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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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Scarlett: Your symptoms sound very promising to me. I'm praying that this is all of our month!

11 years ago • Post starter

Well ladies don't think this is my month. Just went to the restroom and wiped and had light red blood so I think AF is on her way . I'm so frustrated my cycles are getting shorter each month. Last month I only had a 10 day LP now if this is acutally AF I only had a 8 day LP this month. I'm getting really depressed. I though once I got my PCOS and Hyperprolactonemia straightened out it would make this easier, now it looks like I have an LP deficit to worry about to. Think I will call my OB today and see what she thinks. Talk to you girls later. Hugs, Loves, and Prayers coming at you.

11 years ago

Scarlet: are you tempting? If you had a temp drop this am it may be just implantation bleeding. I pray that's what it is. And NOT af.

11 years ago • Post starter

Yeah I'm temping. My temp went from 97.62 yesterday to 97.42 this morning. My average temp during AF is 96.50. I only noticed the blood twice when I wiped it was between a light red and dark pink. And I haven't had anymore. I haven't had any cramping like I do when AF is starting and I'm not bloated like I usually get when AF shows her ugly face. And I've felt like crying all day. My fiance just called about 30 minutes ago to check on me and I started crying just talking to him. It really freaked him out. All we were talking about was about going to the grocery store this evening and what we were going to have for supper lol. "He was like what's wrong with you, why are you crying.?" And all I could tell him was I don't know lol. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Thanks for the prayers. I can use all you'll send my way.

11 years ago

Well ladies I broke down and did a pregnancy test at work and got a . So if I don't have anymore bleeding I'll test again Wednesday 12dpo. It the mean time ladies keep praying for me.

11 years ago

Good morning ladies. How are things going with you guys.

Zuberi how are you feeling this morning? Any sickness?

Traci wanted to check with you and see how you were. Thinking about you.

Yesterday I posted that I thought AF was coming cause I had some spotting. But I noticed the spotting only happened yesterday morning with a very hard bowel movement after two days of complete constipation. Then once yesterday after I peed a small pink on toilet paper. Nothing in undies though. And nothing the rest of the day. About 3 am I woke up sooooo sick thought I was going to vomit but only dry heaving and felt like I needed to have bowel movement again very hard and very little and I had some light red spotting only on toilet paper and nothing since. (I strained alot with both bowel movements sorry TMI). My temp was up to 97.55 this morning up from 97.42 yesterday. My cervix is still very high and firm with loads of creamy/watery CM I had to put on a pantyliner this morning there was so much of it. So now I'm really confused. This is not something I have ever experienced before. So I'm not sure what is going on.

Sending hugs, love, and prayers at you guys.

11 years ago

Good morning ladies

Scarlet: Like I said yesterday I think it was just implantation spoting. You can implant as early as 6dpo ( that is when I implanted) to as late as 12dpo ( I think) but (7/10) are the magic days. You should be able to get a positive on a hpt (walmart .88) are very sensitive. That's what I got my first + on. Using evening urine. It takes about 3/4 days for the hgc to build up. But.... I think you are on your way to your bfp.

Afm: Im not really having any really noticable symptoms. Yesterday I was eating s banana and it felt like I was about to vomit. But that quickly passed. Snd this am I was opening the hpt and the foil wrapper had a stinky smell. I had to hold my breath because it smelled so bad. ( could be just my mind). Hpt was still faint this sm. I'm calling my Dr this am and making a appointment to get a blood test hopefully before Friday. I need to tell Dh for Father's Day.

Well that's all for now. I will chat with you guys later

11 years ago • Post starter

Good morning ladies hope you guys are doing great this morning.

Zuberi how are you feeling? Have you told DH your good news yet.

Traci how have you been feeling? Have you started the clomid yet. I took it once a few years ago when we were trying to conceive once before and it has some funny side effects lol. But if it works there worth it.

Well AF just arrived for me. I've noticed the last couple months while charting that my cycles are now 29 days, but I'm ovulating late (at 19 days) all cycles I've been charting and I'm getting AF on 11dpo. So I'm wondering if that could be some of my problem. Which my OB has talked about putting me on Clomid, which I am ovulating on my own but I think maybe she wants to see if it will help me to ovulate earlier, she also mentioned putting me on Progesterone. So I think I will give her a call today to see what she suggest. But I'm still going to try to conceive this month. (I'm to sturborn to give up lol) I'm trying to talk fiance into adopting. I know of this woman who just had a baby girl over the weekend and she doesn't want her, she won't even hold her. I can't get this small baby out of my mind I pray for her everyday that she will find someone to love her like she deserves, but as of know she is in foster care as a ward of the state. I know how those turn out sometimes as I once worked with children services until I could no longer stand to see how the children are total forgotten about not only by there parents but by the system. Then I went back to school for nursing lol. I least that lets me help people. So sending you girls lots of hugs, love, and prayers.

11 years ago

Something I forgot to mention in my earlier post. The only thing that has me confused about the start of this cycle was I expected to find my cervix low and medium to firm that is usually how it is during AF. However it is so high I can barely reach it with the tip of my finger and mushy soft. Go figure lol. But my temp this morning dropped down to 97.06.

Chat with you girls later.

11 years ago

Hi guys, I'm not on clomid as yet, only day 19 of cycle so I have to wait for day 5.
So sorry about AF Scarlett. I was thinking it was your month. Adoption is an option. I thought about it but here in oz the cut-off age is 40 and DH won't adopt from another country. So we will keep plodding along. Progesterone will at least put your cycle in some kind of order.
Zuberi - how's it going? Any news from the blood test?
I'm thinking about loosing a bit of weight.. They say it helps ovulation. I'm not overweight (57kg and 5"2) but will try anything at this point. So Jenny Craig here I come!!
Where are you guys from? I'm guessing USA? I'm in Western Australia, on a small farm close to a town called Geraldton. We have a couple of pet cows, a pet pig, a sheep, chickens and 4 turkeys. We are so fortunate to have the life we do.
Would be lovely to know a little about you guys. I also guessing that you are both church going people. Would like to hear about that too :-)

11 years ago

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