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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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Mummum - my hubby and I are going to let my ex bluff and and play games because his record is NOT very good with the courts as it is. He is also in contempt as it is with back child support.

On another note, Jaylen is having his quiet days. He is also very picky on what side I lay on and will NOT let me sleep until I switch to the other side.

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6 years ago

Hberry: As for your ex, document EVERYTHING (photos, video, journal, witnesses, record phone calls, visits etc). Leave no room for doubt. That's all I have to say about that.

As for Jaylen, glad you have a strategy for sleeping. Should you have anymore sleeping issues, try those super long pillows. I bought a fantastic one when I was pregnant with my first. It's a full-body U-shaped contour pillow (looks like a lobster claw with the contours on it). I found mine on Amazon. I had such a restful pregnancy .

6 years ago

Our friends will have to document everything since he shows up at their house all the time to whine and complain to them and even lie about me and my dh. They arent even on his side like he wants to think they are. They are on mine and my dh side. Even the clinic social worker on my oldests case for his disease even is against him and even said if he refuses to come to any appointments or bother at he he has no leg to stand on.

Jaylen is getting to be quite a kicker. He knows where to kick amd thats always my left side low into my bladder. And thats because he is quite low.

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6 years ago

Hberry: It's truly a shame when people go through great lengths to destroy the character and lives of people by defaming them. Keep your head up high and don't react to it. Let everybody else see it. Sending prayers your way.

I remember when I was pregnant my DD carried very high - next to my heart she kicked me so hard in the ribs. OMG think I saw stars at that moment! Ouch! If Jaylen's so close to the bladder you might consider wearing pads while out, just in case. When I got close to my due date, I was a laugh, sneeze, or cough away from a puddle (Hehehe).

As for this cycle, this is my 3rd month on DHEA (about 9 cycles TTC total). Last cycle the monitor never picked up a peak but I may have had chemical bc I had several vvvl between 2 brands. Period came but it was different. Saw some CM. IDK once period started I got all negatives. I got my first peak today CD 14 which is later for me. I usually got them on CDs 11-13. So maybe it's a good thing - fully mature egg? At this point the battle has not been TTC it's been getting my hubby to cooperate. But this and last cycle he really has been cooperative. In fact, CTP should have an extra setting on the Intercourse TIming Analysis. It should be Low, Medium, High, and RECORD BREAKING BD CHAMPIONS! Kudos to hubby

6 years ago

Mummum~ don't worry, we will let the cards fall where they may, and take it one step at a time. As for Jaylen, he is low, but not as low as my 5 yr old was. (My 5 yr old was so low, that I was so sick for the first 4 months straight.) Early on, I had a hard cough from allergy drainage that I was already doing the cough and pee lol. 4 months has gone by where I haven't had the cough. I also have to think the weather by me played a part in that cough too.

*baby dust to you Mummum and hope you get your BFP finally!*

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6 years ago

Hberry: Thanks ;)

6 years ago

Apparently Jaylen is a pipsqueak now. Measuring in the 25th percentile. Course I got the feeling the med student wasnt too sure of anything when she measured or the heartbeat. The look on her face said it all and especially when she had to measure more then once and check with her hands multiple times

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6 years ago

Hberry: As long as Jaylen is growing those percentiles are not that important.

AFM I am waiting to ovulate. This is my 3rd day with EWCM. I used the monitor 4 times this cycle and got all low fertility results until today - I got a smiling face (non-blinking smiley face for advanced OPKs) which means it detected my LH surge. Strange that I did not get one high before the peak. I also stopped taking some fertility hormones bc of the possible side affects. Hopefully soon I will get a BFP.

6 years ago

Hi girls, I haven't been on here for quite a while... I'm 23 weeks today and carrying another little girl!! Thank you all for all the prayers.. I'm doing the same for you!!!
Welcome to all the new ladies that joined and sending you all sticky vibes!! :)

Hberry- so excited for your little boy!!
I'm sure you're feeling more and more kicks as the weeks keep passing by... when is your due date?

Mummum2- when I fell pregnant this time around.. I was using the same fertility monitor and I never got high fertility... I just went straight to peak. I thought that it was a total bust of a cycle but low and behold I fell pregnant!! Here's to hoping the same happens to you sweetie!!

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6 years ago

Hi miracle80,

I am so glad you stopped in to say hello!!! Wow, 23 weeks already!! The time is flying by so fast. Congratulations on your little girl! What are you going to name her and when is she due?

Hberry - How are you feeling? What's baby Jaylen been up to?

As for me, it would be great if you're right about not getting highs with the FM and being pregnant. I'm 4DPO here and 6DPO on another site. Temps seem promising but I'm not feeling anything as of yet. I also don't have that 'I know I'm pregnant feeling!' either. 40th birthday approaching. Prayers are definitely welcome. C'mon BFP!

6 years ago

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