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January 2018 Babies!!

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Hi everyone, I don't believe i have seen any threads for January 2018 babies yet so i thought i would start. I am CD 3 and if i conceive this month i will be due on or about 6th January 2018. It's been a year and a half trying and one miscarriage. Hubby lives in another country so i am timing this for when i see him for Easter. I am on clomid this month plus some other supplements - I must say i feel like a science project now. I just really want this to work out this month. Trying to stay positive and hoping for the best. Supposed to ovulate between the 13th and 18th of April. Fingers crossed.

Best of luck to all of you trying to conceive this month!!

581 Replies • 7 years ago



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@newbie welcome!!! You are one of many newcomers today we are so excited to have you. Anywho at 12 DPO it should be safe to test but I would retest since those test are usually invalid after a certain amount of time so 20 minutes after would be iffy to me but who knows :). Anyway I have been having back aches since 12 DPO as well and I am 14 DPO today still waiting for AF but nothing. I am crossing my fingers this is my month. Anywho, welcome again and feel free to update us on your symptoms and test.


7 years ago

@LadybugsMom; thank you for your words. I had a miscarriage in Feb and this is our first cycle TTC after that. I hope it goes on to be a bfp. I also have burning/stabbing pains in breasts, thirsty and a little nauseous when I don't eat on time. I thought I will wait for 3 days and test again.

7 years ago

Welcome all the lovely ladies today!!!

@newbie- I would say evap line... it happened to me a few months ago and it broke my heart.

Good luck to everyone during "o" time and TWW!


7 years ago

@annarochester yup only spotting and when I say not even enough for a pad it's almost none existent you won't even notice if your weren't checking. TMI ALERT I took the TP and kind of stuck my hand in my woohaa and still just pale pink. Today the is due as I have a regular 27-28 cycle. Also I have been having a lot of pulling and tugging in my uterus and some cramps and I rush to the bathroom to see if my flow starts and nothing. So I'm still in the running yeah.

@rom we have almost identical symptoms just spotting on different days . Fingers crossed this is our month.


7 years ago

Hi ladies!
@LadieBugsmum when are you thinking of doing test? Lil spotting is comon in earl pg, I know so many girls who had that. Fx this is the month and we see your v v soon!

As for me, im cd 9, so noth to report. Took opk and very negative lol, but got lods of them, and just any stick to pee on is fun

7 years ago

Hello everyone! Just checking in. I am now 3 days late for ! I didn't do a test this morning. I'm feeling great with no symptoms except an upset tummy!
Hope everyone is covered in baby dust

7 years ago

@Rampokker you deserve a medal for not testing! When you thinking of testing? Wishing you best of luck lods and fx that is on d way!

7 years ago

I deserve a medal for being a coward lol as I am to afraid to test today and get a ! So I'm holding of for now.
How are you? Any symptoms we can spot?

7 years ago

Lol @Rompkker, I know how you feel, I always so devistated when I see and then I look at it so much at it that I start seeing lines lol. Nothing exciting in my corner, cd9 and wating to o. So busy week for me and hubby lol! Hoping I o by monday and then can start crazy 2ww. Last month when I got I had v strong symptoms, nausea in mornings, v thirsty and super runny nose for no reason at all! Still very sad of losing that lil angel, but trying to keep positive! So glad I found this forum, yea all ladies are so positive, it helps alot! I have fx for you hun, maybe do one this evening? I dont know why but my tests always been better at evening time than fmu! hope wont show for next nine months!

7 years ago

It's great to have such support in a community thread. It keeps me going when im feeling really anxious during the tww. I'm teally scared of having a miscarriage but I keep that though locked up tight! My sistet had a mc when she was 6 weeks I think. She now has a healthy bany boy of 2months.

7 years ago

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