got ill respectively :p (( HUGSS)) Miss you!

MyLucky- I think this a great opportunity, one of my gf's friend just had an adoption here in Sg. She says its beautiful. How's the discussion with DH? I am sure he is excited.

GVMD- I hope SANTA heard me LOUD & CLEAR... :) Cheers!


xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

Baby dust everyone, there seems to be some promising symptoms, I hope you all get your bfp.

Kotikd I'm due AF on the 10th/11th, I'm away for this weekend so if I'm feeling optimistic I might test on tues/weds. At the moment I only have sore bbs but this is normal for me the week before AF anyway. I also feel quite warm, which isn't usual for me but could still be pre AF symptoms. I'm just going to keep hoping.

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10 years ago

Happy New Year! I hope that you all are doing so well. It is absolutely frigid here, a high of -1 and it feels so much colder.

AFM: A negative pregnancy test yesterday, AF is due on Saturday morning. No PMS ish symptoms, but I've been feeling really full around my abdomen. Fingers and toes crossed.

How are you all? Anyone planning to test this weekend?

Firsttime and Wifey my EDD would be 9/11 too!

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10 years ago

Well AF reared her ugly head today :-(. Here's to this month being the month. Hope everyone else had better luck than me! Sticky vibes and baby dust! -*fingers and toes crossed.

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10 years ago

Sugar: I hope you are at least taking prenatals and folate?
I hear you about the stress, all these symptoms are pregnancy symptoms but I had them before too where AF just showed up. But stress is really bad, is messes up with progesterone and other things you need to get and keep a sticky bean, so try to do yoga or acupuncture.
I do hope you get a BFP :)

Blakeley: I have my fingers crossed for a BFP for you, wow, even waiting until next week is a lot of will power, you are 9DPO today right?

aclark: Baby dust and sticky vibes!

AutieBell: Welcome and baby dust.
Sorry AF got you. If there is one thing we all learned here, is that once you start TTC all these pregnancy symptoms start showing up every month even when you're not pregnant. I hope you get a BFP soon.

AFM: CD17, I thought I should be 1/2DPO today, but my temp this morning was 97.54 which is really low so I think maybe ovulation didn't happen yet??? My OPK a couple of days ago was dark, the test line was darker than the control line, I have no idea what is happening, I guess we'll see my temps tomorrow. Maybe I am still waiting for ovulation?
I get my colposcopy results later today, getting a little nervous.
Baby dust to all!

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10 years ago

Koti- Not even folate. :p since cd7 & subsequently unwell on and off hence mixed up all the western & chinese powder. As a result stop. I'll try to do so soon. I do hope that its BFP though, still not trying to test, resisting the urge to test....

Am trying to have quiet moments in the noon when less busy and ended up mostly napping :) LOL So I guessed only when I sleep and super busy I will not be thinking about TTC....

I puked out all my dinner earlier while showering. Gosh I feel sooo much better after puking all out. I supposed I was too hungry and sudden intake of food. Am still trying not to think too much on symptoms.

Actually, I am worried witch is around the corner...

YOu too! baby dust!

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

koti- Also, kp us posted on your results. :) All the best! ((HUGSS)

xoxo, Sugar

10 years ago

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