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How is everyone feeling in early pregnancy? :)

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I have to say I am feeling pretty great! 5 weeks, and not a lick of morning sickness as of yet. I do have a tad bit of cramping and bloating. Ugh. lol. How is everyone else feeling!? :)

46 Replies • 12 years ago



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Hi ladies Im nearly 6 weeks and am feeling great :) Have a very strange warm, calm feeling all over my body. is very strange but lovely! :)
Very sore sensitive bbs, huge waves of nausea in the evenings, feel quite bloated, very vivid dreams, and a few cramps every now and then. Also I get a strange pain, well not a pain more like a bit of an ache, its hard to describe, feels a bit like someones kicked me between the legs, sorry TMI but its a tricky one to try to describe! lol!

Sending you all lots of

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12 years ago

I would like to join. I am currently 4weeks and 4 days. Inam feeling good so far. I have sore and full boobs, bloated, gas, constipation (slightly), increased appetite, thirsty, frequent urination, stuffy nose.

Me + DH= 7/25/09, DD 9/28/12 TTC#2!! My Ovulation Chart

12 years ago

Im 4 weeks and 5 days and I feel pretty good thus far *knocks on wood* The only symptoms I have are mild cramping here and there, SEVERE gas (OMG), sore nips, and heaviness/bloating in uterus..other than that Im super excited! Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 9 months!

User Image Jan 22 -

12 years ago

Hey ladies..

I thought I was in the clear on being sick too...but around week 7 it really started to kick in...I am week 11 and I still get it but only on occasion now... some women get lucky and dont get it at all and others experience nausea and sickness all day every day...

ultimately its your bodies decision how you will react to being preggo...

hopefully you wont have to go through that!

sticky dust

-Bec- June to November 2011 December 2011...!!!! User Image

12 years ago


I hope I don't get morning sickness! When I was pregnant with my son, I didn't have any symptoms whatsoever except for incredibly sore cramping, bloating, nothing! Since I am experiencing the bloat, gas, and cramping with THIS pregnancy, Im pretty sure I may get morning sickness soon :-( It's so funny how each pregnancy is different!

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User Image Jan 22 -

12 years ago

Hey ladies! I found out I was preggos a week ago, but i'm only 4 weeks. For whatever reason, I tested positive really early this time.

I'm feeling pretty good as well. Was having some brief headaches, but those seem to have stopped. Just thirsty, bloated, slightly sore nips, and the cramping that comes and goes. It's crazy, but I actually want morning sickness. I didn't have it with my MC, and I feel like that was a sign something was wrong, even though everyone tells me that isn't the case. I think i'll just feel better if I start feeling nauseus!

12 years ago

wow I have not been here to update anyone in a while. I am 7 weeks now and i have had Nausea and MS since week 4. I went in two days ago for an u/s i was 6 weeks 5 days and they found TWO gestational sacs. Baby b they think will not make it however it appears at this time to be a vanishing twin. but I find out more on Feb. 1st. Because even though sac b was empty i have an and I quote from the doctors "wow you have a tilted uterus, titled much more extreme than most" so there is a chance baby b is hiding. Soooo that is why I have been all kinds of sick since week 4 and why my HCG levels have always been higher... but.. they make me DOUBLY sick. heh.

Last night was a rough night. Each time I moved to do ANYTHING i would get sick. Got up to finish laundry.. got sick. Got up let out the dogs. Got sick. Got up to feed the dogs.. Got sick.... it was just one of those nights. *sigh* I have been given zofran but that does not always work. They have found ketones in my urine so I was diagnosed with Hyperemesis gravidarum which is not uncommonly seen in twins. Anyways Baby A is looking great measuring a day or two ahead of schedule with a nice lookin ticker. :)

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12 years ago

Hey knicole27! I have my fingers crossed that baby B is in there and just hiding! I actually went to the doctor's today for my first ultrasound. Although I am only 4 weeks, they wanted to see me early because I had a short cervix with my son. They couldn't really see anything obviously, but the technician noticed a sac with 2 black dots inside that she "thinks" may be twins! I know it's way too early to confirm that, but I can't help but be super excited at this point. Now I have to wait until Feb 7 to find out for sure...

User Image Jan 22 -

12 years ago

Will be 8 weeks Thursday and I'm already having to unbutton my pants when I sit!

Nausea started last week, but vomiting began this week. Nausea has made it hard to find something "appetizing" to eat, to finish an entire serving and to keep it down!

I also can't stand loud noises right now. But other than that, very happy for my first OB appt this week! : )

12 years ago

no nausea yet for me. I'm a little less than 5 weeks. lots of gas (fun) and sore bbs... that's about it for now.. I'm hoping this is all normal!

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12 years ago

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