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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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I know exactly how you feel. Don't give up trying! I had a cp at 5 weeks as well. My husband and I wanted to try right away again so I got the clear blue ovulation kit. I was surprised to see I ovulated sooner then expected but it worked! Just found out yesterday I am pregnant again and I'm 11dpo! Scared to death and hoping this one doesn't end in the same result. I am getting blood work done tomorrow to see where my counts are. Don't give is totally possible to conceive the next cycle after a cp!

9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!! :)

Alice hun, thank you for your lovely words!! I really hope too that uti wont have any affect on ttc. Just feels crappy... :( I hope headache is gone and that you feeling better! Still having morning sickness hun??
Sending you lods lods baby dust and happy headache free vibes :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes :) I see you are in 2ww already :) I hope i join you v v soon ;) Lol about negative Nancy ;) I could call my hubby that lol im the positive one :) Are you started B6 vitamin? Hope that will help you lengthen LP, and i have my fx that at the end of this month we will see few BFP pop up, its about the time :) How you feeling so far? Where did you get progesterone oil? Does it helps with progesterone? I have feeling my one is low :( But will find out soon, as my progesterone test is next wed, hope its all good fx
Sending you lods lods baby dust hun and lets join Alice in two weeks :)

Emmyflower, so sorry that af showed and that you had such a confusing cycle!!! How unfair all the positive opk!!! I wonder if it could be that you might o twice last cycle??? Im sending you lods lods hugs and baby dust for this cycle!!!!

Hay Jada, hope you are doing well hun!!! Thinking of you !!!!

Ch3rrypie11, congratulations hun!!!! Thank you so much for your lovely words!!!! Its give us hope that it will happen v v soon for all of us!!! Have healthy and happy next 9 months!!! Sending you lods lods baby dust and super sticky vibes!!!! :)

Well lil update from me. Sorry ive been away for lil few days, just been so busy with painting our sitting room. And still haven't finished lol :)
Yesterday i got positive OPK, well it looks like o its gona be early this cycle, and i hope its for good luck!!! My temp are bit confusing, should i discard the ones when i had a fever??
I went to doc yesterday, defo uti back, so she put me on different antibiotics, started taking yesterday, and already i feeling better!!! :) Still have a bit of flu, but nothing bad, just stuffy nose and lil cough, so its on the way out!!! :) Having pains today in my both ovaries, so o its v v soon :) Yaayyycan not wait for 2ww :)

With Love


9 years ago • Post starter

Emmy, thanks, I need lots of positive vibes!!! lol anxious annie. I'm like that sometimes too. Oh Emmy, I'm ss AF showed!!! boooo!! I know, it's awful seeing pregnancy everywhere and not being pregnant yourself. :( sending you lots of hugs! <3

Alice, yes, O is done and over with and am in 2ww. :) I'm usually hopeful during O and up to 7dpo and then the negative starts when I don't feel pregnant. lol. Then for life in general, yeah I'm pretty negative. :/ my aunt calls me eeyore. lol But, in my defense I've had a really hard life. Ahh I can't wait to hear when you're next appt is to check on baby! I sure hope you're able to find out the sex! :)

Nikolina, yup, I am in 2ww. I think we should change the name to 2wwoh (2 week wait of hell). lol. I hate waiting, it makes me so nervous!! I hope you'll be in 2ww with me soon!!! :D Yes I am still doing b6 but only during the luteal phase. How much of it do you take? I didn't lengthen my cycle last month, we'll see if it helps this month. Feeling ok, still to early to tell. Had a random nausea bout earlier I thought for sure I was going to throw up but it only lasted a min. Was weird. The progesterone oil is from Young Living. Yes, it helps with progesterone and a lot of other things like pms, and sleep and headaches and stuff. (supposedly) I've been doing it for almost a week now but haven't really noticed a difference. Yes!! I hope we join Alice real soon!!! This month soon would be GREAT. lol Umm, about your temps, I don't know about discarding them yet, but if you get a few days past O and you don't have a cover line or you think those temps are affecting the temp then I would discard and see what it does. Oh man, ss you still have the flu!! go away flu!!

