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Been Feeling down :(

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Hi im quiet new to the forum , me n my oh have been ttc for over 2 years now
we are both hopefully getting help from our doctors within the next couple of weeks to do fertility tests
anyway for a while there i had been coping not to bad from month to month and having no joy conceiving bt now have found out 2 more ppl i knw are expecting i jst dnt know how to deal with this part that every time i hear abt someone i knw expecting i feel sorry for myself
jst had to get this of my chest as i dnt really have anyone to talk to abt this, my oh jst tells me it will be our turn one day bt i jst keep wondering when will that be coz it feels like its never going to happen :( n hoped maybe people on here could give me some advice to try help me pick myself back up again

287 Replies • 12 years ago



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Mela... I feel that way a lot. *sigh* one of my 'friends' who has all KINDS of medical problems.... some bone disease and major heart issues.... and she carries children no problem. Good for her right? Well after the first baby, her house is never ever ever picked up.... the baby is ALWAYS sick and the house is ALWAYS trashed... talking food plates everywhere.... mold in the sink on the plates.... dog piss and shit everywhere.... and oh guess what.... SHES PREGGO AGAIN.... and I, who have no health issues, keep miscarrying. UGH!

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

12 years ago

Just checking in with everybody. How is it going?

My temps have remained high so I guess I ovulated. I'm still not convinced because my cervix was not high, soft, or open during this time. I checked at least 3 times a day during this window to see so I don't think I would have missed it, but who knows. If I did ovulate, I'm not sure if I ovulated on CD 30 (5/21) or CD 31 (5/22). I had a dip on CD 30 and a rise on CD 31, even though the rise was not above the cover line it was pretty close. The website says possibly CD 31 but could it be CD30? Suggestions?

I hope everyone else is doing well!

12 years ago

mrsbaurs ugh how frustrating! I'm not sure honestly... some months my cervix doesnt cooperate, some months I can tell exactly when I O. I don't temp, I don't understand all of that haha. Good luck!!

As for me, I'm due for AF on the 3rd. Last 2 days I've been taking 2 naps a day and my boobs are flippin FULL and heavy but not really sore... So who knows. Prolly just PMS. We shall see!!!

Me: 27 PCOS DH: 25 Fine and dandy November 2011 First round of 50mg Clomid. December 22 !!! January 1 2012 m/c @7 weeks - Clomid 50mg round #2 Feb 2012. 21 day progesterone level at a 3 !!! Another m/c at 5 weeks - Clomid 100mg April - June epic fail - July Femara/Ovidril It worked!!! - Sept - .... lost a genetically healthy baby boy

12 years ago

hey everyone, i got a little bit of good news got my hospital appointment through for 26th June (wasnt expecting an appointment at least till the middle of august) apart from that just been trying to keep busy and carry on ttc not tried anything new this month since money has been tight a few bills to pay and 3 birthdays coming up bt jst see what this cycle brings

welcome mutley, so sorry to hear you havent been having any luck conceiving i think we all know how you are feeling like us all u never thought this would be so difficult but we are here to talk to or if u just want to vent

hey dolphin, hows things just reading your last post saying you was anxious hope all is ok

hey danielle1986, great news for u 16 wks and a healthy little one inside i can imagine how excited u must be keep us posted when u can :)

hey mela0054, i can relate i try stay away from fb bt know what u mean ppl who fall pregnant so easy ie drug addicts, alcoholics etc its jst not fair and normal ppl like us have such a hard time ttc

hey mrsbaurs, thats gd u think u have ovulated fingers crossed and baby dust for u , i dnt temp and tbh not sure how it works so cant help there sorry

hey redshadoe, sounds like u either have signs of pms or even better pregnancy signs hope this is your month baby dust and good luck keep us posted

baby dust for u all (sorry for the long post not been on for a while)

12 years ago • Post starter

hey ladies jst on here for a little rant
why is it u get one bit of good news followed by bad news :(
My dh found out this week his job contract may be coming to an end and if it does he would have to work away so we would only get to see each other 1-2 times a week unless we decide to move away together but neither of us want to give up our home we have lived here for 9 years and is close to our family so suppose we will just have to see what happens in the near future and hope it does not come to that
sorry just had to get it out not really spoke to anyone about it

hope everyone else is doing well

12 years ago • Post starter

Wilson so sorry to hear about your bad news. 1-2 times a week would be really hard expecially when TTC. Is it close enough where you could go visit often?

Danielle1986 thanks for checking in! Good to hear a success story. It gives us all hope. We have used preseed and we did concieve twice while using it, but our issues are more than just the CM problem. But I wouldn't BD without!

mela0054 I really do hate that. Every drug addict and alcoholic can have as many babies as they want but we can't. It actually really hurts sometimes. I keep on trying to tell myself there is a plan in place for me that I have no control over but it only works for a little while.

redshadoe0 I hope things go in your favor and AF doesn't show! I really hate when I have to see similar situations as the girl you were talking about. It really actually breaks my heart to see someone "piss" away a blessing by not taking care of a baby.

mrsbaurs it looks like day 30 could of been your day. I would say def 30 or 31. Somtimes some people have a slower rise than others. At least you are Oing that is a plus! I am going to start tracking my BBT again this month just to see if I O on my own.

AFM I have been keeping busy with work and our vegtable garden at home. My anxiety goes away when I keep my mind busy and my hands working! So I am feeling better this week. AF is set to show in the next 2-4 days so I am going to start temping and test my LH again just to get back into the groove and to see if I actually O. I will keep ya all posted! BABY DUST!

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12 years ago

hey dolphin1204
Not really its about a 5 hour drive away (i cant drive which doesnt help) but we are trying to figure out a way we can manage if it does happen he is going to speak with his boss and try find out more about the situation to see if they could keep him on where he is just now so fingers crossed

thats good you have been keeping yourself busy, hopefully you have O'ed this month good luck and keep us posted

baby dust

12 years ago • Post starter

I am at the end of my rope. AF showed tonight. I am going to try one more cycle and then I am calling my doc to start Clomid. We did not miss ovulation this time so I don't know why it didn't stick. I was so sure this was the month. My boobs have never hurt as bad as they did this past week or so.

Not to mention, I now have another friend who just found out she is pregnant. She started trying in January and is already pregnant. I just feel like crying. I want to be pregnant so bad. I want to experience bringing a child into this world and feeling him or her kick from inside me. I want to experience that. I want to hear children running around in my house.

Sorry to whine, but I am so upset right now. I feel like crying. I don't have anyone else to talk to who understands how I feel.

On to the next month...

12 years ago

aww sorry to hear af showed mrsbaurs, its not easy when you hear about people who fall pregnant so easily i have lost count the amount of people who have fell pregnant and had their baby since i started and it does bring you down
sometimes i find myself crying because i feel like its never going to happen for me
i think we all understand how you feel, i hope you have better luck next month or if you get clomid that helps you get your bfb
baby dust to you
hope you are feeling better soon

12 years ago • Post starter

Sorry to hear your news mrsbaurs and don't ever be sorry about whining. I think this is a perfect place for you to let it all out.

I know exactly how you feel. Every week someone else announces that they are pregnant and here I site feeling barren... I sometimes wonder if I will ever have the opportunity to love a child as my own.

I am sending you lots of baby dust for this next cycle! I would also stress that you should see your doctor again too. I know it helped me to finally get some answers even if they were not all ways good ones.


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12 years ago

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