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40 and TTC # 2 after 19 yrs

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Hello Ladies,
I am 40 and DH is 50. We are trying to conceive our first together. I had a TR in August of 2013 and we stated trying in November 2013. I would like to share this journey with you ladies.

709 Replies • 11 years ago



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mrsward - Sorry to hear that, but we'll be praying for you. Hope your appointment goes well.

mamaof07 - thank you for the prayers. I just want to see a already, and wish I could then somehow fast forward to 9 months and delivery, without all the worry. Haha.

Zuberi - how are you?

Well, this has been a crazy week all ready. First the wedding my dh officiated Saturday, then church and meetings Sunday. Yesterday we traveled to VT to see the college, and today we finished putting tires on our van in preparation for the coming winter. Then we ran around town like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get all the supplies we needed for the Trunk or Treat we're having at church tomorrow night. Not to mention we had to hustle home in time to get the kids ready for AWANAS and youth group! We just got home about an hour ago and I'm pooped. The rest of the week is chock full of dr appointments, and then Saturday I have a meeting while my dh has a funeral! AARRGG! Hope we can squeeze some BDing in there somewhere.

Hope you all have a blessed rest of the week.

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10 years ago

mrsward- sorry to hear that af came boo....I am praying for you and will be thinking and praying for you on the 6th! Let us know how you make out!

Rebecca 73- sounds like you are very busy, yes you need to make time to bd!

I hope all you ladies are doing well!! Take care and blessings! Have a good weekend!

10 years ago

Good morning ladies

How is everyone?

Msward: we will be praying for you. I'm going to put your request on the altar at my cburch.

Rebecca: A pastor's wife's job is never done. Hang in there girl!

Kid..:: how are you feeling? Sick I hope (jk)

Scarlet: we miss you. Where are you? How is everything going?

I just wanted to check in. Nothing to update you guys on yet. (I'm praying that it will be soon.

Have a good day.

10 years ago • Post starter

Good Morning Ladies!! So sorry I've been MIA we've had so many irons in the fire I feel like I haven't had a free minute in over a week. I've taken on the undertaking of starting a Ladies Auxiallary for Greg's Vol. Fire Dept. and that has taken so much of my time lately. Of course Jarred called us last Thursday and had a flat tire, he had run over a nail so Greg went and fixed that last Friday and took him and his buddies some more candy. They put in an order for more fudge. LOL. Greg and I drove out to Little Rock, AR. (he ordered a piece of equipment for the fire dept. off ebay and we went to pick it up) which is about an 9 hour drive from where we live. We had a nice time. We both love baseball and of course the World Series was going on in St. Louis and we drove thru the tip of Missouri and Greg was like we should drive up and try to get tickets. But we didn't my team (Cinn. Reds) wasn't playing but Greg and Jarred both are big fans of Boston Red Sox and they ended up winning YAY! Greg really didn't want to go if he couldn't take Jarred since they are both big fans of the Sox's. And Sierra always has something going on (Drama and Choir) she's our Drama kid lol. And when her mom can't take her or pick her up I always do. Whew I don't even know how I find time to work anymore lol. I've been reading everyone's post and trying to get caught up on all that I've missed. But I've continued to keep everyone in my prayers this last week even if I haven't gotten to post I continually think of you ladies. And I've missed chatting with you Ladies so much. You guys are always so uplifting and encouraging I love having you guys.

Rebecca- I so admire you being a Pastor's Wife. I know it can carry so much pressure but also know it is a very rewarding job. My Pastor and his wife have been like second parents to me for years. There oldest daughter and I are very close friends. And I know how much pressure my Pastor's wife carries on her shoulders at times. I also hope you get lots of BDing in too. God will make time for you guys.

Zuberi- Hey girl I've missed you guys too. And I love talking about my son lol. He has truly been the most blessed thing God has given me to date. He has always been my encouragement since he was born. When I felt like giving up sometimes all I had to do was look at Jarred and remember God's blessings and promises. Jarred's dad and I were very young when we got pregnant and married but we were always so thankful for Jarred and still are. I couldn't imagine having Jarred that far from home, he originally was going to go to University of Tenn. but changed his mind. I pray that your TWW goes by quickly and that we are celebrating your soon.

KDdid- It's so great to hear from you again. I've been keeping you in my prayers. So thankful to hear that things are going good. I'll continue to keep you and your little bean in my daily prayers.

