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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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How are you all doing ladies?

I am taking a more chilled approach this month and putting off ttc until nearer to Christmas to try and time birth with maternity leave and have other things going on too. But if it happens it happens but I am not taking any more tests until I am 100% sure I am late or sick if and when the time comes.

I have no idea when or if I have o'd yet. I had a lot of clear cm last thurs and fri so I am estimating that I o'd on fri. Anyone had this clear cm around O - just wondering if that is a definitve sign. I am not interested in bbt or opks.

My app says I will O this weekend but I am not sure as I have not had regular cycles so it is hard to tell.

Has anyone come off bc? I am off it 6mths and my cycles are still between 30-40 days and I was always regular before that?

6 years ago

Hello Ladies! It's been a while since I've been on here. My husband and I took a break and took a vacation to get our minds off things.

Where I left off.. I was supposed to start my first round of clomid last cycle.. I went to my appointment to be prescribed medication (as she told me on the phone) only to get there for her to again say she is not going to help us until I lose more weight.

I got so fed up with this OB that I ended up making an appointment with someone else, in fear that I would have to start everything over from the beginning but that would be better than to get no help at all.

It has been confirmed that I have PCOS, I go in two weeks for a HSG test and ultrasound to see what is going on. Depending on what they find she will determine the best route from here. At last.. someone that is actually doing something about the situation!

Today is 3DPO, still crossing my fingers that this is our month, but if not at least we will finally get some answers.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

6 years ago

Ginsue: I was on a mild bc and didn't have issues. I'm not sure if it is supposed to take that long for the body to adjust. However maybe there are dietary supplements or foods that can help regulate your cycles.

LyssaJade: SOrry about the PCOS diagnosis. I'm glad you were able to find a doctor that can help you. Hopefully you will get your BFP soon. Good luck!

As for me, I went for a pelvic ultrasound and FSH/TSH blood work and thankfully everything went very well surprisingly. Clotting like the way I had is normal bc I am getting older and the uterus changes in thickness. No cysts/polyps or endometriosis showed up on the Ultrasound. My blood work numbers were very good. The the fluttering on both ovaries and uterine pain has stopped, probably due to the uterus ridding itself of all that old stuff. The following period was fine after that. There remains the pain in the area of the right ovary. The doctor thinks it's intestinal (maybe a mild blockage of impacted waste) and that I should try citrucel. Hopefully the pain will go away entirely.

The doctor did put me on some Otc stuff. DHEA to help support progesterone. I have see huge changes in BBT chart already; Plain Robitussin DM on my fertile days to increase EWCM. Weird, right? Hopefully, soon I will have a BFP. :)

6 years ago

Ginsue: I heard it can take at least 3 months or longer to get BC out of your system. I was on it for 6 months to regulate my cycles, I went years with no period before I was put on BC. Had a period every 28 days while on it.

I stopped taking it last October, I was able to have a period every 44-54 days after i stopped taking it. Until this month, I haven't gotten anything and had to be put on Provera to start things back up again :(

Mummum: How are you doing? Still having the ovary pain? I have heard about taking robitussin before to increase CM around fertile period. I also have problems with Progesterone and my BBT chart is always so low / and sporadic. I heard that it was emotional stress that was causing the fluctuation in my chart, but also with low progesterone they were very low, in the 96.1-96.5 range.

I just took my first dose of metformin and provera today and seen a huge jump this morning 97.62. It's probably because of the provera , but staying positive this cycle and first round of Femara and crossing my fingers this is what does the trick.

Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

6 years ago


Lilypie Pregnancy tickers TTC Baby #1 Diagnosed PCOS 07/2017 -- DH No Issues 1st Round Femara 5mg in August 2017 -- BFN 2nd round Femara 5mg in Sept. 2017 + Scheduled HSG 09/13/17 BFN HSG Test - Completely Normal -- no issues 3rd Round Clomid 50MG November 2017 -- Due August 16th , HR 160

6 years ago

Good Morning, Ladies!

Lyssa Jade: Hi! Hope you're doing well. Wow this new doctor you have means business! That is a lot of stuff you're on. Fingers crossed that your body regulates well and that it's quick. I really hope this is your month. Gonna say a prayer for you. Let's hope your body has no complications with anything and that your egg(s) has/have a busy time letting the sperm in! Lol. And yes, I do still have pain but my OB/GYN said it was not the ovary. She thinks it could be something intestinal like a mild blockage.

As for me, I am on CD 8 out of 26 days. I am still using the Clearblue Touchscreen Monitor for checking ovulation and I cross check with BBT, CM, and CP. This will be my second cycle using DHEA to support progesterone and plain Robitussin for an increase in EWCM and/or watery (fertile) CM. Trying for baby number 2 for six months (8 cycles).

Good luck

6 years ago

Hey ladies.
Coaching has kept me super busy. Im 19 weeks along. Monday I will be roughly 20 weeks and will have my gender reveal ultrasound and my dr appointment. Ive also lost 11 pounds but this week at my moms the scale said I gained. Been feeling baby some, not all the time but some. DH says he can feel baby move when he has his hand on my stomach.

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6 years ago

Hberry: Awww that's great that you and your DH can feel the baby!!! You must be so excited about the gender reveal! I loved getting sonograms but I always felt like I was going to faint because of the baby's position. I had to carry some juice with me for a quick pick-me-up. Keep me posted about you and baby :)

6 years ago

I can't feel much as this baby is just like my last pregnancy; anterior. But the past couple of days since the ultrasound, in which the gender was revealed; the baby has been punching (baby showed a bunch of fists on ultrasound) and kicking much more. The gender results are that baby is a boy! He was afraid to show his face but not his manhood or butt!! What a turd!

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6 years ago

Hi ladies.

I'm currently on 6dpo. Been on this site for 2cycles. However, have been trying for baby no 2 since January (7cycles).

My 1st child is now SIX!!! Had no problems concieving him, conceived within a month of trying. This time it seems to be taking a lot longer.

TWW always kills me, I'm so bad at symptom spotting!
Had insane stomach pain 2 days ago, but looked up and think it's way too early for implantation. :(

I find it SO hard to relax because I've never wanted something to badly in my life, which I don't think is helping the matter!

Anyway, baby dust to all of you.
Wishing that all your TWW's are speedy hopeful ones!


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6 years ago

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