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Over 40 TTC.... and I KNOW I am not the ONLY one: Part IV

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Well, we got to page 16 so I started it over......

here's a recap of my story:
My name is Carolyn... I am 37 (close to 40) and just had my first child this summer but dh and I don't want to wait too long for another because it took us 2 years to have our first and we are getting older..... so we are TTC #2 now!

I have a question for you ladies: my temp dropped today but I have been getting negative opks so far.... only been testing once a day because I am only on cycle day 10 today and usually I O around day 12.... do you think I missed the surge and we should bd anyway today? or should I just wait and see if I get a postive opk in the next few days?

479 Replies • 11 years ago



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Yaaaay, so happy to hear y'all are doing good and almost to the finish line :P Toronto, i hear ya on the big belly, i used to tell the hubby they were going to have to start widening doorways for me to get through, LOL...

DH-43 Me-41 User Image

11 years ago

Hi everyone. Best of luck to those who are getting so close! Continued prayers for those in a sadder phase of the journey. After 3 failed IUIs, my husband and I have opted for IVF with a donor egg and ICSI. It feels like its been a very long road, but we've moved through it all at lightning speed compared with what some folks have to endure, so I am trying to keep it in perspective.

Egg retrieval from our donor is scheduled for Saturday, so while we are (hopefully) making progress at last, its also with an awareness that many things could still cause the whole thing to be scrapped. We lost the whole month of March because instead of suppressing my system as it should have, the Lupron caused it to "fire" instead. oops. Back on track now, though I will say I am not a fan of Lupron (seems to make me depressed), so am eager to get off it next week at last.

Will keep you posted!

11 years ago

Got everything crossed for you Justone x

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11 years ago

Justone...I think this process is very tough. However, I think you are doing the right thing moving on to DE at this point. It is much harder to keep trying and trying and then not having money left for DE when all else fails. I believe that most of celebrities conceiving around 43-44 will have very likely either spent insane amounts of money on retrievals and testing to find the one good egg or have used DE. After everything I know today, I am very certain I would have moved to DE right after my first failed IVF cycle. I know, I got lucky in the end, but today I believe that DE would have made things a lot easier.
Crossing my fingers for you!!

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

11 years ago

Hi everyone!
I'm just about to turn 43, YAY ( not ). Just a little bit of background about myself..I'm from Australia, just thought i'd follow this forum to touch base with other women in my boat on the other side of the world! My partner and I are doing IVF/ICSI for severe MFI. We (very gratefully ) had our beautiful son via IVF when I was 40 and have been trying ever since early 2012 for a sibling. In that time i've noticed my egg quality has frankly gone down the gurgs. I had a missed m/c the last healthy embryo from my son's batch and had a d&c for trisomy 22 the fresh transfer after. We have done 2 fresh cycles since with 2 day3 embryos and BFN! We have 1 day 5 frostie from the last cycle and i'm about to have a hysteroscopy to check for Asherman's syndrome and NK cells in the coming week to make sure the field is A-OK for this embryo.
I'm ALMOST @ the end of my tether, so it is heartening to see some success stories on this thread.
Fingers crossed to all of us and here's hoping it's a short journey to graduation!

11 years ago

Welcome buggyboo... this thread has gone a little quiet recently... Still, I hope the ladies will keep checking in...
All the best!!

Me: 43 DBF: 49 13 unsuccessful cycles TTC IVF #3: u/s 8w2d: bean stopped growing, no hb , 06/21 D&C IVF #4 BFP - it's a girl! 06-03-2013 Fiona Isabel was born

11 years ago

Hi, love this thread! it gives me hope and support. Am 2 days po, and like everyone else hoping and praying for a bfp!!!

11 years ago

Hi ladies! Thought I would pop in again. I hope everyone is doing well. AFM, dpo 4 and temps are a little low for my post-O norm. Let me bring you all up to speed. Had my first appt with my RE on Wednesday.

LOVE MY RE; SHE IS FABULOUS! She spent a significant amount of time reviewing my records from my primary physician and OBGYN and asked me and DH a lot of questions. Fortunately, we already had a lot of data to work with. DH and I had a lot of bloodwork to check my levels and rule out too many things to list (I think I had 9 vials of blood in all); however, I do remember that my AMH level is one of the things she is testing since I never had that test.

Here's the plan:

1. I'm was on CD17 - and should have ovulated on CD16 (given my temp rise) or possibly even earlier if I'm a slow riser. She prescribed Progesterone vaginal suppositories for me to take 200 mg daily each night starting CD17just in case we caught the egg this time - which I am claiming in Jesus name!

2. If for some reason we do not conceive this cycle, then the next step will be to try "timed intercourse" as an approach. This will include me calling on CD 1 and coming into the office on CD 3, so they can perform a baseline ultrasound to see what's going on with my follies. I think she mentioned checking my FSH, but I'm not sure what CD that was on. I will then be given Clomid or Letrozole (depending on the outcome of the blood work I had today - she was to rule out PCOS and other issues before determining the protocol for me) to take for 5 days. Then on CD 10, 11 or 12, she will have me come in for another ultrasound to see how many eggies are ripe for the picking! If I'm good to go, I will be given an HCG Shot to trigger Ovulation. I will then be instructed to go home and BD like crazy!!!!

I cant remember everything that they plan to do or what happens after the trigger shot and BDing but I'm sure more tests to see how things are progressing to determine if I need progesterone or something else to help me along the way.

Also, whenever I get pregnant - this month or the next, she wants me to come in right away to start having my Beta's run to see if they are doubling every two days and check my progesterone levels to see if adjustments are needed.

Long story short, she is great and made us feel like she was all-in to make this work!

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11 years ago

That's good news Holly. Buggyboo I'm an Aussie too.

Afm I have 3 days left before testing. Temps are up which is good. No other symptoms, although that could be good as it is different to previous months. Hoping this 2 nd round of Clomid works.

11 years ago

Hello all and thank you for the welcome!
That's great news, Holly, that your Dr is on board with helping you. It's always such a relief when you have that support., particularly when you want something so badly. I am sick of Drs who treat older women with a "cookie-cutter" approach to fertility. We are grateful that we have a Dr who @ LEAST listens to my suggestions and questions about tweaking IVF cycles for success.

Where in Australia are you, Montanella? We are in WA. I have my fingers crossed for you!

AFM.....3.30am and I can't sleep! We are almost done renovating a house so we are exhausted most nights and in bed by 9pm, then I wake up @ some dodgy hour wide awake. It's another stressful activity but at least it is taking my mind off IVF and the whole rollercoaster, giving us another focus and giving us something to look forward to! Just waiting for my mini operation and in the meanwhile, having TCM and acupuncture to get my uterus match-fit! UGHHHHH....those herbs in the TCM taste like armpit! The things we do, huh..........

Take care, all!

11 years ago

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