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TWW For Expected August 23-28 2018 Due Date

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The TWW is horrible! I just want to talk with others who are going through the TWW who have an anticipated due date between August 23-28 2018.

My husband and I BD on 11/28 and 11/30. I feel like I ovulated today 12/1 and my mind is going crazy. I already have an 8 year old who will be 9 on 12/29, but trying to remember how I felt 9 years ago is hard. I didn't plan my first child therefore I didn't have to suffer the TWW. I found out when I missed my period by 1 week.

My husband and I have been married for 2 1/2 years. I have 1 outside daughter and he has 2 outside children (1 boy - 16 and 1 daughter - 5) so we talked about have one together especially since I'm only 31 and he is 38.

I'm nervous because this is technically our first time trying and I am afraid to be disappointed. Who else is entering the TWW wait as me?

44 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hey. Good luck.
I think I'm around 10dpo now. Been trying to find out if its implantation. Fell asleep in the afternoon the other day and didn't have the energy to straighten the house up after the kids went to bed tonight. Went to bed early because I was shattered but now I can't sleep!! Hubbys convinced we'll get a positive but I've been fooled before so I'm trying not to think too much about it. Since I've been looking for symptoms I seem to think they're there all the time! Never tracked ttc before, only pregnancy so all that's fairly new to me. Would love to bounce ideas/experiences around with some other mamas gone mad for monitoring these things :)

6 years ago

@Divine. I am actually thinking of testing early as tonight my boobs have been sore and itchy; not like previous months. Even my husband asked if I was feeling okay as my forehead felt warm. So I may test Friday. I'm just scared to not see two lines.

@Rach_mama. Only only one day behind you. Let's hope that what you were feeling is implantation. When do you plan on testing?

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6 years ago

@rach_mama - This is my first time actually trying. I thought I may have been in the past after a slip up and the TWW wait was so horrible, so I know the feeling all too well. This time, I have just been trying to keep occupied. Being busy at work really helps. I'm right here if you just want to talk. :)

@dragonfly - Girl, I would test! lol... especially with the symptoms and your so close. Or they have a few homemade test you can try for fun... I youtubed some in the past and tried them, but I ended up not being pregnant so I am curios to know if they really work. LET ME KNOW!!!!!! I'm so anxious for you....

6 years ago • Post starter

@Divine. How are you feeling today. Are you getting close to testing? The last two days, my boobs have been sore off and on, been having restless sleep, last night I dreamt of a positive pregnancy test. My cervix as of this morning is high with some creamy cm. I tested this morning with a First Response 6 days sooner and with a not so sensitive test and they were both BFN. AF is due tomorrow so getting a bit anxious.

@Rach_mama- How are you feeling today? Are you getting close to testing?

Sending & your way.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, I am still about 4 days out from testing early my af is due on the 15th. Im anxious too... but today is the big day! You going to test again today? Or wait and see if ar shows today, then test tomorrow?

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey girls, how're you both doing? I'm planning on testing Monday but I haven't got a test yet, or I'd be doing it early. Yesterday I thought symptoms had dipped a bit so I thought maybe it was all in my head but now I'm not sure again. Still felt heavy in the tummy and I couldn't stay awake this morning until 1:00pm even though I'd slept all night and gone to bed early. My boobs don't feel bigger or hard but they ache at the side especially if I get knocked (my youngest has been jumping on me) If I get a BFP then it would be my 7th confirmed pregnancy, sixth baby so my boobs have already gone through the mill and the last few pregnancies they didn't ache or go hard/full at all. I'm a petite girl though and monthly bloating has been something I've noticed more since August with only BFNs. Heavy bleeding has always been the norm and with all the pregnancy symptoms I had but still getting BFNs I went to the DR and was given medication for heavy bleeding. Last AF was a dream, I can't believe I waited so long but it means that if I were to have AF then a lighter flow would be expected as well so I can't judge on that. I haven't had any bleeding yet (I'm not due to until Monday) but based on other symptoms, they were all strongest around 8/9/10dpo and have since eased off a little which still makes a BFP possible. I'm now 12dpo.

6 years ago

Started spotting late this evening. BBT dropped to 97.9 so knew that was a dead give away that there is a possibility that I may be out. I'm not sad and I am okay with that as it is what it is. Keep me posted on how things are going for you. Sending sticky vibes your way.

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6 years ago

:( x maybe next time.

6 years ago

What a great positive attitude... I dont know if ur religious, but if so, when its time, God will make it happen. Wish you all the best. Im 9dpo, and still waiting :( not really having any signs, so i havent really been thinking too much about it. Just waiting to see if af shows her face. I will keep you posted.

6 years ago • Post starter

any news rach_mama?

6 years ago • Post starter

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