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Looking for ladies in their 40's TTC

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Hello :)
I was wondering if they are any ladies out there in their 40's ttc. Please add me as a friend and we can support each other along the way.
I'm trying for another child but have had a few losses along the way but not ready to give up just yet, not while I know they're still some eggs just waiting to be caught!
and to every single one of you out there!

583 Replies • 10 years ago



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To all -
I am fairly certain that AF will be here soon, as I have the pre- spotting that usually happens a couple days before she arrives. My pregnancy in January of this year came after having given up trying to conceive since last July. I think that I need to acknowledge that it just may not be meant to be.
I'm going to log off the boards, but wish you all the best in your journey. May you all get those BFP's and sticky beans that have eluded me.

10 years ago

Hello ladies, hope you're all doing great. Hi Pix, I don't know why I never got a notification of your post but just seen it now. Please don't give up hope. You can't. We're all in the same boat and we'll get oir BFP's soon. It's only a mayyer of time. I know sometimes it seems difficult but we carry on. I'm on CD17 aftermy natural mc a few weeks ago and got my first positive opk today yay me. It feels good to know my body has gone back to normal so quickly as the surge is a few days later than normal but I'm ok with that.
I hope everyone is doing ok. Let's keep each other going. Baby dust to us all. X

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi everyone... I'm 44 and TTC. I'm on my 7th cycle trying and do temp charting, cm checking and OPK's. Just havent got the BD timing to work out until last month and working on this month. Found out DH was seeing as more of a job and that was causing too much stress. So now I dont really tell him and just throw on the mini skirts etc when it's time. LOL Been working so far. I'm on cd10 waiting to O anytime. I got a negative OPK tonight so I'm thinking tomorrow night.

This will be my 5th but 1st with my DH :)

FX'd everyone!

10 years ago

hi all. ni to find other ladies of AMA out there! I am 42 and BF and I are trying for our first. we got pregnant last august but sadly lost our little angel Michael Feb 4 2014 at 24 weeks

I just yesterday got a very faint positive at approx. 12dpo cycles were always so short and the clomid helped its very hard to say when AF was due.
I'm CD30 right now .. Dr test said negative .. mine (1st response & clear blue) say faint positive AND inhad crampingand spotting today. So I have no clue what is going on! did bloodwork today and go back at 5:30 tonight to find out .. fingers crossed not just for me but for all of you too!

10 years ago

Hi ctymom, I had a little chuckle when you said you throw on the mini skirts and it's time, way to go girl! :D , I'd do the same that's for sure! I got my first positive opk yesterday after my mc this month and it's still positive today as well so hopefully I O tomorrow or tonight even. I wish you the best of luck and hope you and your DH get to share your first baby together.

Hi Mattyssmom, so sorry about your loss, I can't imagine how that must have felt, too devastating . It's nice to know that you're trying again and being optimistic about the future. It sounds promising about your tests, from what I gather the doctors tests are not as sensitive as the Frer;s so hopefully you get your definite today or tomorrow, please keep us updated.
Yes fingers crossed for you and everyone one of us. I'm happy I found this site and this forum. By the way what is AMA?

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi, I just turned 43 and am trying for the first time. I always thought I'd missed the boat (single for the past 7 years!). I've recently met somebody who really wants a baby and it turns out so do I!

We tried in March, just once, but it turned out it was the day after I ovulated so I'm not surprised it didn't work.

Same as April. Tried only on ovulation day and a few days after that.

I did some reading over the past few days and realised I should be trying in the six days leading up to ovulation.

Well, we did that last week!! Fingers crossed it took this time.

I'm trying so hard not to let my age get me down and let me get into a negative head space!

10 years ago

mattysmom... congrats on your positive! H&H 9 months to you! =)

I ovulated on cd10 and today on 2dpo. I'm not symptom watching this cycle. Well, at least that's what I'm telling myself anyway. lol The TWW drives me batty month after month. I'm hoping this is it. We got a couple great BD's in so my FX'd!

SydneyNat.... welcome to the group! I wish you the best and a short journey to your BFP!!

10 years ago

Hi SydneyNat, welcome to ttc in our 40's. Do you use ovulation kits? I think they're very useful when you don't have much time like us ladies. I don't chart my temp because I'd find that too stressful I think but opk's I love doing and it will give you a better idea when to make love. Every 2 days during your fertile week can work. It's best to try just before ovulation and on the day of ovulation to be sure. Good luck with this cycle and hope you get your . Same as all the other ladies here.
Any news on those tests Mattyssmom?
Cytmom yes the tww is a nightmare and you should try not to symptom track , I know easier said than done

10 years ago • Post starter

Hi OneMoreBaby,

I am using an OPK, but I'm a bit confused on how they work. When you get the two lines, does that mean you are ovulating that day? Shouldn't I be having sex leading up to that day?

It's all so confusing. I never realised till now how small the window in which you can fall pregnant really is!

10 years ago

The two lines have to be the same darkness or darker to be a positive OPK. Once you get that, you will ovulate anywhere between 12-36 hours. Once you have a general idea when you ovulate, you would BD every other day up to your positive OPK and every day until your temp rises and you ovulate. Or BD every other day up to a couple days after your positive OPK. It helps to temp so you can verify when you ovulate b/c you will have a temp rise the next morning.

When you test with the OPK and the second line is lighter than the control line, it's negative.

Hope this helps and I didnt confuse you further. lol

10 years ago

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