AFM, 2dpo.... wishing I could just bypass this next week or so and be on to the test taking phase. lol

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Lol missytwoeshoes, defo its 2wwoh lol from now on thats what we gona call it :) luv it and its exactly what is says lol yea, my temps looks bit confusing this cycle, i think all the meds and stuff makes it worst :/ i think i culd have o yesterday but not 100% sure cos temps ar all around the place :( but eather way we are trying SMEP so it doesnt metter :) but i defo o earlier than usualy this cycle, hope its good sign!!:) as far as for this cycle, no feelings, i think no...cos of uti meds and flu :/ so much going on!!! Ahhh
Im taking 50mg B6 one a day. How much you are taking it? Eaven tho my LP is normal 13 days, but it wouldnt hurt right? :)
UTI symptoms its gone, so feeling much better already :) I hope too that this first week goes by fast and we will enter the symptom and test week :)

Fx hun this is the month for us!!! All the baby dust on the world and super super sticky vibes!!!!

With Love


9 years ago • Post starter

Just a quick hello! I'm in Texas for my nephews high school graduation tomorrow:) I will write more later!


9 years ago

Hay Ladies!!!

Hope yea all doing well. Just need a bit advice on something! What is going on with my temp???? Its so cunfusing this month :( i dont know if i ovulated at all :( could be antibiotics have smomething to do with it?? FF chart says i o on cd 13 but i dont know.... :(

Hay Jada hun!!! Hope you having a great time over there!!!

Lods baby dust xxx

9 years ago • Post starter

Nikolina, right?! lol. It's just such a long wait I thought it appropriate. haha. Being sick can effect your temp for sure. I think you should just keep temping and give it a few more temps and see what those do. I know it's hard. I've had a few cycles where I've been like 7dpo before I've been able to pick an O day because of weird temps. But I wouldn't think your O day would change, and maybe it's just taking a bit before your temp rises higher. I think they call it a slow rise? I'm sorry it's confusing, because I know how frustrating that is!! As far as the B6 goes, I read you can take up to 200mg without causing nerve damage so when I'm not taking a prenatal with it (like now because I ran out) I take 2 100mgs a day. But when I do take a prenatal I only take 100mg because the prenatal has some b6 in it and if I took 200 it would put me over the 200 limit.

Jada, hope you have a great time at graduation!! :)

AFM, well my temp was 98.60 today. SO great. Because it RARELY gets this high. I'm trying to remain hopeful that the progesterone oil is helping instead of my temp being high because of how hot it is. It's supposed to be 91 today. O.O Don't really have any symptoms I don't think... but I've been busy and haven't had a chance to really focus on them. Yesterday was my last day of work for the school year. I'm hoping to pick up another part time job for the summer, but we'll see. I'm glad to be done though for a few months, working there is stressful. lol

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Hi sweet ladies!

Nikolina, I'm sorry your temps are so confusing :-( It can drive you nuts, not understanding what's going on and whether O has occurred already or not. I think being sick can definitely influence your temps. The positive opks point in the 'you have O'd' direction :-) I'm afraid all you can do is wait and see what your temp does next, like missytwoshoes said. It sucks though :-s How are you feeling? Glad to hear your uti symptoms are gone! :-) Now stay gone! ;-) I'm pulling for you, hun!!!!

Missytwoshoes, yaay for your temp being so high!!!! Although it sounds like you are melting over there, I don't think the weather has any influence on your BBT :-) I'm curious to see whether the oil also has such an impressive effect on your LP. Let's hope so!!! :-) Enjoy your time off!!!! :-) Is it easy to find a parttime job for a couple of months?

Emmyflower, how are you doing, hun? I'm thinking of you!!

Jada, waw, a graduation in Texas!!! :-) How was it? Is Texas very far from your home?

