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ttc after cp

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Hi ladies. I just had cp at 5 weeks... im sad...but bleeding is nearly finished so we gona try again. Is anyone in my shoes aswell? How soon did you ovulate after cp and got bfp again? Baby dust to us all :)

667 Replies • 9 years ago



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Hi ladies!

Missy - aww glad your little ones loved the egg hunt and the weather was ok!
We had a beautifully sunny day here & today. Apparently it's forecast all week yay!
My little girl loved the egg hunt! So super cute watching her little eyes light up :)
Roast was sooo lovely! Do love a roast dinner :)
I totally think your symptoms could be messed up. My cp messed up my cycles and made me have weird spotting for months so definitely think it can mess with all the hormones!
When do you think you will ovulate? Ah yes I have fertility friend but don't temp so don't think it's so good for me.
My Ovia app has predicted ovulation a week today as has another one. So cycle day 15 for me I think. Which would make this months cycle 29 days.
oh & yeh we live like a 5 min drive from the beach :) my fav place to be :)

Jada - have u ovulated yet? Do you know? Are you in tww?
lol I shall let you all know if the acne was a sign. Could be :)
Sending lots of baby dust your way Hun xxxxx

Hope the rest of you ladies are well and had a lovely weekend.
I'm counting down to our spa & hotel night away on sat! Can't wait. Need to dust off my bikini. I never wear one as the UK is not very warm at all lol.

Emmy xxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Emmy, I know you will have an awesome time this weekend! Hope the week passes FAST!! I honestly don't know when I did but I had to have yep in the TWW....

9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!! I hope yea all had a wonderful Easter:)

Jada hun, not long to go, fx this is the month for you!!! :) So you are in your 2ww :) Hope im joining you v v soon :) Any symptoms so far?

Hay Emmy, ive been o on cd15 for past 2 cycles aswell :) Not long now, are you using opk? Hope 15 is your lucky number!! :) Well about the acne, i got for past two days these lil lods lods spots, but they are soooo tiny, looks like allergic spots. Maybe o is duing that tome aswell :)

Missytwoshoes how are you? Is your bbs still sore??? Yaay for af finished :) When is your fertile week?

Alice hun, hope you enjoying your lil trip and having a great time!!! How you feeling?? Hope you and lil baba feeling great :) Are you telling family ?? :)

Well, im on cd14 today, i took opk just now, its nearly there, so i guess its gona be cd15 for me this cycle aswell :) Just whats wierd that for past 3 days i had watery cm, but today back to creamy :( where i expected ewcm this morning as it is sooo close to o... just really hope i am o this cycle :)

Lods lods baby dust to us all!!! Lets have some more bfp's this month!!!!!


9 years ago • Post starter

Good evening sweet ladies!!!

Sorry, I had some catching up to do :-$ Glad I found some time to come here and read about all of you!!

Nikolina, I totally understand your confusion about CM!! It's so frustrating when all signs point in some direction and then suddenly one of them points in the opposite direction :-s I hope your EWCM will arrive soon, must be if your opks are getting darker! Fingers crossed that you'll be joining Jada in the TWW soon!!! :-)

Jada, I hope it is relaxing to not know exactly how many dpo you are! :-) I don't really know what you mean by the paper work for the clinic... Do you need to fill in questionaries?

Missytwoshoes, I'm sorry to hear you haven't been feeling great lately. I hope your not getting sick!! Especially not now that your fertile week is getting closer! ;-) This is probably a stupid question, but what is yoni steam?

Emmy, lol about your dusting off your bikini :-d Belgium is exactly the same :-p I hope you'll have such a great time in the spa!!!! And O will already be close by that time! :-)

AFM, my scary day has past and nothing happened! That is definitely a first milestone. I still feel okay, no spotting so far, only watery/yellow discharge. Hope it will stay that way!

I'm crossing my fingers tightly for BFPs soon!!!!!!!


9 years ago

Hey ladies!

Jada - yay for the tww! :)
I'm sending you big positive vibes!!!! I'm sure you will have such happy news soon :)

Nikolina - yay I hope tomorrow is your O day!!!
yeh I think it will be cycle day 15/16 for me. I am starting opks on fri :) (day 11)
Tracking cm though as well.
Sometimes I've had weird cm changes but always get ewcm eventually so I'm sure it'll happen Hun!
Ooo interesting about the spots! I have another huge spot today :(

Alice - so glad you have passed the milestone! All will be fine :) I know it!!!
Hope you are feeling ok??
Lol yeh weather is mostly rubbish here but actually this week we are having a week of sunshine :) helps brighten the mood :)

AFM - watery cm has started for me which means as of tomorrow BD will begin :)
I have tracked my cm for three cycles. I normally get 3 days watery cm & then 3 days of ewcm & then ovulate with mild cramps. So this month I'm using opks to confirm and BD every day for at least 5 days in a row. That's how we got our DD so got to have faith it will happen again :)

Lots & lots of positive thoughts to all you ladies xxxxxxxx

<a href=

9 years ago

Morning Ladies!!!

