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July 2014 Baby, maybe?

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Starting this forum giving continuity to the previous month!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

1064 Replies • 10 years ago



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Hey guys! Technically if I conceive in this cycle my EDD would be June 30th, but pretty much everyone has moved on from that board so I'm going to do double duty for a few days. I'm 9 DPO today. Trying to hold to until 12 DPO for testing.

So here's a random question. Does anyone (or everyone) has dull cramping during the TWW? So I had it for sure when I got a BFP in FEbruary. I had it last month, and I might have had a chemical, but Idk if I actually did. Before I would see that as like a good sign but now i"m just wondering if it's just random and happens.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago

Kiizzy- WOOOOHOOO! Thanks for getting the ball rolling for Oing this week!!!! Guess what day it is?! IT'S HUMP DAY! LOL! I couldn't resist. Happy Birthday doll!

Kot- Yep RJ! I don't take the pills I use the honey like stuff. I read the pills take a little longer to get into your system. So anything supplement I take I try to find the liquid or powder form.

Bammom- Thanks for the info and the vid!

IstTTC- I'm so happy to see your'e in better spirits :-) I totally get your excitement. GL this cycle!

SMC- GL this cycle!

Wifey- Hopefully, you will catch that egg this cycle!

GVMDL7003- How are you today?

Cristi- and you?

WhileImWaiting- I cramp off and on during my entire cycle it get more intense during the TWW though.

AFM- Trying to stay calm and its challenging. I have told my sister and one of my besties that I am on a phone hiatus yet, they continue to text me and call me about nonsense despite the fact I'm not responding. UGH! My sister had the nerve to have my mom call and ask me a question I didn't answer for her in text. I went BALLISTIC! I told my mom that I feel so disrespected. No one has asked why I'm on a hiatus or even offered a "I hope everything is ok". I'm not searching for that but, it would certainly lessen the blow of the disrespect I feel right now. I hadn't even told my mom what was going on with my slow growing follicle. She knows that I am supposed to ovulate this week so she has been trying to keep out of the way. My sister nor the bestie I'm referring to know what I'm going through. I don't plan on telling them because I really don't want their negative feed back. I just want the respect I deserve. I only have my phone on to be sure I answer my parents and DH. Otherwise, I don't want to speak to anyone about anything frivolous. I feel myself loosing everything I worked for last cycle. I'm going to reclaim it though NO ONE deserves to steal my peace!

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10 years ago

Kiizzy- WOOOOHOOO! Thanks for getting the ball rolling for Oing this week!!!! Guess what day it is?! IT'S HUMP DAY! LOL! I couldn't resist. Happy Birthday doll!

Kot- Yep RJ! I don't take the pills I use the honey like stuff. I read the pills take a little longer to get into your system. So anything supplement I take I try to find the liquid or powder form.

Bammom- Thanks for the info and the vid!

IstTTC- I'm so happy to see your'e in better spirits :-) I totally get your excitement. GL this cycle!

SMC- GL this cycle!

Wifey- Hopefully, you will catch that egg this cycle!

GVMDL7003- How are you today?

Cristi- and you?

WhileImWaiting- I cramp off and on during my entire cycle it get more intense during the TWW though.

AFM- Trying to stay calm and its challenging. I have told my sister and one of my besties that I am on a phone hiatus yet, they continue to text me and call me about nonsense despite the fact I'm not responding. UGH! My sister had the nerve to have my mom call and ask me a question I didn't answer for her in text. I went BALLISTIC! I told my mom that I feel so disrespected. No one has asked why I'm on a hiatus or even offered a "I hope everything is ok". I'm not searching for that but, it would certainly lessen the blow of the disrespect I feel right now. I hadn't even told my mom what was going on with my slow growing follicle. She knows that I am supposed to ovulate this week so she has been trying to keep out of the way. My sister nor the bestie I'm referring to know what I'm going through. I don't plan on telling them because I really don't want their negative feed back. I just want the respect I deserve. I only have my phone on to be sure I answer my parents and DH. Otherwise, I don't want to speak to anyone about anything frivolous. I feel myself loosing everything I worked for last cycle. I'm going to reclaim it though NO ONE deserves to steal my peace!

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10 years ago

1st: yayy! good luck this cycle!

gvmdl: Sorry the witch go you, that cycle was ridiculous! This next one will be better.

AFM: My progesterone 10dpo was 13.9 . Dr said this is normal, but based on my reading seems a little low, no? Anyone have knowledge about this? Should I get a cream?

