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All these hopeful "symptoms" but BFN? 12dpo

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I need some advice :( Heres my timeline of events: So I got a positive Smiley OPK on the 28th of September and ovulated on the 29th. (horrible ovulation pains that night on the right side) We BD'd that night!

2-6dpo: cramps, bloating, decrease in appetite, pulling twinges, ovary pain where I ovulated, and sharp pains in that area as well. Couldn't wear jeans cause I was so bloated and it made the pains worse.

7-10dpo: nothing! All those symptoms vanished!

11dpo: I started spotting brown CM from 8am-6pm. I wore a pantyliner and changed it twice. By 7pm all the spotting disappeared. Also my uterus just ached- no cramps at all but felt..sore?

12dpo: Spotting is gone, and today I have normal cramps. the past 2 days I've been overly sensitive to coffee and a today i urinated more than normal.

My period is due in 2 days- 10/13, and i took a FRER this morning and yesterday and got a BFN. Im wondering if yesterday was implantation bleeding? Did you guys have this and get a BFP later? These all seem like weirdly hopeful symptoms but Im lost.

Let me know girls <3

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144 Replies • 7 years ago



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Hey everyone! I am new to participating in trying to conceive formuns. Wondering if I can join you all?! I'm 32 and DH is 34. We have been loosely trying since July 2016 but really actively trying the past couple of cycles. I haven't been charting temps (although I plan to start next cycle) I am currently on cd16. Got a positive OPK this morning. DH and I work opposite schedules and his sleep cycle is completely off so it's super hard to BD. BD'd on CD 12, 13 and 16(tonight). Not sure if I have actually ovulated yet or will in the next day or so so I will be in the dreaded TWW. Don't really have any questions or anything right now but just looking for other ladies to chat with for support. Already starting to stress myself out and going crazy in my head. :)

7 years ago

Intention: Hahah it is! Im so happy but Im so happy that Im in pain :P
Yeah it might be! The past month or so Ive been reading how women will have alot of the same symptoms every month when they arent pregnant, and then we they are, they have flipped symptoms, and think theyre out, and its them actually being pregnant! So maybe having different symptoms is a good thing.
I havent been in this TTC game for too long but I love studying all these and seeing what women go through and trends.
3dpo today and my lower back is still killing me. Maybe its a good sign that this month I feel totally different from my past month. Crossing my fingers for us! What dpo will you be Friday or Saturday?

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7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Luna of course you can join! These forums are awesome :) Hey I got a positive OPK on CD16 as well! Seems like thats a trending cycle day for ovulation for a lot of women haha. Well congrats on your positive OPK and joining the dreaded TWW. As much as I hate to start, I love being in it because I get to start the countdown to see if my period is comes. Its pretty exciting!
Baby dust for all of us!

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7 years ago • Post starter

Good luck to you both! I will be tuning in during your TWW! I am guessing I am 1dpo today. Got my positive OPk yesterday and felt ovulation pains all day yesterday and a little this morning. Hard to say when my egg was actually released as I haven't temped this month so I suppose I could be actually ovulating today or tomorrow. Not too positive this month for a BFP as we only BD a couple of times and the other two may have been a little bit too early! We both have worked like crazy this week and have so much house stuff going on too. I was hopeful for today but I think I may be coming down with something and my husband isn't feeling well either!

Felt nauseous today like I could really get sick but it's obviously too early for pregnancy symptoms. I think it was a combo of feeling a little under the weather, stress from work and life and ovulation pains. I'll keep you posted as my TWW progresses! Last month I had spotting and weird cramping and sore boobs the whole TWW and convinced myself that was the month but got a BFN and af!

Do you guys chart your temps? Are you taking any supplements to aid in fertility?! I know a lot of women try various things so I love to hear what other people are trying. I'm taking just normal prenatals, vitex, raspberry leaf tea and ubiquinol coQ10. Trying to kick coffee. I only have one in the morning black but still should probably cut it out. A little worried about my husbands eating habits but trying not to be too much of a crazy person!

Baby dust your way!

7 years ago

Luna- Thank you! Same here! Yeah, I get horrible ovulation pains that start dull, then get worse as the hours pass, and then later disappear, so I think maybe I ovulate during those peak pains I have. Well you sure BD'd more than I did then! Hahah we only BD'd on a Tuesday and I ovulated on Friday :P.
Definitely let us know! Ill do the same :) Ugh how annoying, why does our bodies torture us? Last month I was bloated the extreme, and gassy and tired. This month Im 100% opposite, I have no gas or bloating, but my back has been hurting for days and I get bad ovary pains.
Yes I started charting this month! Its been kinda stressful though. Now that Im 4dpo every morning I pray my temp is still high or I worry its not high enough. So it stresses me out in a way, but I love having physical proof on a chart of what my body is doing. So its bitter sweet haha. Yes, I take Trying For A Baby vitamins. Theyre from the UK but I order them online and the reviews are amazing! I also take Vitex too! Theyve literally been a miracle in a pill. I also take Bromelain 1-5dpo. Its mild blood thinner to send blood to your uterus to make it thick and sticky for the egg. Theres no tested studies that it works but people seem to love it so, heck why not. Oh I havent yet, I love my coffee but Ill drink less if I get a BFP. Hahahha me too! Everytime my DB eats bad Im like... *cough* um are you sure you wanna eat that? hahha. Hes cut cigarettes though and has been cutting his alcohol intake so hes been awesome!
Baby dust to you love!