Mamaof7- Congrats on your little bean. I'm sooo excited for you. I'm praying for you and your little bean that you have a .

Mrs.Ward- Sorry Af showed up. As I was reading your post I realized how much you sound like me lol. I know every month I try so hard not to get my hopes up to think that I could actually be pregnant but at the same time I also had two cycles that were longer than others including this last one and I had hoped so much that I would get my . I know how discouraging it can be to see or when AF arrives. I'm so thankful to all the ladies here who help to encourage me and keep me lifted up to God. I'm so glad that you are a part of our little family. I will pray that this month is your month that we will soon be celebrating a for you.

Tigerette- How are you doing? Hope all is well with you.

Afm- CD16 and I haven't ovulated yet but feel like I will in the next couple days. I had lots of EWCM late yesterday and still plently of it hanging out. Greg is on a tour today and will be home tomorrow and I have him all to myself this weekend so I'm planning on BDing all weekend LOL.

Chat with you ladies soon.

Love hugs prayers

10 years ago

Hey ladies

Just a quick update. I'm 8dpo today. I have one FRE left from my last cycle and I'm trying to save it until 13dpo (Wednesday). Pray for me! Lol
Okaaay I have a question. Have you guys ever had any experience or read anything about ssoreness on the side of your breast but not up as far as the armpits. Like where your bra would wrap around on your side. ( mine hurt in that spot on both sides) I'm still researching it. But if you guys know what it may be chime in.

Have a great weekend!

10 years ago • Post starter

@ Scarlet-greg...Thank you for your prayers. Thank you to the whole group for praying for me. I read & pray for all of you too! : ) I am looking forward to our consultation appt with the fertility dr on Nov 6th. I am hopeful that we will receive some encouraging good news and that it is still possible for dh & I to have a baby of our own. I know ANYTHING is possible with God! I know that deep in my heart. I suppose if I can be real for a min. What I struggle with is it His will that my dh and I have a baby of our own. What if it's not His will? I know either way I have to trust Him and I do.


10 years ago

mrsward - I will be praying for you and your dh on your appointment on the 6th. I certainly understand about wondering if this is God's will. I felt so CERTAIN it was God's will for us to get off BC, and that He was going to bless us with more children....but then I lost 2, and it shook me. It shook my faith. It shook my confidence in why I pray, and what my prayer does. But what it all boils down to is where else would I go, if I didn't go to God? Even if I don't get what I want, or misunderstand His will, He's still the only One I can go to. (Doesn't mean it has made it all easier for me all the time, though.) Hang in there. We're all here for you.

Afm - CD10, the monitor is still showing lows. I had pain on my right ovary from Thurs evening to Sat, then my left ovary started hurting Sat night and into today. More CM when I used the bathroom this afternoon than normal. So maybe it's all pointing to O coming soon? I go tomorrow at 11 for my saline ultrasound, so I'm a little nervous about that.

How are the rest of you?

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10 years ago

My ultrasound showed my follicles were at 14mm, so I should O in 3-4 days. Otherwise no issues or problems. I won't see the RE again unless I get pregnant or 6 months go by and I don't, which is when she said insurance would cover fertility treatments if we want them.

I'm struggling to feel more excited about the good results. Strange, isn't it? I think having the ultrasound just brought back bad memories of all the times I've had it done to confirm a miscarriage. Plus I was in the waiting room for 20 minutes with pregnant women and a 6 week old baby. Made for a hard start to the day.

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10 years ago

@Rebecca - Thank you for your prayers. Just two more days till our appt. I will keep you posted as to how it goes. Although, my dh and I are SERIOUSELY considering adopting. Yesterday at church two woman gave their testimonies and shared their experience of adoption. My dh and I had never really discuss adoption before, at least not seriously but after the service yesterday, my dh said that he had been thinking about it lately and I said that I had been to but wasn't sure how he would feel about it. We have our appt on Wednesday and I hope & pray that it goes well and that we conceive a baby on our own but we are very open to the possibility of adopting now. We are open to whatever God's will is. We sorta felt like it was confirmation that we had both been thinking about it lately and then yesterday's service was about just that.
I will continue to lift each and every one of you ladies up in my prayers!!!


10 years ago

Just a quick update....I got a HIGH reading on my fertility monitor this morning!!!! YAY!! I was afraid I wouldn't, for whatever reason. (read: mind games) Can't wait for my honey to get home. Praying the Lord will bless.

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10 years ago

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