~Ashlee~ My profile: Me 29, DH 30 Trying for #1 User Image

10 years ago

Blushing: ugh i feel for u... fx that follie mature n you catch that eggy.
I have one person who became a friend, i feel she sucks the good energy lut of me.
I told her i put paraguard, the iud so she stops stealling my confetti u know?
N i dont ever lie but maaaaaaan i feel good knowing she is not being negative about me conceiving n etc. She thinks i wont for the next ten uears! Peace!
I hope u can somehow not get disappointed as ppl will always be ppl n in most cases very self centered.

Im doing well! Fx for all of us!
Catch those eggies my friends!

Im on cd2. Started painting our house! I need colors! I looopve the wheatgrass, you all should try!

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

Acrichton 13 confirms ovulation!
My doc told me anything over 4/5 in a NONmedicated cycle confirms it.
grom what i understand it is normal.

DD's 5 and 6 missed miscarriage - angel baby may/2013 chemical pregnancy - november/2013 TTC#3 Me:38 DH: 56

10 years ago • Post starter

@1st, fantastic news about your test results! Go get 'em this cycle!

@While, since I went off the pill, I've noticed (on an increasing basis) that I have dull cramping on and off during my tww, and so far it hasn't meant anything. But I think everyone is different, so if you're experiencing cramping some cycles and not others, it could totally be a symptom. GL!

@blushing, sorry that your sister and bestie are being insensitive! I can't believe your sister tried to get to you through your mom! I hope they come around and give you the space you deserve. Hugs, and gl at tomorrow's u/s!

@acrichton, is this an unmedicated cycle? My progesterone on cd23 was 9.7 last cycle (with O on cd16). I was worried that it was low, but my doctor said that she was "pleased" with the number and didn't think we needed to take any corrective progesterone action. Your number seems pretty strong, based on my internets research

@gvmdl, what about a nice guava color for the family room? It's a little out there, but so warm and welcoming!

Well, obviously I am procrastinating at work today. Took yet ANOTHER opk (because money grows on trees), and got a solid smiley! I'm a little hesitant after what bammom said about the digitals, and I want to at least see if I get a solid on my testing reader stick-y thing at home, so for now I'm cautiously optimistic that tomorrow is O day. Just in time for my acupuncture appointment. I'm excited! (Should I be nervous? Will I have to get nekkid?)

Me = 27, DH = 29 TTC since May 2013 User Image

10 years ago

Thanks for the support guys!

Wifey- KMFX'd for you to O tomorrow. Also, you won't have to get naked just wear loose clothing so they can raise your pants leg and sleeves if they need to. Let us know how it turns out.

GVMDL7003- I'm soooo over them its not even funny. I'm feeling much better now after talking to one of my other girlfriends about it. I think that certain lies are justified. Not everyone is able to be happy for you.

DH and I have been two days in a row and taking two days off. I hope that we do catch the eggy! I also hope we have end up being able to do the IUI.

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10 years ago

Wow so much to catch up on!

Blushing, I am here... took a few days off. Just a lot going on and this government shutdown crap just stressed me out! I am back though! I am sorry you are going through so much. I am sending loads of prayers that follicle matures perfectly! Big hugs!

GVMDL, 10 years of peace... hmmmm I may have to consider becoming a liar just to a few people. Haha! Love it! Okay so I remember reading you posting about the wheatgrass.... I am a bit forgetful right now, so please fill me in! :)

AFM, I am going to do my best to get caught up tomorrow... (maybe tonight if I can't fall asleep). Sorry I kind of just disappeared... Life has just been crazy busy! I am CD 13 and expecting to O around CD 16- 18. Sending loads of baby dust and prayers to you all.

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10 years ago

First post in this thread!

Just to contribute to the progesterone topic. I think I have an issue with this as well. I did clomid this past July and had a chemical pregnancy. However, my progesterone a week past O was 6.8. I didn't think anything of it. The dr said it rose from almost nothing prior to O so that showed I ovulated. He wanted to do another round of clomid but we had a vacation planned for August so we decided to wait. Then I went home and researched normal progesterone levels and was confused! I read that most drs want to see 10 or 15. So I'm very confused because he seemed to not be concerned. He didn't mention it was low, just that it was 6.8.

SO, i tired progesterone cream last month. It did absolutely nothing. You are supposed to use it until like 14 DPO or so and then stop so your period can start. Well I bled right through it anyway. It didn't give me any additional symptoms and my temps were no different than usual.

That's not to say someone else wouldn't have a totally different experience. But that is mine. I think if I don't get pregnant this cycle (about to O within the next 4 days hopefully) we are going to do clomid again in November.

10 years ago

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