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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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Fingers crossed Syndey!!!! How exciting and nervous

Lots of baby dust your way

9 years ago

I'm not pregnant!

AF still hasn't arrived. I asked the nurse why, when I thought AF was always 14 days after ovulation, and she said nobody knows. Some women just have a longer luteal phase :-(

Adding to my heartbreak is that DP is having a baby with another woman.

I didn't mention it earlier, but I need to talk to somebody because I'm falling apart.

We only got together in March this year as two good friends to have a baby together. We fell in love pretty quickly and now we are planning on spending our lives together.

He was casually seeing a girl until then and it turns out she conceived a week before he and I got together.

She found out on Friday she's having a girl.

I'm really having trouble coping with this.

He says he understands how I feel, but I really don't think he does. He keeps telling me to stay calm, that we'll get our baby, etc, but I don't believe I'll fall pregnant with this stress in my life. It keeps me awake every single night :-(

9 years ago

((hgus)) sydneynat. I'm so sorry. It would stress me too. Try to stay positive. You will get your time.

9 years ago

SydneyNat, I'm so sorry for your pain. It must be really hard on you. I know I would have a lot of trouble sleeping, let alone trying to cope with all of this. Perhaps talk to one of your drs about getting some sleep at least, b/c it is really good for us women ttc. xx

9 years ago

SydneyNat, I'm so sorry you have to go through that. My prayers are with you ((HUGS)) .

9 years ago

Thank you ladies, that means a lot xxxxx

9 years ago

Onemorebaby, thanks for the kind words, my heart aches for a little one, too.

Jazmine, Thanks for the input on OvaBoost. This will be my 3rd consecutive month taking it consistently. I hope it works for us!

Angelgirldel, I'm keeping that fertile soul site bookmarked. Have fun with all your BDing! I have not had any experience with Viagra for dh, but motility of the little swimmers to be motile enough to get to the egg is always needed. Perhaps post a question on the question forum if you don't get enough experienced answerers here.

AFM, I'm on CD 12 & usually ovulate around day 20. Not that I need anymore supplements, but I recently added vitex b/c that's what I did differently the one time I got a BFP. I have my 2nd acup. session this week. I really feel like the regimen I'm on will result in a BFP by the end of this year b/c unless a diagnosis is missing I'm not sure how I can improve my plan more...except waiting a full 3 months for all supplements and acupuncture to work. Don't think that's going to happen, lol!

PS. There is another site that I love reading about for us women who will get our BFP after age 40: the author had a natural pregnancy at age 44.

9 years ago


First off I am sorry to hear things didn't materialize as you hoped this month. I genuinely feel bad you didn't get the news you wanted. Secondly, tap the brakes here girl! Re-read what you shared. Unless you've got a genuine "Sister-Wives" arrangement here, how are you going to get the support you need - and can trust - for whatever the future brings? I'll be honest, I think you need to speak to a professional third-party (therapist) about this to make sure YOU are going to be good with your decisions and WHATEVER the future brings.

I've done it myself at key life crisis' with great success. As my sister once said to me "you got your head out of your ass and the shit out of your eyes.".

Once I was head-over-heels in love with an older man who had a young son. This man spent a lot of time with me. Too much time. Then I noticed he made excuses not to do things he promised to his son because he said he wanted to spend time with me. I had never asked for it, but 'dawn broke over Marblehead,' and it was clear this guy was pretty much a dick who really didn't have his priorities straight. Compounding the situation, I left a different guy to be with this fella, so I felt trapped that I had made two horrible major decisions. Once I saw the situation for what it was (thanks to a therapist at the time), it was easy for me to reset my course.

Fast-forward 15 years, I'm 45, extremely happily married to a man of the utmost character, and I'm very proud to be pregnant with his and mine first. Sure, I had to explore options (donor eggs), but you can't be a top-notch parent until you are a top-notch adult. We are all works in progress, and it really doesn't matter how long it takes to get there, just that you do. ;)

<Off soapbox, with hugs>

PS - If you are a reader I suggest "Getting Past Your Past" by Susan something. Helluva writer who has been through a ton of stuff that anyone can learn from.

9 years ago

"Getting Past your Breakup" Susan J. Elliot

Don't get hung up on the title, a good book for discovering and setting personal priorities.

9 years ago

Sydney, I am so sorry for what you're going through,
my sister had a similar situation with her partner... Life is crazy, I went through some s*** too with my DP during my previous pregnancy, we've gone a long way since... Sounds like your DP is trying to be supportive and that's good!
PM me if you ever want to chat

Forgot now who asked this but as Newlife said, in the UK they recommend 400 micrograms folic acid taken as soon as you start TTC until at least 12 weeks. I'm taking Pregnacare and another 400 dose on top of that. Apparently green tea depletes folic acid so it's always a good idea to check your diet!
Not sure if that's helpful but I also gave up chocolate (not completely!) coffee and alcohol throughout TTC-ing.

Just trying to be useful, I hope you girls don't mind me lingering here as I'm not technically TTC-ing anymore... I just really got to like your bunch I did try a pregnancy forum on the sister website (countdownmypregnancy) but they're not as friendly . I'll just wait till we all can move over there!

Keep at it girls!

9 years ago

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