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Fingers Crossed for OCTOBER 2014 Babies!

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Welcome, guys! I hear October babies are awesome. Baby dust to everyone!

If we conceive this cycle, my EDD would be October 2, 2014.


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

862 Replies • 10 years ago



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Little update as promised. I'm 9CD today. Two days ago I went for my first acupuncture. Apparently you're supposed to go 4 times throughout your cycle. 1st time just after your period ends to circulate your blood since you've lost so much, 2nd to stimulate the overlies and your tubes in prep for the egg release, 3rd (I have on Saturday) when you're ovulating and 4th to help with implementation in your wall. Each treatment is a bit different. It's a very weird feeling but not painful. My actual doctor says that it usually take a few months to get success but she swears that going can definitely increase your chances of getting pregnant... and if anything help relieve stress and tension. So far ... so good. I'm definitely going to keep it up... even when we do get pregnant.

Yesterday I went to see my Doctor to discuss fertility options. We've been trying for 6 months and this will be our 7th month. She told me she doesn't really know why we are having trouble - Things seem to be right - my periods are regular (25-27 day cycles), I ovulate regularly and we are trying every time I see those happy faces on the OPK test strips.

BUT we came up with a plan together - My Hubby is getting his swimmers tested tomorrow. I'm very interested in how this will go down! ;) This month is a write off with regards to testing me so we're just going to relax and continue our sexy-time as usual. Next cycle on the 2nd day of my period I have to get my blood taken to ensure I did actually ovulate. They will also do an ultrasound and check on my insides - see how my eggs are doing. Once my period is done I will have a HSG test (iodine and tube sweeping) apparently this is painful. It won't clear out my tubes if there are issues but it will detect if there is something wrong - the test also enlarges your tubes a bit. In some women, this can results in a success conceiving after this procedure as there is more room for the egg to pass through. My Doctor's biggest concern was that I may have some scar-age from a childhood surgery on my bladder that could be interfering with my tubs (at least one tube). Usually this test isn't preformed until you've been trying a year.
After all theses test she has agreed that we can do a natural IUI (no drugs) which is basically clearing up my hubby's swimmer (only the healthy ones) and turkey-basting them inside me - I call this CHEATING. Again this procedure usually isn't preformed unless you've been trying a year. If you want it - and are tired of waiting - let them know you or your hubby travels a lot so it's hard to make time for sexiness when you're ovulating cause you might not be in the same place. They are usually more understanding.

I'm much more relaxed now that we have a plan - Let's just hope all is good with my hubby's swimmers and my insides. Again - promise to keep you ladies posted. We're still moving ahead this month and trying naturally.

Hoping to hear several more baby new stories this month!

10 years ago

Koti: Thank you so much! DH and I are looking to start some procedures with doctors now that we have insurance (Which will cover most costs) and I can't wait to see what the have to say. I'm going to stay positive, because I know that no matter what, a child is in our future.

Katie: I wish you luck, it sounds like the plan you have in mind is a good one! Hope everything goes well, and you get your soon!

Still waiting to ovulate this cycle, I don't understand. I had the first regular period of my life, but still no ovulation. I have even been using my progesterone cream... Maybe I'm out for the month???

I'm going to keep testing though, until AF shows. Who knows, maybe I O way late!?

User Image Married to my DH since August 2006 TTC baby #1 since August 2006 Miscarriage - October 2006 I want my Here's to and !

10 years ago

Hi ladies! Looks like AF got me today and shes early!! So frustrated and annoyed and upset today so looks like onto month 7 we go really thought I had a chance this month due to unusual signs/symptoms. However I will continue to be positive but I plan on eating lots of rubbish today to make me feel better! Hubby and I are away in February for a weekend away for my birthday should be around ovulation time so I at least have that to look forward to!! Lots of baby dust to you all!! Xxx

P.s sorry for the rant x

10 years ago

I'm having so much trouble sleeping. Having crazy dreams. Waking up every 30 minutes to an hour. I just really want a night of good solid sleep. I only drink water and milk and don't eat anything after 8pm. I go to bed at 10:30 and wake up by midnight with severe heartburn - almost makes me want to vomit. I've never experienced anything like this with my previous least not that I remember (it's been a while - 2003).

April 30, 1998 - 8lbs. 11oz, 21 inches 9 week miscarriage - March 17, 2001 May 31, 2002 - 6lbs. 15oz, 20 inches October 2, 2003 - 7lbs. 3oz, 20 1/2 inches Praying for a EDD September 29, 2014 User Image

10 years ago

Gds3angls: I can't sleep either! It sounds like I'm on the same sleep routine as you. Just wish I could sleep through the night!

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10 years ago

Hello ladies! For those who don't know me, my dh and I have been ttc for 20 months. We've been through 6 rounds of clomid. My blood work and ultrasounds have all come out normally and dh's SA came out great. I took a break from the forums about a month ago after an early miscarriage, but I'm back. This past cycle I suffered a chemical pregnancy, so I've been having a hard time lately. We have been seeing an RE for about a month, but he is not helpful at all. He hasn't done any testing and just wants to jump straight to an IUI, which I find ridiculous since I obviously have the ability to get pregnant and dh has super sperm. I may be shopping around for a new doc. What do you ladies think?

Endometriosis, mycoplasma infection, MTHFR, PAI-1 gene mutation, prone to tubal blockages, low progesterone, infertility, recurrent miscarriage; DH low morphology IUI rainbow baby born 08/15 (after 31 months ttc) TTC #2 Cycle 1

10 years ago

Welcome back Scooby! I say go with your gut feeling regarding your doctor, also look on to find some people near you that have reviewed the doctor. Hope that helps, good luck to you!

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10 years ago

@Scooby - it wouldn't hurt to at least get a second opinion, right? You might do that.

AF is supposed to come today, but I believe I ovulated late which means AF will probably come late. BUmmer. Let's get this next cycle going!


TTC #1 since November 2012, Diagnosed with MTHFR (C677T - heterozygous) 7/14Missed MC and D&C: 4/8/13 just shy of 11 weeks <img src=

10 years ago • Post starter

Scooby - I'd get a second opinion. Glad to see you back!

AFM - I'm 5w2d pregnant today. Had a little scare with some brown discharge yesterday. However, it stopped! Must have been some old blood from implantation or some aggrevation from my cervix (we had sex two days prior.) Ladies - do not give up hope!! It took us 14 months to get the positive HPT!! Just think about TTC as this...each cycle that passes, is just one month closer to the final goal! It was hard for me to keep telling myself that, but it worked.

GL and baby dust!!

TTC #1 since Oct 2012 Me - 27, DH - 29 I have a bicornuate uterus. PREGNANT!! EDD 9/24/2014 User Image

10 years ago

Scooby - I say go with your gut feeling. If you're not getting what you need from your doctor, check out other doctors in the area. You have to be comfortable and confident in someone like that.

princesca - Sorry about the . Sending you mucho for this cycle. I'm also on cycle 7.

angelicmethod - [ that O comes soon. I think waiting to O can be almost as bad as the TWW.

katie82 - Good luck with the acupuncture. I've been thinking about doing that, too. Let us know how it goes. Glad to see you have a plan. I hope my doctor is as on the ball as yours when I go in March.

molldoll I'm on CD4 so you're not alone in being early in your cycle. Lots of for you this cycle.

gds Good luck with all that wedding planning. My DH and I just got married last April after 13 years together. This looks like it's going to be your year

For all those that I missed, to those who got BFPs and / to those who are still waiting to get theirs.

afm - Not much going on. Just waiting to finish up as I'm on CD4.

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10 years ago

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