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In the TWW. Looking for friends to commiserate with

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Hi all!

I got my birth control out in January and we have been trying for the past couple of months. I'm in my TWW now and I'm 8 DPO.

Before having my first, we suffered through 2 chemical pregnancies and a miscarriage. Son is now 2 years old and will turn 3 in June.

I'm looking for people to connect with so that we can cheer each other on and commiserate about life with.

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357 Replies • 7 years ago



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221 - 230 of 357 Replies | Last Page

Miracle80: thank you so much!! Yes, lots of prayers for us all I think in this ever trying journey!! I'm sorry to hear that your miserable but oh it is totally worth it and in my opinion, it goes pretty fast! What week are you in. Ow?

Mummum: Sorry to hear your officially put but you had a feeling.. does sound like some strange new sensations you are feeling lately. I did wonder myself if because we are trying so hard we are so overly aware of EVERY little pinch, ache, twinge. Hopefully it's just a new thing that means nothing.

I'm feeling pretty down and pretty tired. I am sooooo stressed about getting through til we're in the 'safe' zone. I haven't had any bleeding or bad cramping or anything but I'm just a mess!! I've been using my Wondfos twice a day and I SWEAR they look just a tad lighter today so I'm really sad... I go back for the second round of blood work tomorrow so I'll know more then.. it's probably all in my head...

7 years ago

Akj976: Try not to worry. I'm here if you need to talk (inbox me). Sending prayers your way.

7 years ago

Thank you soooo so much!! It means a lot! I've been better today, tried to get some sleep! And I send prayers back you way that you get your month hear soon!!!

I hope that each of us can someday soon get that precious baby we are after! My heart breaks to think of what us women go through! And I know my journey has not been bad compared to others.

7 years ago

Hey where'd everyone go?? I hope you are all doing well. I know we have several pregnant ladies from this thread now which is great!! Sending prayers and well wishes to you and baby.

As for me, I am going on my 7th cycle. Today is cycle day 2.5 and I had another pelvic exam last week and TSH and FSH test done a few hours ago. Results will be given after ultrasound is done. I still have pain around the right ovary. Last cycle, I passed a VERY large clot but my doctor thinks it's just due to aging (uterus thickens more) and not endometriosis. So now, my ovary needs a check. Hopefully it's nothing. My doctor did recommend I take regular robitussin around the days leading up to ovulation because it helps increase EWCM and to take DHEA to increase progesterone naturally.

6 years ago

I'm here, don't get on that often but check from time to time...
sorry I missed some responses from 3 weeks ago.

AKJ976- how are you doing? How many weeks are you now sweetie?

Mummum- Best of luck on some awesome results from your tests girl!! Will be praying for you! I hope this is your month! Are you doing anything else with the RE or just monitoring your cycle? Any IUIs?

Ginsue- how are you? any news?

AFM- I'm almost 11 weeks still pretty miserable.. nauseous a lot and tired still. I've only managed to throw up a handful of times which is great!! It mostly comes at night and I try and sleep it off and it WORKS!! We had an ultrasound at 8weeks and saw our little miracle. He/she had 171bpm. Just praying that everything is ok and he/she is a healthy little nugget!
I think I even felt the fetus move! I felt flutters at 10 weeks and although baby is still so small I googled it and many women say that with their second baby they felt flutters as early as 10 weeks as well! I'm pretty sure it wasn't gas!! I feel them here and there..definitely not all the time..

Anyway, hope everyone is doing well!!!
hugs to all!

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6 years ago

Hey guys! BFN last cycle and AF came on CD34 so onto next cycle now.

Had a lot of stretchy ewcm today and yesterday so I am wondering if I am gonna O early as I am only CD10. I am off to the doc 2mw.

We are not gonna "try" now just see what happens!

6 years ago

LyssaJade: Your cycle's seem to be getting shorter, right. How's the acupuncture going for you? Do you think it has helped? Sorry about Flo...what a pain.

6 years ago

Miracle80: I haven't seen a RE yet. My OB/GYN is trying some OTC stuff with me first. My insurance does not cover TTC/reproductive stuff so it has to happen naturally. Right now we just trying to determine the basic health of my ovaries and why the right one has been hurting outside of ovulation. I know there's a second baby coming, I just don't know when. I do need financial doors open, direction for moving out of state, and for hubby to get a job out of state. Thinking NC, PA, or even TX. Srsly only God knows...I have know idea where we should be going/doing. Lol :)

6 years ago

I went to the doc yesterday just asked about cycles and possibility of having pcos. She said highly unlikely if I had regular cycles before going on bc.

She suggested a blood test and pelvic ultrasound to be sure but didn't examine me or anything which I thought was strange.

Had a 24hr vomiting bug on Sunday and been super nauseous all week haven't ate much at all. I have not had a bug like this since I was a kid I was sure I would be fine by now...5days later!

Today is cd12 pretty sure I am currently ovulating or near as I have had clear cm today and yest.

6 years ago

GinSue: Glad your doctor doesn't think you have PCOS. Hopefully the ultrasound will also show nothing is wrong too. Sorry to hear that you have a stomach bug. Let's hope it clears up quick especially that it's near your ovulation. Feel better soon, Hun. Enjoy the weekend.

6 years ago

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