AFM, I have another uti :-( Again :-( I'm sure you understand how I feel, Nikolina :-s I hate these uti's. I do everything I can to avoid them and I hate that it's not working :-( I feel so uncomfortable taking these antibiotics, yet again :-s Also, I'm abroad for a while, for my job, so bad timing as well :-s Oh well, maybe it was all going too smoothly ;-) As long as baby is alright...

Sending you ladies LOTS and LOTS of positive vibes!!!!!


9 years ago

Morning beautiful ladies!!!

Ahh nooo Alice, so sorry to hear that uti is back!!! :( Oh yea girl, i know exactly how you feel, and its not the greatest feeling on the world!!! Lil tip i got of my mother in low, she used to suffer with uti when she was younger, in the morning have a mug of hot water with slice of lemon in it, that should help clear out the bacteria and stay away from uti. Im drinking that every morning, and its nice to drink aswell :) I also have a cranberry pills, im taking every day one now since i stopped antibiotics. So far so good, but its early to say tho :) I hope you feeling better soon hun!!! Ahh stupid uti, wy they can not leave us alone!!!! How is lil baba doing? Still morning sickness??
Yea my temps are so confusing this month!!! Have no idea when i o this month, so just gona wait and see whats gona happen with temps this week!!! But have a feeling i o bit earlier than usual, so af should be bit earlier aswell. Hope not :) Sending you lods of love and hope uti will be gone soon!!! :)

Hay Missytwoeshoes! Your temps looks fab!!! Really hope its heading BFP direction :) I never have my temps so high!! About B6, i didnt know how much i should take, so will try 100, cos i take parental vitamins aswell :) Hope it does lil magic :) Ahhh would be so nice to have a summer off, i would love that :) What type of job you thinking of doing during summer? My bosses are going holidays so i will have hard 2 weeks ahead of me, 6 days a week. But will be worth it at the end :) When are you thinking of testing hun? Are you gona wait untill af late? Sending you lods lods babydust and super sticky vibes!!!! :)

Well as for me, nothing much to report. I have no idea how many dpo i am now, could be anything from 3-6 dpo. Ahh 2wwoh is here !!!! :) This wed i have appointment with nurse for my progesterone test and also she wants to check if my uti is cleard completely. FX its good news. Well for last two days i have been having v sharp cramp like pains in my tummy, feels just like the ones (sorry TMI) just before you have to run to bathroom when you have diarrhea. Just wierd ones... i think its some side effect from antibiotics. Today feeling better tho :) Thats all so far. No real symptoms, just the one where i feeling out lol

Lods of Love


9 years ago • Post starter

Alice, yes, I've been hoping it would have a positive effect on my LP. But I'm not so sure it will be based on my temp today. :/ Um, I wouldn't say it's easy. Depends on what you're looking for. But there's a few I'm interested in, I just need to apply... but I'm having a hard time doing so as I'm enjoying my break to much. lol. Oh my goodness!! another UTI! how horrible! Baby just isn't cutting you a break is he/she?? ;) Hope being away for your job isn't to stressful for you!

Nikolina, Not sure which job... I saw another day care job, I might apply for that. It's in a gym and I'm hoping one of the perks is to work out for free. LOL probably not, but one could hope. :p Oh man, sorry about the next 2 weeks being rough at work! Hope it flies by quickly and not too busy for you! Well, right now my temp is low, if it stays low I will not be testing. If it jumps back up and stays there I'll probably test Friday. I'll be 11dpo then. If I feel like I can't wait I might test thursday night. lol But I'm sure it won't even come to that. :/ When are you testing? Can't wait to hear how your progesterone test goes! Hope all is well!!

AFM, wel I'd LIKE to be excited and say today was an implantation dip but... as I've learned now... I seems to have an "implantation dip" every month regardless if I'm pregnant or not. ugh. So I'm just going to assume my period is on it's way. I have been cramping off and on today too. :(

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

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