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7 years ago • Post starter

Kjacobs- well all it takes is one shot so you are still in it! I can imagine the stress of temping but like you said it's really awesome to know what is happening in your body! I haven't tried bromelin yet but I have heard that it is good as well! I'm only on month 2 of vitex but I hear amazing things about it so I am excited to be on it! Lower back pain and ovary pains sound promising! I swear I have "symptoms" like being bloated and gassy etc every month and BFNs so I'm hoping I feel opposite this month as well!

My DH is a tobacco chewer (yuck) he's cut down on it at least as well as alcohol. He eats really healthy things then he eats not so healthy and also refuses to take any supplements. ::sigh:: he's making small changes every month so we will see! He also gained a little weight as he needs a hip replacement (at 34!) and his sleep cycle is so off so I worry about his swimmers for all those reasons BUT we are new to TTC so as far as we know we don't have any known issues. If the months pass and we continue with no BFP we will both get checked out.

We ended up BDing last night and tonight. Something new I experienced that I haven't before is light pink spotting this morning (one wipe then a little after our BD session. I read it's probably ovulation spotting and nothing to be too concerned about. We shall see! My boobs still feel tender and I still have lingering dull ovary pains.

Continue to keep me posted! It's so nice to have other people to chat with while TTC!

7 years ago

Luna- How is Vitex treating you?? Any good improvements so far while being on it? It's regulated my cycles from 36 day cycles to 28 days, and I only have 5 days of my period instead of 8! It's such a life savor for me. I hope they're promising symptoms. It's I guess good that this month is so different from before and I have new symptoms like the on-going back pain. Today I've felt basically fine with some minor ovary pains though, so of course I panicked and thought, oh no, I'm feeling better, I'm probably not pregnant! :(!!! I have horrible anxiety clearly hahaha.

Hahah awh well men are very stubborn creatures. It's good though he's cut down on them and is eating healthy for the most part. My boyfriend will take vitamins if I hand feed them to him hahaha. Oh my gosh a hip replacement?? What happened? We're new too! So I'm trying to stay calm and tell myself there's no rush if I get a few BFN.
Oh yeah im sure I'm sure that's normal! That's good though! I find it odd that we now look forward to uncomfortable pains and aches and we're excited about it haha it seems so backwards in my head :P.
Oh I was totally going to say that too, I'm so happy to be talking to you girls and bond with you guys. I feel so much happier venting together'

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7 years ago • Post starter

You guys should use these countdown tickers! They're so cute!

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7 years ago • Post starter

Yikes! I missed a lot. Gotta catch up...

Kjacobs, you asked what dpo I will be on Friday and Saturday. I'll be dpo 11 and 12 on Fri/Sat. Pretty good days to start testing, I guess. I can't completely commit to it however. Unlike most women, I hate testing. I think I really just hate the bad news. I read about a lot of ladies that start testing on like day 7 or 8 and some that test multiples times a day, etc. That is too much stress for me! One time a month is more than enough stress! LOL.

Glad you joined us Luna!!! Like you guys have both said, having other people to commiserate with is fun (and beneficial). Not everyone has had the experience of ttc so they don't REALLY understand how it feels, what it means for some of us or how it affects us. So I'm extremely grateful for forums like these.

As far as what I've been doing on my ttc journey...I've charted in the past. That was moreso when I was, like one of you said, "loosely" trying to conceive. I should start again, because it was very helpful. Its just sometimes hard to make sure I do it every morning at the same time. Now, however, since I started really trying (this is only my second cycle) I'm using ovulation predictor kits, bromelain (in the form of pineapple core - have y'all heard about the pineapple trick??), and this current cycle, my doctor put me on Femara.

As far as eating healthy/kicking bad habits/etc. I have done a really good job with cutting back on coffee. I can't completely kick the habit but I've started doing all half-caff. I buy a bag of decaf and a bag of regular and mix the two. And when I use my keurig, I actually buy the half-caff k-cups. But whats weird is that my eating habits have gotten worse (I have some hot wings and french fries in front of me as we speak!). I still eat relatively well but not as good as I used to. It may be stress and i don't realize it. So that and alcohol (*blush*) are the ones I still need to work on.

7 years ago

Hey Intention! Yeah that would be a perfect time to test! But I totally understand you, in face I was thinking about that last night. I was thinking what day I should test and thought to myself how maybe I should just wait till I get a missed period to test cause getting multiple BFNs will drive my anxiety nuts and make me stress :( I'm totally with you on that. Yeah seriously! Maybe we should just wait to see if our periods show haha.

Yeah same here, I've talked to some of my friends who aren't TTC and they look at me like Im crazy or don't understand at all what I'm saying so I just give up and change the topic hahha.

Yeah definitely start again if you feel up to it :) Its been awesome for me so far. Again it kinda stresses me out in the mornings worrying what my temp will be and if its accurate enough, but so far I love it. I have! I take bromelain tablets though because I don't like pineapple at all and I think maybe a concentrated pill would work pretty well.

Lmfao! You have fries and wings in front of you?? That's hilarious! Oh yeah.. I cant kick alcohol yet, and I think maybe I'm going to enjoy it till I get a BFP. I love my wine and beer so Ill enjoy it till I'm forced not to. I drink coffee every morning but I only have 6-8 ounces in the morning. Part of me thinks coffee actually isn't doing anything for me and its just a placebo effect but hey, oh well :P.
Im 5dpo today officially and I have been urinating non-stop. I have urinated 7 times within 10 hours. So every 2 hours practically. That's nuts to me. I don't think its a UTI either cause they're is no pain. I'm hoping that's a good sign! Besides that I have no other symptoms.

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7 years ago • Post starter

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