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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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SydneyNat- I'm envious of a $6,000 fee for donor eggs, but I'm really happy that your sister is willing to donate & that would be really beautiful to tie the families together like that. Lol @ "Jerry Springer-like" b/w your partner & stepdd's egg. I hope this is your month. It's not over yet! And if it is, give your small fingernails a new color to celebrate the new chance to catch the egg!

Busterdogs, thanks for being such a great sounding board for donor eggs. It makes the process a lot less scary. I may be contacting you in the next few months if things don't otherwise workout for me. And one of my sisters felt the same way as yours. I'm so happy your HCG #s are rising well!

Onemorebaby, I feel the same way. I really want to carry my child. I was soooooo happy when I was pregnant earlier this year. I can't explain it, but for those who already have a child, I think you already know what I mean. Oh yeah, my RE didn't look too surprised by my list, but I think the new acupuncturist was! . that you get a BFP this cycle!

Anglegirldel, hang in there. Positivity goes a long way. I believe it helps us remain at peace with things & may affect hormone levels, eg high prolactin from too much stress. So thanks for your positive outlook!

BabyAngelG, I wanted to send a "happy ovulation" emoticon, so I'll just have to say . I hope your cold leaves soon.

Newlife2015, to know your ovulation date, buy a BBT thermometer from CVS, Walgreen's etc, then take your temp every morning at the same time and log it on "My cycles & TWW". Also, "ovulation kits" are in a regular grocery store as "ovulation prediction...". In addition, you could check your cervical mucus, +/- your cervix. I've not heard of Pregnancy Care, but definitely take at least a prenatal vitamin each month. I take "Complete" by Rainbow Light. It has 1000 micrograms of folic acid.

Babybean, Hi. . I agree that it takes two to tango & make a healthy lil' bean. I'm so happy yours is doing so well! How inspiring! How much folic acid total do you take?

AFM, new RE & acupuncturist think I may have mild PCOS. I'm going to continue on many supplements & will try IUI next cycle. Currently on CD9 & waiting to ovulate. Happy weekend everyone!

9 years ago

eat2nourish, I know how you feel, I have children so I understand what you mean and I pray to God with all my heart that you become pregnant soon and carry your own child to term . Every woman who wants to be a mum deserves that chance and that feeling so and keep on doing your best.
I'm 8dpo today and feel nothing unusual really so I don't know what to expect and I'm not looking forward to testing. I'll keep you all updated though and if not successful will keep trying. Sometimes I have to say my heart aches so much for a AND a sticky bean that I think it's going to break. The pain is physical but I always find a way to soothe it and tell myself I have to be patient, all in good time.
Have a great weekend everyone.

9 years ago • Post starter

To All my TTC sisters, check out this site (scroll to bottom) which says "There has also been research indicating that myo-inositol could help with improving egg quality in women who do not have PCOS.11 This is relatively new information, and it will be important that further studies are conducted to determine whether myo-inositol is a supplement that all women with egg quality issues should consider taking". Anyone ever heard of this being true? Site:

9 years ago

Good Morning Ladies,

Eat2nourish, I'm on my 2nd cycle of Ovaboost. OvaBoost contains a trio of ingredients (myo-inositol, folic acid and melatonin) that has been shown to improve egg quality. It also contains a blend of antioxidant nutrients, including Vitamin E, grapeseed extract, and alpha lipoic acid to protect egg cells from free radical damage.

9 years ago

I have read that about myo-inositol also so I added it to my supplements. My supplements from fertile soul arrived. I am using the clear blue easy fertility monitor and I received a high reading today so soon should be a peak reading. I told my husband be ready to bd often LOL

Onemorebaby I'm crossing my fingers for you 8 dpo is a little early to feel anything so keep a positive outlook. Baby might not of even implanted yet.

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. Hoping so BFP arrive for all soon!

9 years ago

Double post.

9 years ago

Holy crap. AF was due yesterday and she hasn't shown up yet at 4pm today!

However, I tested yesterday morning and got a negative. My sister said she remembers having a bfn when she was pregnant with one of her kids.

The nurses at the fertility clinic warned me ages ago that no period doesn't necessarily mean pregnancy.

Tomorrow is the day I have the blood test to find out for sure. I'm too scared to hope. Have any of you heard of a false negative hpt? I tested the morning I was due.

9 years ago

Has anyone had any experience with Viagra for their husbands? My husband has recently been having problems. A lot is due to the stress of his job and depression along with it. The dr gave him a rx for Viagra and he has used it and it has helped but in researching on if it effects fertility I have found a couple of articles that says it effects the ability to be able to fertilize the egg but another article says it doesn't have effect on motility. Motility has nothing to due with the ability to fertilize though. I'm needing reassurance that it is ok I guess. He is going to try to get in to see a urologist on Tuesday if he can get out of his meeting on time to make the appt.

9 years ago

Well ladies, today is the day! I had my blood test this morning.

Still no AF. It's now 16 dpo.

I talked to the nurse at the fertility centre and she said home pregnancy tests are not that accurate at all and not to worry about the negative result on Saturday. She said they are really only reliable several days AFTER a missed period.

She said the fact that AF didn't come over the weekend is a good sign.

We'll know for sure once the blood is test in. I'll know by around lunch time. OMG - SO SO nervous! I keep running to the bathroom every five minutes to see if there is any sign of AF!

9 years ago

Hi lovely girls thank for the reply��

Onemorebaby I never use those kids(bbt and ovilation) but it seems like I need them as I can't predict but I remember few years back it seemed like I was ovalating every month as I used to have temperature spike middle of my period and even my breast used swollen too! It seems like I need check those signs again! And cf too which new to me!
Yes meant pregnacare which I've start taken it recently. Friend of mine reccomend it. And as far I know we need only 400mg fc but I might be wrong too!
Babyangel6 pregnacare contains also B16 and B6, D3 and varies others too!
I used to take only fc 400mg and d3 but it seems like pragnacare is more effective!

Bean congracilation ð??? good luck for the rest! Hopefully me and other girls will have great news too soon finger cross!

Eatnourish thank u very much for the great information u shared ð???

Sydney thank u for the reply and experience u shared and I pray for u for twomorow. Fingercross!

By now lovely girls ð???ð???
Everyday new life begins that I believe so
Have a great begging for twomorow ð???ð???

9 years ago

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