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May 2017 Babies

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Hey Everyone! Last month was my first month TTC, after one month of NTNP, both of which ended with AF. So now, on TTC Cycle 2, I have an EDD of May 2, 2017, so I thought I'd start a May 2017 forum.

My FW is next weekend, which will be a bit strange because I will be visiting my parents for my birthday. I'm sure DH and I will make it work though.

Who else is hoping April Showers bring May....babies?

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103 Replies • 7 years ago



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So since we BD every fertile day last month and didn't get a BFP, I decided to buy PH strips to see if the "environment" was healthy. My CM came back extremely acidic, so it probably killed all the sperm within 2 hours.

So this month we're going to try SMEP, but I'm also using baking soda to try and alkalize my CM so it's easier for the sperm to survive. While it's only my second cycle TTC, I love science and research and feel like, why not something that might help.

Today is my 27th birthday, and growing up, I definitely thought I'd have kids by now, but I'm hoping I get a BFP as a late birthday present this month.

Welcome Margie!

Any new symptoms Lucky?

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7 years ago • Post starter

Overthinker- how are you? I really don't have any new symptoms just cramping at times. My bbt did drop yesterday which I'm hoping is a good sign, but the same thing happened last month and another is 6dpo so still super early! I'm 36, will be 37 next month, and thought for sure I'd have kids by now as well..I know it's going to happen soon!!!

7 years ago

I'm doing okay! Today is CD 13, and my temps are still all over the place.

But yesterday I got my first smiley on a digital OPK, so DTD last night and plan to tonight as well.

Two months ago, I think I ovulated CD 15, and CD 14 last month.

If I got the postiive OPK yesterday then O should happen yesterday, today or tomorrow right? I had a negative OPK on Friday after work, so if my surge started after that I don't think I've missed O.

Just wish my temps weren't so spastic.

Literally looks like a mountain range. 97.63 on Friday, 97.27 on Saturday, and 97.91 this morning. I don't get it. My temps last cycle were so steady... I don't know if I'll even be able to detect O on my chart. Guess I'll just wait for the red cross hairs on FF.

Oh well. How are you guys doing?

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7 years ago • Post starter

Overthinker- if you got a positive yesterday I think it's usually 12-36 hours is 8dpo for me and no new signs or symptoms. I'm just hoping this week flies by! I will probably start testing midweek.

7 years ago

Hey all,

Just checking in today.

Man, I've been watching the Olympics LIKE CRAZY. It's just fascinating. Wish I could be off work for two weeks just to watch it all day, every day.

Well, I'm about 6-7 days away from O'ing this month.

In the meantime since my period, I started a low calorie/low carb diet. Yesterday was 1 week and I lost.....6.8 lbs!

I know most of that HAD to be water weight, but it was still so nice to see those results on the scale.

So I'm plugging away at that while DH is working on his smoking cessation. He's down to 6-7 cigs a day when he was smoking an entire pack every 24 hours.

We're waiting to get his blood work back. The urologist sent him to get some done to check his testosterone and other levels. He also recommended an additional sperm test, and that it usually takes two before a doc will make a diagnosis about infertility issues.

I'm really hopeful that the changes he has made with smoking (plus taking his male FertilAid) that we'll have success in the next few months.

Other than that, ready for ovulation next week :) Hope everyone's doing well.

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7 years ago

Congrats on the weight loss and life changes! The olympics are awesome!! I would love to sit in front of the tv and watch them all day, they make me want to get my butt in shape lol!
Good luck with all the testing, hope the news is good for you!

7 years ago

Well, heard from the urologist yesterday.

Unfortunately, it wasn't the best news.

DH's blood work showed below normal levels of testosterone.

Docs wants him to start taking Clomid, twice a day, for 3 months. I have no idea how much this Rx is, so I have to find that out today.

My stomach sort of dropped when I heard the results. For once I wanted a test to come back and be fine. For once I said, "why can't ONE of these things be MY fault?"

I just know DH gets overwhelmed with these sorts of results, and I didn't want to add another thing on top of it. Plus, it's not a great time at work for him right now.

I got a little emotional on my drive home knowing I would need to go ahead and tell him.

Much to my comfort, he took things REALLY well. He's all in. He's willing to take the Clomid, and really didn't take things too seriously. Hopefully it will help us conceive and help his sex drive.

I've noticed for a while now that he really doesn't have too much of a sex drive, so I'm sure the lower T could be to blame.

So.... we're just coasting at this point. I ovulate early next week, and I'm going to get him started on his Clomid. In the meantime, we're just going to enjoy each other while it's still just us to worry about, and continue to get our finances together, my weight down for good measure, etc.

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7 years ago

WhatWill, I'm sorry to hear about the T levels. My DH also has a low sex-drive, and not much facial hair at all, so I'm thinking his may also be low. It will take a few more cycles of TTC before I think I could convince him to get tested.

This morning my temp shot back up to 98.39 after a random dip yesterday. Like I said, I think it was a combination of sleeping with the windows open and fan on and waking up to a 60 degree bedroom. So based on that temp being a fluke I'm 4DPO today, and am trying to be hopeful but guarded. I'd love for this month to be the month, but I say that every month.

The weird thing is, because I ovulated on CD 12, Fertility Friend adjusted my expected cycle length to only 26 days. Usually I'm 29-30 day cycles, so I don't know how realistic that is, but it does mean that I can test around August 21st instead of August 26th.

I'm heading to Chicago this weekend for my birthday present from my husband. I'm seeing a Broadway show and going to a nice dinner. Usually, I might have a glass of champagne or wine at dinner, but I'm not sure I will. Though I know that one glass isn't truly a big deal.

to everyone waiting for O.

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7 years ago • Post starter

Hey Ladies!
Came to sit in with you! Im on CD 15. I thought today would be O day but Im pretty sure it was yesterday (CD 14) so DH & I DTD. He's treating it like the Olympics. He's pretty pumped to be a dad again, so its fun for now until i go crazy the week before AF is expected to arrive. So we have a while before testing, but the (H)EDD would be May 3,2017.

7 years ago

Hey ladies!!


I am cd 25 today and having a bunch of different things happening.

I think I ovulated 9 days ago

Symtoms today: Back pack ( had for few days now), bloating ( for a few days now), super tired (2 days now), broke out on face book and arm ( I never get acne), watery cm...last few days was sticky white cm, not as hungry seems I am hungry all the time but when I eat I lose my appetite things don't seem to taste good to me right now, gassy, a little constipated, irratible for no reason lately, cramping a little.

I have been checking my cervix for 2 months and always low and now it is high and soft. Not sure what I am looking for but hopefully the change means it is possible I will be getting a BFP soon.

So glad for these forums. Good luck ladies!

7 years ago

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