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6dpo, want cycle buddies for support and who need support

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Hello all ladies

I am 6 dpo today, feeling rather blah today. As i know no-one who is going through what i am, i have turned to you. I am relatively new to this forum stuff but it is worth a shot.
I have been having cramps, pulling, twinging, left side, right side and middle pains, back is killing me today, bb's are rock hard and tired today. I hope it is all good signs, my husband and i have been trying to conceive for 4-5 years now and no luck, so i am hoping its all good.
*high 5*

31 Replies • 7 years ago



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I'm So sorry Kwes . Don't feel stupid at all!!!!! Our bodies are so confusing at times.
I know it's hard, but try and relax and enjoy the time with your hubby.

I know this will happen for you.

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7 years ago

No feeling stupid! :::hugs:::I think I'm out too- started spotting light brown got a migraine coming on & backache and those are typical PMS symptoms for me. Almost bought a test in a drugstore today but couldn't find them - still overseas & no one spoke English wasn't about to go through that lol. I guess the upside is if AF gets here I can finally enjoy a beer on vacation. Have fun in Singapore, hopefully you come back with a souvenir! <3

7 years ago

Thank you wanderlust and khaos

In singpore and to my surprise, English is their main language.
Dunno what's going on, been 5 days and have spotted 2 brown drops everyday, nothing fullblown like what I usually get. Wanna start my cycle so I can begin taking clomid, so confusing. Bbs still massive and veiny and no cramps whatsoever.

Will keep u posted, maybe I'm still in it. (Not holding my breath)
Wanderlust I wish you luck for next cycle.
Message me so I can support you when you begin.
Khaos, when you going for scan?

7 years ago • Post starter

I haven't even had a chance to call my doctor yet. I've been a mess. My dad ended up in the hospital with his breathing issues, so ended up shifting all my focus onto that. They are sending him home today thankfully, with a home health nurse.

My test is much darker this morning despite some very light brown spotting a day ago. just a little when I wiped, so i'm thinking it might be leftover IB.

I am calling my doctor today now that the family crisis is over. I should be 4 weeks exactly tomorrow.

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7 years ago

Oh my gosh khaos, I'm so sorry to hear that.
All my hopes and prayers are with you and your family.
I hope he gets better soon. It must be so stressful.
It's hard to be excited for something when family falls ill.
I know your baby is growing healthy and I'm glad the line is now a solid positive and Good luck with your scan. Take care

7 years ago • Post starter

Sadly this one wasn't meant to be. It turned out to be a CP. I'm trying so hard not to be completely gutted right now.
I'm very thankful DH is wonderfully supportive, and just hoping one day this will happen.

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7 years ago

Oh my gosh Khaos

My heart is so sore for you.
I can't imagine the heartbreak. I know it will happen, just keep the faith. Just keep trying and keep me posted on your next cycle.

I'm skipping clomid this month, want to clean out my body and exercise this month. We thinking of doing the sperm and egg donor procedure but still in two minds.

7 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies- checking in to see how both of you are this cycle?

I'm CD20 - feeling so nauseous and dizzy. Got back from international travel again on 6/10, was extremely nauseous during flight home & then once we landed I threw up for several hours until I got home. Typically I don't experience air sickness or jet lag. On 6/11 I just couldn't pull it together- I slept and slept and could only eat ramen and mashed potatoes.

Today I'm so nauseous but haven't thrown up. So dizzy - I can't really move around I feel like a bum because I've just sat in my recliner all day.

I had spotting on 6/7 - which is the day I ovulated according to my app& have been cramping ever since. Off and on in ovaries but also right down the middle and I've had side stitches. Those are new.

BD more around O this month- 6/6 & 6/7. It's hard to get my DH on board with BDing he is always too tired. I'm getting frustrated with that because I don't know how it's even going to happen- I read all these other stories and people are doing it every other day their whole cycle to get their BFP.

My cycles are also shifting in length. First one off BC was a 28 day, then a 25. I've been reading the short cycles make it hard to get pregnant because you ovulate earlier.

