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TTC November/December 2021

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Hello friends! Since as it seems I’m not going anywhere soon, I’ll be glad to have some company in here, sharing our concerns and daily updates while TTC!

Good luck to everyone!!

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2000 Replies Closed • 4 years ago • Edited



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@Punk yes I had some cold feet and still now my temps go up and down. For me it could have been low iron because I'm also anemic but maybe just maybe for you. Fingers crossed

@Kait aww thank you. It is so nice to hear from you. Baby kicking is such a good sign. Does baby recognize your partner s voice. I remember my 1st would always kicked when he would heard my husband s voice. It was so funny. Even now, he gets so excited when he hears him in the morning when he first wakes up.

@Emma congratulations again mama

@lisa congratulations to you too. She is so precious.

Ttc , pregnancies and birth in these conditions ladies , we are all warriors. Don t let anyone tell you otherwise!

@mill I know ttc with a 2 is hard. But remember, it only takes that one. I'm praying for you mama.

@Alex for you too. I hope this will be your month and the most amazing birthday gift.

AFM more and more tired. Dealing with school and my classes. I am taking lots of pills for iron, thyroid, prenatals and my appetite is growing. I have already gained like 3pounds and I have to watch my weight bc I am already overweight so I have to be careful. I have a bit of dizziness, nauseous but not every day and of course cramps. My 1st ultrasound will be the 20th. My boy is so active. I try to take him on small walks in the neighborhood but he just wants me to carry him everywhere. He is literally all over me lol. I don t know if it because of the baby but I would say that is a pregnancy symptom. I'm still praying for everyone to stay brave and stay in contact with friends and families.

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4 years ago

Dragonfly yes, I agree! People can be so irresponsible and I don’t really get it.. we’re in the middle of a pandemic and everyone’s behavior is like it’s something so innocent. Pffff...

Nasa I hope you’ll be having a surprise bfp as we seem before!!! Remember.. you’re not out till AF arrives!!

Punk I really hope all your symptoms are pregnancy related girl! Try to not over analyze everything tho! Remember our bodies are preparing for pregnancy EVERY.SINGLE.CYCLE. pregnant or not. It can be super confusing and may lead to disappointment.
I have everything crossed for you that your body is getting ready to snuggle a little baby!

Lalou I heard before about children being super clingy on pregnant mommas and this is so interesting and so cute at the same time!
I hope you’ll have the minimum discomfort during this first trimester since I’ve heard can be very difficult.

AFM my breasts are killing me. I’m only 2dpo and I really don’t want to spent two weeks of boob pain lol I don’t understand how some cycles can be so intense I really have a very strong feeling that it’s another unsuccessful cycle and it kills me that I have to wait another whole month to retry... But again I shouldn’t complain.. there are ladies that have to wait so much longer due to several reasons. One thing I’m glad of my ttc journey is my short cycles and my super stable O day. This way I can try soon enough after AF.. on the other hand I’m trying for 9 years so... lol yea

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4 years ago • Post starter

@Alex I am sorry but I will be the optimistic voice here I just can t help it. Boob pains is a great sign. And I cannot wait. I am praying and crossing fingers and toes that this is your month.

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4 years ago

Cycle Day 10, feeling crampy and left/right sided pain. No clue on when I will ovulate or what will happen this cycle; trying for a baby or not. Maybe husband will surprise me again. All I can do is wait. Good luck everyone and stay safe.

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4 years ago

@ alex I really think some cycles we have a stronger ovulation with better hormonal levels etc. Some months I am so much warmer than others. Thats a huge sign of good ovulation for me. Also pregnancy. When I got preggo with my daughter, I wasnt even teying or tracking. The only thing I remember is working and taking my temp wandering why I was running low fever and I wasn't feeling sick, just hot. So after O and I start getting super warm i know my progesterone levels are higher.


4 years ago

Lalou Thank you for your positive energy hun! I guess it could be a sign but again It’s very normal for me but sometimes is stronger than others..

Dragonfly seems like your body is preparing for O or else why would it give you cramps? It will be such a blessing to have a surprise this cycle! Fingers crossed!

Mill Yes I remember and very often I’m thinking about your story and gives me hope!
How are you?

AFM today I got My 3dpo Crosshairs. I also started feeling slightly crampy which at this point is very common for me at 3dpo. Never figured out why I’m usually crampy at 3-5 dpo.. I’ve done some minor research but nothing came up. I would like to know what my body is doing at this time lol

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4 years ago • Post starter

5 dpo for me. Just trying to stay busy. Already have myself out for this month. I guess thats how we cope? In June I will hot 2 yrs trying again and it sucks.


4 years ago

Hey ladies! Hope you're all having a good day so far.

I took a test yesterday morning and it was BFN. I'm 13 DPO today so I imagine AF will be here either tomorrow or Sunday.

4 years ago

CD19 and 8 dpo with NOTHING to report. I know it's early yet, but kinda feeling like I missed the mark again even though I got a BD in at least every other day during fertile week.

4 years ago

Sending you all lots of prayers and positive vibes.

Not much news for me. Feeling a bit more nauseous.

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4 years ago

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