Alice, so happy to hear that you are doing well :) How was your trip?? Well yesterday after posting here, i went to loo and found lods ewcm, maybe 3hrs later... ahh our bodies are sooo confusing :) Yesterday had o pains all day on off, and this morning cd 15 finaly got my positive opk!!! :) Just have to wait for temp to confirm it :) Lil bd last night lol, did a lil trick lol and will bd tonight and tomorrow, so that will cover my fertile week :)

Emmy, yea i had some watery cm aswell for few days, last cycle i had lods of days with ewcm, bit short on them this cycle :( Yeey your fertile week is here!!! :) The last two cycles we bd every day like 8 days in row true my feritile week,and both cycles got bfp, cycles before that we don it every other day andnothing... so i think thats whats works for us :) But this cycle we are taking easy, so few days missing there and there, but never know, could be third time lucky... but if not, then next cycle back to bd every day and lods fun :) I have fx this is the cycle for you!!!

Lods lods baby dust and sticky vibes!!!! :)


9 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies!

Nikolina - yay for positive ovulation! Eek your tww starts now!!!!

Omg ladies I'm so confused! I had a few patches of ewcm today!!!!!!!
Tmi but it was a lot! Some this morning and some this evening!
I didn't take an opk as I was starting them tomorrow!!!
Eek do you think I'm ovulating? I hope not we are starting BDing tonight!!!!
Please please say it's just the start of my fertile few days!
I'm only cycle day 10/11. I normally have 3 days of ewcm and then ovulate.
That would mean cycle day 13 which is super early as I normally ovulate on day 15/16.
I guess only time will tell. I could be joining you lovely ladies in the tww sooner than I thought!

Lots of baby dust your way ladies!!!!

<a href=

9 years ago

hello ladybugs :)

Jada, I think it's just allergies. But the've been bothersome lately. :/ Yes, some rest would be nice, but rest is hard to come by with 2 kiddos. :) Got my fingers crossed for you!! Is there a certain day you're going to test? wait till missed period?

Emmy, yes I think everything was just all messed up. They don't hurt maybe it was a symptom of AF. Not really sure when I'll ovulate, somewhere between the 13th and the 18th if I had to guess. I ovulated so late last month so I'm not really sure. Yay for egg white CM!! Hopefully you'll O soon!! :) Get to dancin'! :) what does OPK say??

Nikolina, Doing ok, thank you. :) nope, boobs stopped hurting thankfully. Fertility friend says my fertile week should be starting Friday. So we'll see. :) I've had my CM play tricks with me too. Last month I had a few days of watery, and 2 days of creamy and THEN egg white. it was strange. Our bodies just like to keep us guess I suppose. :p Glad you got your positive OPK!!

Alice, thank you. <3 I'm assuming it's allergies but they have been pretty bad this year unfortunately. So a yoni steam is a bunch of herbs that you boil and then let steep and then you clean your toilet and then empty bowl of water, put a metal bowl in it and then pour the herbs into the bowl and sit on the toilet for 15-20 min while the steam enters the vagina. I don't know if it helps or not... This was my 3rd or 4th time doing it, and since I got preg one cycle of doing it I want to say it helped...but I didn't get preg last cycle and I did it so who knows? lol. I probably won't buy it, just used it since I won it. ;) So glad you got past your scary day without complication!! :) Hows first trimester going? tired yet? I always felt so tired in my first tri with my dots.

AFM, took my first OPK today. Will start BD'ing Friday and every other day until my OPK is almost pos then will do it every day till my temp rises. I wish I had a better idea of when I'll O but it was so late last month I feel like it could be any time and I'm afraid I'll miss it! Have had some water CM yesterday and today, but doubt I'd O this early as I'm only CD 10.

hope you ladies are well <3 <3 <3

3 Daughters born 12/16/09, 07/30/12 & 3/12/16 * 1 Chemical pregnancy @ 4 weeks 2/24/15 <img src=

9 years ago

Morning ladies!

Missy - eek ovulation is super close for you now!
Lol I did google yoni! I'd never heard of it!
Anything for that bfp I say! :)

My opk was nearly positive this morning :o
Shocked face!
Cheapy stick lines were same darkness but clearblue digi was negative.
Loads and loads of ewcm this morning so I'm guessing may turn positive tomorrow?!
So should ovulate sat/sun? Which is great as we are off to the hotel so I should be super chilled!!! :)
I thought it would be a lot later this cycle but that's cool. Less time to get stressed out hehe.

Baby dust to all *~*~*~*

<a href=

9 years ago

Having a little cry :(
Hubby has a sickness bug so that means no Bd for us for a few days :'(
Ovulation is definitely over the next two days :(
Also so worried I'm going to get it and my little girl!
& our hotel night away is on sat :(
So so upset!!! Feel like I'm cursed :(

Obviously not meant to be our month :(

<a href=

9 years ago

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