I've resigned to getting some OPKs if this isn't my month. DH isn't going to be happy because he just wants to let it happen...I don't think he understands that I'd like to get this chapter of my life moving so I can go on with life & my goals for the future or even just have a damn glass of wine and some sushi without worrying. I'm between jobs & now is a good time to take some time off for a baby...but I'm also looking for a job bc who knows how long it will take? Then if I get a new job and fall pregnant right away...stresses me out. It'd be easy if it just happened before I find new work.

I had been told by my GYN 3 years ago that when I finally tried if I wasn't pregnant in 6 months I'd need to come back in --- I'm worried about what time has done to me. I mean they wouldn't say that unless they thought I'd have trouble? I was also told I should not wait - but DH is so preoccupied with $$$ that he made me wait..maybe he doesn't even really want this now..but he also has had a low drive for a long time. We have been together 10 years and married 8 of those & he honestly kind of stopped wanting it after the first year and a's always a chore for him & ive tried everything. I have a high drive. I'm so scared my window shut & it's his fault. If that's true I don't know what I will do.

Evidently, I'm also emotional (maybe irrational).

7 years ago

Im Sorry Wander.

I have been feeling a bit out of time myself. Me and DH have been together 7 years, he wasn't ready for children until last year. But even then he wanted to just let it happen... i was the one with all the drive. I have been feeling like that lately that I've gotten to a point putting it off for so long that something is wrong with me, and in my head blamed him for making me wait (especially after this 2nd CP.)

I'm not sure if the reoccurrent MCs jump started his own bioclock or what.. but the doctor gave us the okay to try this month (Ill start labs on my next cd3 if no AF), and he suddenly seems more determined than me to make this happen. All but one of those BDs on my chart were initiated by him, usually I have to drag it out of him after Fertile day 2.

I'm currently on CD 15. I had +OPKs on 13 and 14 so I'm pretty sure today is O day for me. My boobs are pretty sore. FX I see a temp rise tomorrow... It's a day late for me, but last month might have thrown it off.

Those cramps sound promising though! Try not to stress to much. I know that is easier said than done. <HUGS>

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7 years ago

Hello ladies

I am so glad to see you both are still checking in.
Wonderlust i personally feel that vomiting is a massive positive sign. i have had every possible sign that i was always sure i was preggers, but vomiting and the loads of amount of cm i have not experienced yet. So i am very hopeful for you. i know the emotional roller coaster and it is not fun. I can totally relate to BDing and getting your husband to co-operate but sometimes it does just feel like a job, my husband sometimes says he feels used.
The best way is to make it more fun for him without him knowing you are O-ing. I give my husband signs i want to do the deed without him knowing my real agenda and sometimes i feel like doing this emotional roller-coaster on my own cause i feel he has enough stress at work. Sometimes you have to live without expecting something and 'let things happen' as they say. If you feel like a drink, drink barbican (alcohol free), if you feel like a cuppa chino, have decaf, and if you really want that sushi, eat the prawn and veg ones. Sometimes you stop your life for something that might not happen, I have done that too many times. Your body will give you all the signs you need to know if you are or not preggers and vomiting is definitely one of them, so let us know how it goes the next two weeks.

Khaos, i am glad you got the go-ahead and that your husband is responding well . I leave all the initiating to my husband as i am not a happy women if i get the 'NO, not tonight' response. I dont take rejection well.

As for me, i did not take clomid this cycle or chart or nothing as i was too late since we were in Singapore and started my cycle, i had no access to the pills, so decided to clean out my body and give her a break this month. Since i have PCOS i know i wont ovulate, so i will induce menses in a few days. My husband will be doing a SA when my cycle starts again and that will determine what happens then. If we dont get pregnant by the end of the year, we are looking into IVF again, and i am not looking forward to that emotional breakdown, especially the financial costs if things dont happen.

Keep me posted on your symptoms. Ill be here for your support and rooting you on.

7 years ago • Post starter

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