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Looking for a Cycle Buddy!!

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Heyy ladies!! I am approximately 7-9 DPO.. You might as well say 8 DPO to meet in the middle. AF is due Friday. Is there anyone else who is on the same DPO and cycle? We don't want to be alone you know, lol..

41 Replies • 10 years ago



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Alice & Claire:

So I totally craved this morning. I wasn't going to test again until Tuesday. I had to recalculate my cycle as well. AF is due some time near Thursday. I took a CB digital. It was so tempting because I've had faint positives, plus they were in my bathroom! It said not pregnant. Sooo, I think I'm out this month.

However, I was reading that longer cycles, 35+ days, shouldn't test until day 38+. I'm only on day 32. Should I give up hope just yet because of the digital? They are pretty accurate! Or just see if AF even shows by Thursday? I pray that the digital is wrong because it's 4 days before AF. My nipples are still super sensitive, body aches, icky stomach and cramps galore!!

Fingers are still crosses and praying!!


10 years ago • Post starter

Hi Kendra!

It sounds like the outcome of the test is not reliable due to early testing, so I'm guessing you're not out yet! As long as AF hasn't shown up yet, there is hope! :-) If AF doesn't show up by thursday, I would definitely do another test!

I keep my fingers crossed for both of you!!!

Best luck!!!


10 years ago

Hi kendra/ alice

Kendra i think the CB digitals are not sensitive enough , i think ive read somewhere that they are 50ml
Ive seen so many bad reviews about CB in general.

When i cave and poas i tend to stick with red dye, ive also just bought some internet cheapies, 10ml. As they all add up to a fortune lol.

Today my cm has a light brown tinge through it, and is like EW so i know af will be here by the morning. I am getting to know my body so well.

Alice my cycles 29 days pretty much all the time now. I get my positive opk at cycle day 14, think i ovulate 15 then 14 day luteal phase.
Must be so much harder for you having a longer cycle.

I dont know if pre seed will make any difference for us, i dont have any problems well i dont believe i have, but i am willing to try anything to help. Ive read kiwi fruits also good, haha and guess what
I have stocked up in my fridge :))

Anyway ladies i hope we all get lucky soon!!
Claire x

10 years ago

Hi Claire!

I'm thinking about getting some cheap tests as well, cause now I don't dare to use my tests before AF is due...

Same story here about the cm... And I'm also expecting AF in the morning... But I'm still hoping a little bit that it won't happen, and that this old blood turns out to be IB... Although I know the chance is small... I'm hoping the same for you, I've read some similar stories, but I guess I only remember the good stories :-s Should probably stop doing that :-p

My LP is 13,5 days (yes, a half :-p), but the ovulation was at cycle day 22 this month. But I guess I cannot complain, at least it's regular :-s 29 days, that's very close to the ideal 28! That's good news!

Maybe I should consider the pre seed as well. If kiwis are good, I know what I'm going to buy next time in the store! :-)

Good luck, ladies, my thumbs are up!!!


10 years ago

Hey ladies!!

Well i thought af would have shown by now, but nothing yet.

Alice any update?

Im hoping ive timed everything right this month, and that af doesnt show today which would make me 1 day late !! Fingers x'd

Claire x

10 years ago


AF hasn't shown up for me yet neither. I'm giving it until Thursday before I totally start wondering. Took a test this morning.. Nothing!

Still keeping fingers crossed!!


10 years ago • Post starter

Hi kendra!!

Same here took a test this morning- BFN whiter than white .. So gutted.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you hun.

I must have gotten my ovulation wrong this month, as my LP is always 14 days.

Claire x

10 years ago

Hi Claire and Kendra!

This is sooo weird!! My AF also didn't show up yet! I expected it this morning, but now it's late afternoon (almost 6pm) and nothing yet (except for the brown spotting). So I also took a test (but in the late afternoon) and, you can guess it by now: negative. Whiter than white, just as you describe, Claire! I guess I'm also late by now... Although a half day probably doesn't count, and my cycle could just be less regular than I thought...

Now I'm doubting whether, if AF doesn't show up by tomorrow morning, I should test again, or wait another 2 days instead... What are you going to do, Claire?

And if AF does show up, I guess I should use a longer LP in my calculations for next month. The downside is that that would imply an even longer cycle :-s

I'm really hoping for all of us!!! Fingers crossed!!!

Best of luck!!!


10 years ago

Cant believe all 3 of us are still awaiting the evil witch!!

I am def going to test in the morning, im so frustrated with my body this month. Just when i think i have gotten in tune with it, this happens lol.

Do you think you will test tomorrow??
I got my IC's not sure how reliable they actually are, but given then fact that i have no af/preg symptoms what so ever im guessing its a true negative :(

My fingers are crossed for all 3 of us!!

Claire x

10 years ago


I am a POAS addict lol.. I have been testing since 7 DPO!! I haven't been cramping as much today and my nipples aren't as sore neither. However, my stomach have been feeling icky all day. I have no idea what's going on now.

Fingers still crossed!!


10 years ago • Post starter

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