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Starting clomid, anyone with me? Can I get a hell ya! Part 5

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This is for all the ladies out there who are using clomid to help conceive. Feel free to express your every emotions and remember you can never give TMI, we are all on the same page and have heard it all! So welcome to the group!

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309 Replies • 11 years ago



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Woot woot Kellie!!!!! Congrats!! This is just what we need to keep all our heads in the game!!

Babylove- I forget, but are you taking a break from Clomid for a bit?

ElleKJ- we all hear ya there! Hang in there!

Felurian- I've been feeling little twinges and stuff here and there too, normally I feel nothing so I'm hoping it implantation too! fingers crossed for the both of us! When do you think you'll test?

My dear Hbarrios- I promise you it will get better! You will have these crappy feelings from time to time but you'll keep going because the prize is worth it in the end. We've all been there too. I have had a few cycles where it felt like it was way too much and I swore I would not do it again and sure enough, a few days would pass and I'd be talking about the next cycle and checking the calendar for what day ovulation might fall on. It comes and goes and can sometimes knock you down. Let yourself feel like crap, get angry, beat up a pillow, you're intitled to that, but then keep your eye on the bigger picture! Easier said than done, I know, but not every cycle will feel this way I assure you:)

As for facebook, I would love love love to put a face to you ladies, so I would definitely be down for that. Here's the kicker though: I am super duper private and only family members and close freinds know about my struggle so if I would ask that anyone who I befriend pretty please no post on my wall about fertility, TTC or anything related. Im game for personal messages but just not public stuff. I hope that doesn't make me a sell out, I'm just not willing to answer a million questions about why its taking me so long and bla bla bla from everyone I work with lol.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago

oh lol, I can be found under Amanda Champagne-Forrest and my profile pic is of Chickens bums, I joke not, lol.

User Image 5 rounds of Clomid (1 chemical) 2 rounds of Femara + IUI (1 chemical) 4 rounds of Femara, Clomid, Menopur+IUI (all BFN) 1 IVF in January=

11 years ago

Just an update for me-
Not too much going on...Just finished my 2nd round of Clo. Im planning on calling for a Sperm Analysis for the husband. I hope insurance covers at least one analysis. :-/
Im really quite bummed. I know EXACTLY when I ovulated, and we DTD before during and after...even a few days after...and my chart totally rocked...then BAM...AF. Im trying to just go with the flow this month. I guess we will see!
Hi to all newbies! And H&H 9mnths for those BFP's!

11 years ago

Rkn_OH_Mum - sorry about AF :(

hopefullll - i like the chicken bums :) and as for facebook, i totally understand. only my close friends and family know about TTC also

all the other ladies - hope you are having a wonderful monday!

AFM - thank you all for all your support and encouraging words! i really appreciate it! after spending sometime talking it over with my husband, i think we are going to try a more natural approach next cycle. i have an appt thursday with a midwife who also consults with natural fertility treatments and we are going to see what options are available. not to say clomid is out, just see what else we can do. keep us in your prayers!

TTC Phytotherapy 10/12 Clomid 9/12 Met 5/12, 3/08 MC 6/08 DX w PCOS "For nothing is impossible with God" - Sarah, mother of John the Baptist, said to be barren

11 years ago

hopefulll- I only had the twinge cramps yesterday. Today I feel fine, so maybe it is implantation! 10DPO is normal for that to happen, right? I think I will test Wednesday or Thursday. But by Saturday for sure. I looked for you on facebook, but your name didn't turn up any results! I'm sure it's just because I'm facebook challenged.

hbarrios- I will pray for you. I include all of you ladies in my prayers every single night!

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

Hi guys

Ok so i phoned this morning to make appointment with my ob/gyn. She is super fully booked and can only se me on the 5th November /sigh ..... So i guess im gonna go have one more AF in November starting between 16th - 24th depending on what cycle length im having this time, if im not pregnant by then.

One more thing, can my GP prescribe Clomid if i explain to her the whole situation cuz Damn our gynea's are freakin expensive and although we have a good medical ... we have to claim back.

So im thinking of canceling my appointment with ob/gyn and making an appointment with my GP ... may be she will be able to prescribe it to me, i dont know.

I went to ob/gyn on the 4th June, that was when i was diagnosed with pcos. 1st appointment cost R1050.

Why do i need to pay another R1050 for an appointment to get a box of Clomid that cost R100 ... i mean common!

11 years ago

Neitjie - i dont know much about the medical system where you are but i know in the states your OBGYN has to prescribe clomid. especially if you have a pre-existing condition like PCOS. for me, my OBGYN has to prescribe BC pills! but thats bc of the PCOS :/

felurian - thank you so much! it means a lot to me

So i thought i already Od but my chart is looking weird. if any of you have a mintue to check it, yalls opinion would be greatly valued!

TTC Phytotherapy 10/12 Clomid 9/12 Met 5/12, 3/08 MC 6/08 DX w PCOS "For nothing is impossible with God" - Sarah, mother of John the Baptist, said to be barren

11 years ago

Hello Beautiful & Strong Women!

Congrats Kellie!

I believe finally I have a positive OPK as of Sept.24th

Todays OPK was starting to fade,is this normal?
I've been suffering with Extreme All around waist(frnt to back) PAIN all the way down to ankles and at times toes. HIPS,THIGHS,Calf muscles area just ACHE ACHE ACHE! 2-3 days now.
We BD'd before I took OPK to find out it was a positive,thought we had a few more days lol.First test 12noon,second 4pm.
I pray Dr says this is and was O. I also pray we get a STICKY BFP!

User ImageUser ImagePCOS/#1 BABY BLESSING BLISSUser Image User Image My Ovulation Chart

11 years ago

Thanks everyone :)
It just goes to show that maybe the doctors aren't always right, I suppose.

I've had three more positive tests since, I had bloodtests done yesterday morning and I'm writing this from the doctors office waiting to be seen to get the results.

I'm excited but incredibly scared :s
Crossing my fingers it won't be chemical.

Will let all of you ladies know the results x

11 years ago

kellie, yay, yay, yay! Let us know what the doctor's results are! Hoping it's not a chemical, too <3

TTC #2 naturally after infertility treatment for #1 User Image

11 years ago

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