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Cycle buddies!

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I ovulated on January 28th, cd 16 which makes me 4 DPO. Any cycle buddies out there?!?!

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106 Replies • 12 years ago



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Thanks for the Welcome

As for my symptoms so far I'm only exhausted and have copious amounts of cm. I keep thinking AF started but it's just cm. I started getting mild cramping tonight though. I hope that's a good sign. Also, gas. I don't know if that's to blame for the cramping as the cramping feels different than normal gas. Fingers crossed.

Good luck ladies. Baby dust!

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12 years ago

Hello ladies! 9 DPO and not a symptom in sight.... hmmm

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12 years ago • Post starter

Hey Kim, how've you been? I'm 11 today and except for the occasional mild cramp, nothing major. keep hanging in there. Sometimes no news is good news

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12 years ago

snowwhite- Hope that means you're gonna have a BFP:)

efuabarimah- Well today is 10 DPO for me. I actually just had a weird pain in my left boob that reminded me that I hadn't been on here today. Aside from that I've got zip. I guess I'll just have to wait and see to every one here!

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12 years ago • Post starter

AF arrived this morning like 3 days early, really caught me off guard...confused, sad...Lord what's happening to me

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12 years ago

efuabarimah - I'm sooo sorry. I hope next month is both your month. I am praying for you. I had temp drop below the cover line today. So guess i will see AF tomorrow. It's kind of good because it means that after 3 months my cycles have returned to 28 days but also bad because I want a baby sooooo much. Keep your head up

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12 years ago • Post starter

Thanks a lot kimasha! Will keep my head you said next month will be IT.... You're in my thoughts and prayers too're still in the running...

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12 years ago

Well... had a temp rise today coupled with spotting. Not sure if AF is here or what. Still waiting......

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12 years ago • Post starter

Well...... is here

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12 years ago • Post starter

hey ladies,
Kimasha and efuabarimah -- sorry the witch showed her ugly face...every cycle is a new chance for a happy ending so try to stay positive.

AFM -- 13dpo today and not feeling well. Started feeling queasy last night and today. Kind of feels like car sickness. Goes in waves of intensity. Also felt extremely tired today and had to nap. Mild cramping on/off. These could be signs of AF so i'm really nervous to test cause i don't want to be disappointed. I might test tomorrow with FMU. GL to everyone.

12 years ago

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